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Does Thuja Work For Dog Warts? Is It Safe For Dogs?

Thuja For Dog Warts

Your pup has recently been diagnosed with warts.

It’s those growths that look like cauliflower.

In some cases, their body can resolve it on its own.

However, there are still risks. That’s why you have to look at all the options available for your pooch…

So, how about using Thuja?

Read on to discover:

  • The proper dosage of Thuja for dog warts.
  • 5 side effects of using Thuja on your canine’s warts.
  • How long does Thuja take to work against warts on dogs.
  • 5 reminders to note when applying Thuja on your dog’s warts.
  • And much, much, more…

Does Thuja work for dog warts?

Thuja works for dog warts in proper concentrations and dosage. Evidence shows that its phytochemicals (plant extracts) are useful for clinical use. It’s rich in natural antimicrobials that can shrink warts. Then, it also has antiviral properties that kill the papillomavirus (cause of warts).

Thuja dosage for dogs warts

Thuja dosage for warts depends on the form of product you’ll be using. Moreover, it’s necessary to ask the advice of a veterinarian about this. That’s because a professional can give the proper dosage for your dog’s specific needs.

First things first, Thuja is commonly used in homeopathy.

What’s that?

It’s the practice of treating conditions using natural substances. Those include plants and minerals.

The remedies in homeopathy are widely-used. That’s because it’s an easy practice.

Moreover, homeopathic substances are non-toxic and gentle.

They’re also easy to administer to your pup.

Then, in homeopathy, doses aren’t expressed using metric systems like milligrams (mg).

So, what does it use?

In homeopathy, dosages are indicated through potency. That’s the maximum power that medicine has when given in minimum amounts.

Then, that’s expressed using ‘C,’ which stands for centesimal.

It’s a little complicated, isn’t it? Like, why can’t they just use the traditional metric measures?

Experts say that homeopathy believes in the ‘law of minimum doses.’

That notion assumes that the lower the dosage, the higher the efficacy.

That’s why the practice uses diluted substances.

Now, using the accustomed measures like mg doesn’t align with the aim of that law.

And that’s why potency is used instead.

“Then what’s the recommended potency of Thuja for dogs?”

The widely-used potency is Thuja 30C.

It’s commonly available through pellets.

According to experts, homeopathic products are usually produced that way. The substance is diluted, and sugar is added to become dissolvable pills.

A recommended example is this Boiron Thuja Occidentalis 30C Pellets.

Now, you’ll need to carefully read the product’s labels that you’ll be using. Read those to know the proper dosage or frequency of the medication for your dog.

Normally, the suggested number of pellets is 6 to 10 per day. Then, your fur baby should take those orally 20 minutes before each meal.

Moreover, I’m repeating that you must consult your dog’s veterinarian first. They can also help you give your canine the proper dosage of this medication.

How to use Thuja for dog warts?

To use Thuja for dog warts, you have 2 options available. It can either be through topical or oral medication. However, the latter’s more common than the former.

Thuja pellets

Thuja Pellets For Dog Warts

This type of Thuja medication works best for oral mucosal warts. Those are warts found in your dog’s mouth.

As I mentioned, you must give 6 to 10 pellets of Thuja 30C to your pooch daily.

When you’re giving this to your pooch, put it directly in their mouth. Make sure that that’s where you put it.

Doing so will make sure that the mucous membrane will absorb the medication. That’s the surface in your dog’s mouth that warts lie on.

If it’s hard to give this to your dog, you can dissolve it in their water. Make sure that they finish drinking the mixture.

Moreover, you have to use these pellets for a minimum of a week.

If it takes longer than that, you must consult your dog’s veterinarian. Tell them about your dog’s situation.

From there, they can recheck your dog’s warts to see if the case needs more attention.

How about if it works?

Then, you can both celebrate and remain mindful.

That’s because warts are known to grow back.

So, if your dog’s warts seem to heal before they finish their dose, don’t stop giving it. Continue the treatment as advised.

After their recommended treatment is done, that’s when you note down if it’s a success or not.

Then, continue observing their mouth if warts will grow back or not.

Topical Thuja

This Thuja medication comes in many forms, but it requires more effort. It’s available in the form of tinctures or dried leaves. Then, you can use those for warts on different parts of your dog’s body.

Yes, a dog’s mouth isn’t the only place that warts can affect.

According to PetMD, these are areas that warts can grow on your dog:

  • Around the eyes.
  • Between the toes.
  • On the back of their neck.

Those are common areas that warts can show. However, they can manifest almost anywhere on your dog’s skin.

With that, you have to use topical medications.

As I mentioned, you can use tinctures or dried leaves. 

The former is a ready-made herbal extract of Thuja. It’s made by soaking the Thuja in alcohol or vinegar.

As for the dried leaves, you can turn them into a tincture yourself.

Follow this easy formula that experts recommend:

All you have to do is soak the leaves in boiling water. About 8.5 oz (250 mL) is a fair amount to start. Leave it steeping for 10 to 15 minutes.

And, voila!

You have made your own Thuja tincture to put on your dog’s warts.

Now onto the next step: application.

Use a Q-tip in applying the tincture to the warts of your pooch. Do this twice a day.

However, it doesn’t stop there.

You have to be responsible and mindful of using this treatment. 

That’s why there are many reminders about using this remedy.

Things to note when using Thuja on your dog’s warts

Reminder #1: When you’re using a tincture, avoid applying it directly to your pooch’s eyes. 

The eyes are sensitive organs that are prone to irritation.

If contact occurs, immediately flush their eyes with water.

Reminder #2: Avoid applying it directly to damaged skin and open wounds.

Reminder #3: You must stop with this treatment if your pooch shows any irritations towards it.

After discontinuing, seek the advice of a vet.

Reminder #4: Never use Thuja on a pregnant dog.

That’s because Thuja is absorbed into your dog’s body. 

There is limited evidence on the effects of Thuja absorption in pregnant dogs. With that, there are no known consequences of Thuja affecting unborn puppies.

So, don’t take any chances. 

If you’re considering this remedy, check with your canine’s vet. They can suggest another remedy for your pregnant dog who has warts.

Reminder #5: Remember that warts might grow back after this remedy.

So far, there’s not enough evidence for the permanence of this practice.

If your pup’s warts go back, you can use this approach again. You can also consider other options, which I’ll discuss further in the article.

How long does Thuja take to work on dogs?

Thuja can take 1 to 2 weeks to work on dogs. However, that’s only based on limited scientific proof. Sometimes, dog parents report that Thuja can take up to 3 to 4 weeks to work on dogs.

Thuja is a widely-used homeopathic treatment for warts. It’s recognized because it’s effective in most cases.

You can either use oral or topical Thuja 30C on your dog.

Within a week of using it, you may start seeing signs of improvement.

You’ll notice that their warts are shrinking.

Then, further progress will depend on the size of their warts.

In this research, 16 dogs with oral warts are studied.

Then, those dogs are split into 2 groups.

Subject groupTreatment received
Homeopathic groupThe dogs received a homeopathic combination of drugs. Thuja was included in that treatment.
Placebo groupThe dogs only received distilled water.

This experiment is done for 15 days. However, the clinical evaluation for this is stretched out for a year.

Here are the results of this year-long experiment

Subject groupResults from treatment received
Homeopathic groupThe dogs’ warts started to regress between 7to 15 days. During the year-long evaluation, no wart recurrence is recorded for all dogs.
Placebo groupRegression of the dogs’ warts only started between 90 to 150 days.

Despite this data, dog parents still report a few delays.

It can take up to 3 weeks for Thuja treatment to work in some cases. 

Like in this study with cows. Complete recovery from warts is achieved after 3 weeks of being treated. 

Researchers put 10 drops of Thuja 30C on the warts of those cows twice daily.

Going back to dogs…

Other times, dog parents inform us that it can stretch up to a month.

However, as I said, it depends on the size of their warts.

So, during this healing process, you must practice some precautions. 

That’s because treatment isn’t the only thing you should be focusing on in this issue.

Things to remember when your dog has warts

To do #1: Keep your pooch safe as much as possible.

What I mean is don’t let them get any injuries when they have warts.

That’s because injury might cause trauma to warts. With that, they’ll start to bleed.

If that happens, the warts are put at risk of becoming infected.

To do #2: Make it easier for your pooch with oral warts.

Why and how so?

Warts don’t usually cause any pain.

However, if they’re located in the mouth, they can be a disruption.

With that, your pooch might have trouble with breathing and swallowing.

So, make it easy for them.

You can do so by feeding them soft foods. You can soak their dry kibble or opt for wet canned food.

Note: Make this adjustment gradually. A sudden change in your dog’s diet can cause problems in their stomach. With that, you’re bound to endure sudden stinky farts from your dog.

To do #3: Don’t be surprised if your dog becomes lazy when they have warts.

That can especially happen if their warts are on their legs.

As mentioned, warts aren’t painful. However, they can be uncomfortable.

With that, your pooch would have trouble doing the following:

  • Playing.
  • Walking.
  • Going to potty breaks.

To do #4: Warts are caused by something called papillomavirus. That means it’s viral. (To be further discussed in the article)

With that, your pooch can affect other dogs with their warts.

Your canine can transfer it through interactions or sharing of chew toys.

So, make sure to wash your dog’s toys regularly. If possible, don’t share their toys with other dogs for a while.

To do #5: Since it’s viral, your pooch should avoid interactions for a while.

So, sorry, Fido, but the dog park’s off-limits for now…

If you have many dogs in the house, separate your pup with warts from them, too.

Thuja for dogs – 5 side effects

#1: Skin irritations

Dog Skin Irritation

Some treatments aren’t for everyone…

That’s why your pooch might react differently to their Thuja medication.

Skin irritations can occur if your dog’s skin is sensitive.

PetMD says this incident is called contact dermatitis. An irritant causes it.

In this case, it’s your dog’s Thuja medication for their warts.

Here are the signs of contact dermatitis in dogs:

  • Bumps.
  • Rashes.
  • Swelling on the skin.
  • Constant itching and scratching.

So, make sure that your dog doesn’t have sensitive skin first.

“How can I check?”

It’ll be easy to do so…

You can identify it by just looking at your pooch.

Vets say these are the signs that your pooch has sensitive skin:

  • Hair loss.
  • Excessive scratching.
  • Dry patches on their skin.

Don’t proceed with Thuja treatment if you see these signs on your dog. That’s because it might cause more inconvenience in the long run.

You might have solved the warts issue, but now, you have to deal with skin problems in your dog.

Moreover, sensitive skin is caused by the following:

  • Diet.
  • Allergies.
  • Parasites.
  • Dry environment. 
  • Seasonal sensitivity. This means that a change in weather can cause skin problems in your pooch.

For further reading: Help, My Dog Is Constantly Scratching And Biting Himself!

#2: Reverse sneezing

Every dog parent knows it…

Your canine’s sense of smell is way more powerful than your ability…

But, it isn’t a perfect power in dogs.

Their noses are more sensitive since your pooch can smell so much better than you.

To be specific, AKC gives us a number for how much…

A dog’s nose is 100,000 times more sensitive than humans’.

Now, Thuja might smell good for you…

However, there are instances where its odor can be overpowering for your pooch.

That’s why dog parents report reverse sneezing on their dogs. They say that it happens when they apply topical Thuja to Fido…

According to VCA Hospitals, irritation on the nose can cause reverse sneezing on dogs.

Thuja can be an irritant in amounts more than it’s needed to.

With that, you have to be mindful of the volume of topical Thuja that you apply to your pooch.

Yes, reverse sneezing might not be harmful and bring no ill effects…

However, such a thing can cause disruption and discomfort to your pooch.

Read also: 9 Odd Reasons Why Your Dog Sneezes In The Morning + 5 Tips

#3: Risk of overdose

Thuja is a safe treatment in moderation…

If you give your pooch large amounts of Thuja, that can cause an overdose.

That’s why I repeat that you must consult a vet first. They’re going to tell you the proper dosage and administration of this medication.

If Thuja is given in large amounts, it can irritate your pooch’s stomach.

Experts say that it can bring about:

  • Nausea.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Being uneasy.

Then extreme overdose can cause seizures and even death.

#4: Intoxication

You must check your dog’s Thuja medication if it has large amounts of thujone.

What’s that?

It’s a chemical that can be found in Thuja.

Then, if that’s ingested, it can cause critical reactions in your pooch.

Professionals warn us about the risks of thujone. Those are:

  • Asthma.
  • Seizures.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • In severe cases, death.
  • Liver and kidney damage.

Moreover, the chemical is also hallucinogenic. It’s present in the liquor absinthe and can cause mental deterioration.

#5: Makes conditions worse

I’m not talking about how Thuja can make your dog’s wart worse…

I’m referring to an already-existing condition that your canine’s facing.

Thuja might contribute badly to your dog’s other ailments.

Some examples are if your pooch has diabetes or poor blood circulation.

Moreover, it might not be best to use this when your pooch is under other medications.

That’s why, yet again, I remind you to consult their vet first. They’ll assess if your pooch is allowed to be treated using Thuja. That along with their initial medications.

What is the best way to remove dog warts?

The best way to remove a dog’s warts is the one that a veterinarian recommends. The treatment can be homeopathic using Thuja 30C. Warts can be removed with minor surgery, acid, or laser in some cases.

First, what are warts in dogs?

According to PetMD, any dog can get warts.

However, it’s more common in puppies. That’s because young dogs are still weak and more prone to diseases.

With that logic, immunosuppressed dogs are also predisposed to this.

Then finally, senior canines are vulnerable to warts, too. That’s due to the immune system wearing out with age.

Why does the immune system play such a large part?

It’s because the papillomavirus causes warts.

VCA Hospital says that the virus injects itself into your dog’s cells. It then causes an overdrive…

It increases the frequency of your dog’s cell division process. Hence, the overgrowth of warts…

Here’s how your pooch might have gotten their warts:

  • Sharing of toys.
  • ‘Kissing’ another canine with warts.
  • Drinking or eating from another dog’s (with warts) bowl.

Your pooch can also pick the virus up.

If a dog with warts on their paws walks on the pavement, they can leave the infection there. 

When your pup walks on the same pavement, they can catch the virus and develop warts.

After all, the papillomavirus can survive for long periods, even without a host.

Now, to its treatment…

Sometimes, warts can be gone on their own.

That can happen when your dog’s immune system becomes stronger. Their body will deal with the problem itself, and it’s goodbye warts…

However, if that doesn’t happen, then your intervention is needed.

You can use a homeopathic approach using Thuja 30C.

It’s been deemed effective by many dog parents. Results of this treatment have startled veterinarians with its efficacy, too.

You can administer this treatment orally or topically.

After a week, you should see progress. Your fur baby’s warts should start sinking.

It can be gone after 2 to 4 weeks. For larger warts, the time might be longer.

Note: You must have the approval of a veterinarian before using Thuja as a treatment. That’s necessary as you must know the proper dosage of Thuja for your dog.

Want to consider other options for your fur baby?

Many are available for your pooch. Namely:

  • Acids.
  • Minor surgery.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Peeling medicines.
  • Freezing (cryotherapy).

However, those options can be painful for your dog.

You should also note that warts can go back. That can happen if your dog continues to have a weak immune system.

With that, your dog’s pain might be in vain.

That’s why a holistic treatment like Thuja might be a better alternative. It’s convenient and cons-effective.

Only you would need a veterinarian’s opinion before proceeding.