Sometimes it feels like our efforts for our dog go in vain.
You bought the best bed for your dog only to see them sneaking into the bathroom.
The reason?
Now you’re thinking, “What’s happening?”
This article will help you find out.
Keep on reading to learn:
- The consequences of letting your dog sleep there.
- 3 tips on what to do if your dog sleeps in the bathroom.
- 7 interesting reasons why your dog chooses the bathroom as their sleeping place.
- And many more…
Table of contents
Why does my dog sleep in the bathroom?
Your dog sleeps in the bathroom because of the cold floor. The bed might not also be the right size, and it doesn’t fit them. Your dog could have separation anxiety which makes them follow you in the shower. Loud noises also trigger them to go to the bathroom for safety.
7 reasons why your dog sleeps in the bathroom
#1: Your dog likes the cold floor in the bathroom
Does your dog sleep on the bathroom floor during hot weather?
During the hot months, your dog would prefer to lie on a cold and hard surface over their bed.
And the bathroom floor is ideal because it provides relief from the heat.
“How about the dog bed I’ve bought?”
They don’t pay attention to it at one moment, but they’d use it when they need it.
During the summertime, the bed holds in excess heat. This makes your dog feel warmer. At some point, it might become unbearable.
So they go into the bathroom.
You might also want to know: Why Is My Dog Suddenly Sleeping On The Floor? 7 Real Reasons
#2: Your dog has separation anxiety
You might find it adorable when your pup follows you in the bathroom. Regardless if you’re taking a shower or having a potty break.
You’re grateful for the pawed companion that recognizes you as their parent.
Though, it’s a different story when they show signs of separation anxiety. Separation anxiety triggers your dog to follow you from room to room.
Everywhere including your bathroom.
They have this when they feel a sense of vulnerability when you’re not around. That’s because they’re too dependent on you.
According to RSPCA, 8 out of 10 dogs find it difficult to cope when left alone.
This explains why your anxious dog would stay by your side until you finish using the bathroom.
Sometimes they’d even fall asleep if waiting for you takes too long.
Read more: Why Does My Dog All Of A Sudden Have (Separation) Anxiety?
#3: Your dog’s bed doesn’t fit

The best formula in choosing the perfect bed for your pooch?
Comfort + size.
When was the last time you bought their bed? Several years ago?
“Yes, my dog used to love their bed. Now it seems like my dog no longer wants to sleep in it.”
You might’ve bought the right size of bed for your fur baby a few years ago.
But now, they’ve grown up and their bed has become too small for them.
The bed is restricting them from stretching.
They might be hanging off the edges of their bed. This makes them choose to sleep in another spot.
There are also breeds that are more sensitive to heat.
Such as:
- Bulldog.
- Chow chow.
- Greyhound.
- Springer Spaniel.
- Golden Retriever.
These dogs aren’t fans of hot weather.
A small-sized bed with a small room traps more heat. This makes these pooches more uncomfortable.
The combination of hot weather and warm bedding for these breeds is a no-no.
If you bought a dog bed that’s too small, they might seek out cooler flooring.
#4: Your dog’s bed’s not comfortable
Okay. You bought the correct size. But they’re still rejecting it and refuse to leave cold floors alone.
“Yeah, so what could be the problem?”
Well, let’s take humans, for example.
We have different preferences about the material of their beds. While some opt for soft and pulpy beds, others go for hard mattresses.
When it comes to comfort, our four-legged friends are no different.
They want a comfortable bed that allows them to have the best sleep.
They might not like how the material of the bed feels when they lie in it.
The bed might have an uncomfortable flat spot, or something in bed might be poking them.
It can be that the material makes your fur pet feel slippery or itchy. The padding might also be uncomfortable for their liking.
Discomfort from their bed drives them to sleep in other rooms, and your bathroom is no exception.
#5: Your dog likes the silence in the bathroom
Come to think of it, the bathroom is one of the quietest spots in the house.
It could be the reason why your pooch chooses to sleep in there. Rather than in their bed or in your room.
“But why?”
They’d do so to isolate themselves from the sound that frightens them.
Dogs have heightened senses when it comes to their hearing. Fear of noises is common among our fur friends, and they perceive these as a threat.
Fireworks and thunderstorms are the scariest sounds for our pawed companions. But indoor noises can also make them tremble.
For example, the sound of the furnace turning on can agitate them. Car alarms also make window frames rattle and send some fur pets jumping.
Read more: Can Dogs Die From Stress Of Fireworks? 9 Dangers + 7 Tips
#6: Your dog doesn’t want to sleep in other rooms
Do you have other pets in another room?
If so, your dog may not like to be in the same room as them.
The reason?
It could be that your pooch had minimal exposure to different environments when they were younger. They missed early socialization. As a result, they get easily scared and choose to retreat to another room.
Or there could be scents that overwhelm your dog there.
This could be air freshener, perfumes, or scented candles. These can cause respiratory irritation when your dog inhales them.
When they sense it, they’ll move away from the irritating fragrance.
What’s more, studies suggest that dogs devote lots of brainpower to interpreting scents. Their sense of smell is far better than that of humans.
Dogs can’t tell us what they don’t like in a room. Moving to another comfortable room which can be in the bathroom is how they respond.
#7: You’re encouraging the behavior

Have you ever played with your pooch in the bathroom?
Or made them learn certain commands there in exchange for a reward?
If so, your dog might think they’ll get more treats if they stay there.
I don’t blame you.
We like rewarding our dogs, especially when they’ve learned a command. It excites us when they’re mentally stimulated and notice that they’re acting smarter.
As for them…
Their hard work pays off and rewarding them motivates them to learn more.
But we should be careful to not give our dogs the wrong idea.
Another example: You might’ve given your dog some petting and stroking when they follow you in the bathroom.
All of the abovementioned actions from your side might make your dog think you want them there.
3 tips on what to do if your dog sleeps in the bathroom
#1: Get your dog the right bed
Your dog could choose the hard surfaces in the bathroom to lay on over their bed.
If you don’t want the behavior to become a habit, start inspecting the bed.
The bed might be too small or too big for their size. You also want to observe if the texture and material of the bed make them feel itchy or scrappy.
Try to get the bed that is right for their size. You can put some treats in it to attract them and see if there are changes.
You can use this chart as a basis for choosing the right bed.
Weight range | Bed size | Example breeds |
Up to 25 lbs (11 kg) | Small (24” x 18”) | Pugs, Shi Tzus, French Bulldogs, Dachshunds, Boston Terriers |
26-40 lbs (12-18 kg) | Medium (30” x 21”) | Beagles, Cavalier King, Sheepdogs, Charles Spaniels |
41-70 lbs (19-32 kg) | Large (36” x 23”) | Boxers, Corgis, Cocker Spaniels, Australian Shepherds, Basset Hounds |
71-90 lbs (32-41 kg) | Extra Large (42” x 28”) | Collies, German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Siberian Huskies, Labs, Rottweilers |
#2: Desensitize them to the noise that triggers their phobia
Have your fur pet in mind when using any sources of loud noise you found inside the house.
They’re sensitive to loud noises, and exposing them to any sources drives them away.
Hearing the intense sounds of your vacuum cleaner all over the place is a nightmare for your dog. They’d perceive the sound as a threat.
Due to fear, their paws would take them to the bathroom. In the hope to escape and block out the sound.
To desensitize your dog, set your electrical devices at a low volume. Make them feel there’s nothing to be afraid of. Or, you could simply play a YouTube video at a lower volume.
Give them treats and rewards when they keep calm. And gradually start increasing the sounds after your dog acts calm to the lower volume.
At some point, you’ll be able to do household chores without worrying about your dog being scared.
Be consistent with desensitizing your dog. That’s how they’ll learn that the sounds they were previously afraid of aren’t a threat.
#3: Limit your dog’s access to the bathroom
Shut the bathroom door when you’re not using it. As simple as that.
The cold floors in the bathroom are refreshing and comfortable for your pooch. No wonder they sleep in there.
But it could be a problem if your pooch spends too much time in the bathroom while you’re gone.
There would be more hair on the floors and in the bathtub. They might also start drinking from the toilet.
Closing the door while and when not in use will limit your dog’s access to the bathroom.
Hence, preventing them from sleeping on the floor or making a potential mess.
You can always move their bed to the coolest and most quiet area of the house. Follow the other mentioned tips to curb the behavior.
BONUS: Get your dog a cooling mat for the summer
During hot months, it’s important to keep your pooch as cool as possible. When you let your dog get too hot, it’ll affect their health and well-being. Overheating could lead to dehydration and even heat stroke.
A study concluded that heatstroke in dogs is a life-threatening condition. It also has a high mortality rate.
If your dog’s panting too much and showing unusual agitation, they might be getting uncomfortably hot.
But don’t worry. You can prevent the danger of overheating.
Cooling pads are designed to keep your pooch cool down in the summer. They absorb heat from your dog’s body.
People also ask:
Why does my dog like the bathroom?
Your dog likes the bathroom more because their bed isn’t comfortable to sleep in. They might have outgrown their bed, and they’re hanging off the edges.
You might’ve provided them a comfortable-looking (at least to you) bed. But your pooch can feel when the bed is not supporting its body enough.
Is it okay for dogs to sleep in the bathroom?

Sleeping on a hard surface such as bathroom floors can be damaging to a dog’s health. Especially when they’re old and susceptible to arthritis.
Even though your old dog looks comfortable laying on the bathroom floor, it can take a toll on their joints later on.
An orthopedic dog bed is safer to ease structural ailments and hip dysplasia.
Is your dog old? You should get one asap and train your four-legged companion to sleep in it.
Why is my dog lying on the bathroom floor?
Your dog likes lying on the bathroom floor to cool down.
Nights can be warm during hot summers, which keeps your pup awake. The bed can be too hot, and that’s why your dog sleeps in the bathroom at night.
Some dog breeds such as Pugs and Bulldogs have low tolerance to warm weather. The blazing heat during summer and the warm bed make it even worse for them.
Why does my dog lay in the bathroom when I shower?
Your dog lays in the bathroom when you shower due to separation anxiety. Dogs that have this condition would feel anxious and uncomfortable with your absence. They’d follow you from room to room.
It isn’t only in the bathroom where they follow you and wait until you finish your business.
You’ll know it’s separation anxiety when they’d try to prevent you from leaving by whining and barking.
They’d follow you wherever you go inside the house and would try to escape when you’re about to leave for work.
Why does my dog sleep in the bathtub?
Your dog sleeps in the bathtub because they feel safe in there. It’s about small spaces they can back themselves into to hide from the noise they find scary.
Noise phobia among dogs is common. The bathroom may be the most accessible area where they can hide.
You might’ve never heard of a pooch jumping in the bathtub for safety, but it can be the reason.
The bathroom is a quiet spot, and they’d try to isolate themselves from noises outside in the bathtub.
It could be fireworks or anything loud inside the house that dogs perceive as a threat.