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11 Reasons Why Your Husky Is So Lazy + 5 Tips To Change That

Why Is My Husky So Lazy

Are you one parent to a Husky who prefers to laze around the house? A fluffy snow dog who can sleep for hours and hours?

Sure, they eagerly come when it’s time for their walk and exercise.

But back home, they could win the title for the “World’s Laziest Husky”! 

They’d just chill and lay around most of the day.

“Why is my Husky so lazy?”

Keep reading to find out:

  • How your dog’s diet is making them act lazy.
  • What your own personality has to do with your Husky acting this way.
  • 5 serious reasons for your dog’s inactivity that need a vet’s assessment.
  • Environmental factors you need to take care of so your dog stops being lazy.
  • And so much more…

Why is my Husky so lazy?

Your Husky is lazy because of their own unique trait. Or they’re influenced by your laid-back personality or that of other dogs in the house. It can also be because of age, the environment, hot weather, and your dog’s diet. Plus, it may be a result of illness, depression, boredom, or castration.

Common situations:

11 reasons why your Husky is so lazy

#1: Owner’s personality

Your Personality Affects Your Husky's Laziness

Your Husky is attached greatly to you, the owner. So, they will be influenced mostly by your personality.

If you are the laid-back, quiet type, then it can translate to your fluffy pooch, as well. 

If you like to spend your days relaxing on the couch, or taking naps, your dog may also like to do the same.

According to research, a dog’s personality reflects that of its owner’s. Thus, your Husky reflects your personality, too.

You might even start looking alike. 

Thank goodness your dog is a handsome Husky!

So, when you don’t have an active personality, don’t worry too much. Your furball can also be adapting to the same lifestyle that you enjoy. 

#2: Unique trait

As they say, no 2 dogs are alike.

Take my friend’s Huskies, for example.

Her 2 adult males share the same house, the same kind of food and the same fur parents. But as identical as they are in every way, their personalities are as different as night and day.

One Husky is loud and very active. The other is a complete opposite: cool, aloof, and lazy as a sloth.

So, why are they this way?

The answer lies in their own unique traits.

While Huskies are naturally active, being working dogs, it is not uncommon for your snow dog to be lazy. 

That’s just how he is. 

And if there is no other sign or symptom that you should worry about, then it’s all okay.

#3: Influence of other dogs

Your personality can influence your Husky. But other dogs’ habits can also affect their behavior. If you have other dogs in the house that is.

Scientists explain that this act involves allelomimetic behaviors

These are group-coordinated behaviors. And these depend upon an inborn inclination for dogs to want to be with other dogs, to follow their lead and do the same thing.

So, if you have a lazy pooch around the house, chances are your Husky will take after them.

#4: Living environment

If you are having trouble with a lazy Husky, you might want to take a look at the surroundings.

Does your dog sleep in a cold or wet area?

Do they have enough opportunity to go to the toilet or outside?

Is there a space for play or exercise?

Do they feel safe in the house?

If you answered “no” to some of these questions, then that may be the reason why your Husky is acting lazy.

The RSCPA says that dogs need a suitable place to live. This will make them healthy and happy.

And by “a suitable place to live” they mean a warm, dry, clean and quiet place to rest. It also means having access to the toilet, a place for exercise and somewhere they feel safe.

Without these, your Husky may fall ill, become fearful and act listless.

#5: Age 

When you were younger, you were full of energy and very active. When you got older, your energy lessens and activity tends to slow down, too.

It’s the same with dogs.

As you might have noticed, Husky puppies are very eager and active. But when they reach their older years, their strength and stamina decrease.

According to VCA Hospitals, Huskies become senior dogs when they reach 8-10 years old.

This is all a normal part of life. And aging is a natural process.

So, if you think your Husky’s listlessness and preference to rest is being lazy, consider their age. They may be at the retiring age.

#6: Illness

Your Husky Might Be Suffering From An Illness

Sickness can meddle with your affairs. 

If you have plans to go out for dinner but you feel sick, dinner will have to wait until you get better.

This is the case for Huskies, too.

When they are suffering from a disease, they won’t be in their best state. And will refrain from spending their energy on certain activities. 

Thus, they will look lazy.

These are some of the most common health problems that Huskies can suffer from, according to Animal Health Center:

  • Cancer.
  • Obesity.
  • Parasites.
  • Heart disease.
  • Dental diseases.
  • Bleeding disorders.
  • Laryngeal paralysis.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Bacterial and viral infections.
  • Eye problems like cataracts and glaucoma.

Your Husky can feel under the weather because of any of the above sicknesses. And they will try to save their energy for the healing process.

#7: Boredom

Boredom causes a slump in the usually active life of Huskies. 

And Huskies are popular for their high levels of energy. After all, they are originally labor dogs.

So, when you fail to stimulate your eager canine, they can fall into a period of listlessness.

And if this kind of sedentary lifestyle continues, they will become inactive and lazy.

However, boredom can also lead to destructive behavior in canines. 

It is usually their initial reaction to being bored. Finding something fun or entertaining is normal for them.

But when it fails, they will start to become sluggish.

This commonly happens when fur parents forget to take their Huskies for exercise. Or they lack the physical stimulation to move. 

#8: Depression

Do dogs get depressed?

Research says they do. And it can be because of separation anxiety.

In fact, a study correlated the effects of dogs having a “secure base” to their mental and cognitive health.

This means that, like children, dogs need a secure base or someone they are attached to (their owner, for example) to feel motivated. Without it, they develop separation-related disorders.

And when left untreated, it can lead to depression.

Depression in dogs usually presents in inactiveness and withdrawal.

Thus, you Husky may look and act lazy.

#9: Hot weather

It is understandable to think that your Husky and summer is not a good fit. After all, your pooch is called a snow dog.

They are built for winter and snow. To quote Elsa, “the cold never bothered Huskies, anyway!”

However, Huskies can thrive in warmer weather as well as they do in colder ones. 

Their double coat functions to protect them in the cold. Then, it sheds during summer, in preparation for the increase in temperature.

But while this is true, dogs, in general, are susceptible to heat exhaustion. 

When their body temperature increases, they become weak. And if it continues, they can fall into lethargy and may collapse.

#10: Diet

Poor diet causes malnutrition. 

And when your Husky is malnourished, they will lack the energy to be active and playful.

It can even get worse and may cause emaciation. And when it does, it can be hard to get your pooch back in shape and active again.

This goes the same when your dog eats unbalanced meals that lead to obesity. 

According to VCA Hospitals, 25-30% of the general canine population is obese. 

With the added weight, it becomes harder for your pooch to move. Plus, they become at increased risk for a lot of health problems, including heart disease.

That said, diet plays an important role in how healthy and active your Husky can become.

#11: Castration

Getting your Husky fixed not only affects their reproductive functions.

Research shows that there are also behavioral changes that dogs experience after the procedure. However, the effects are more often and distinct in males rather than females.

The results of this study are:

  • More than 50% of aggressive dogs became more gentle.
  • Increased intake of food was observed in less than 50% of the subjects.
  • Increased time of rest and decreased motivation to move was seen in 36% of males and 18% of female dogs.

So, is your Husky lazy? You might have gotten them fixed recently.

5 tips on how to make your Husky more active 

#1: Find out if your Husky is sick and visit the vet

Disease is a serious factor that can affect your Husky’s level of activity. 

And it is something that you should suspect if your pooch is not lazy before.

When in doubt, check for these symptoms that can indicate sickness in your dog.

  • Coughing.
  • Weakness.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Poor condition of skin and coat.
  • Changes in the pattern of urination.

If your Husky is suffering from any of these, schedule a visit to the vet as soon as possible.

#2: Provide enough time for exercise

Your time and attention also play an important role in the general health of your Husky.

If you don’t give them the exercise they need, they might succumb to boredom and depression. 

When this happens, your Husky can get lazier with time. And when worse comes to worst, your pooch can get seriously sick.

Thankfully, you can prevent such scenarios with your time and effort. 

Here are some activities that are fit for your snow dog:

  • Hiking.
  • Sledding.
  • Trail running.
  • Running and walking.
  • Playing fetch or frisbee.

If your Husky still has some energy left after your exercise, don’t be surprised when a case of the zoomies appears.

Note: Zoomies is the doggy act of running around the house like crazy or frantically spinning in circles. It happens so dogs can get rid of excess energy.

#3: Give a proper, well-balanced diet

Diet can make or break your Husky.

With a poor diet, a lot of negative things can happen and it can lead to your dog’s demise.

But with healthy, balanced meals, your Husky can achieve optimal health. 

WebMD says that adult dogs, in general, need at least 10% of their daily calories from protein and a minimum of 5.5% from fats.

Try to get your Husky’s nutritional needs from these sources:

  • Red meat, pork, chicken.
  • Antioxidant-rich vegetables.
  • Fish meal rich in fatty acids.
  • Protein-rich foods like eggs.

When you feed your Husky a well-balanced diet, they will have adequate energy to get up and be active. 

They won’t even have the time to lounge around and be lazy. Unless they get tired with all the exercise and play they did, that is.

Note: Never feed your Husky raisins, chocolate and garlic, among others, because these are dangerous for them.

#4: Provide training

Sometimes, what your Husky needs is a little training to get them up and about.

And one of the best training exercises for snow dogs is agility training.

According to VCA Hospitals, agility training keeps dogs healthy and fit. It uses your dog’s natural instincts that will help them survive, too. Plus, it prevents diseases like those of the bones and joints.

You can always call for a professional to train your dog. But you can do it yourself, too.

Check this video out on how you can get your Husky started with this kind of speed training:

Remember to use positive reinforcement during the process. And don’t put pressure on your dogs. They will learn when they are ready. Just like humans.

#5: Offer a comfortable place, toys and plenty of TLC

You know how motivated you feel when someone shows you a lot of love and gives you everything you need?

Try to give your Husky plenty of tender loving care along. Plus, create a perfect sleeping spot and offer toys and see what happens.

With all the love and attention they are getting, your dog will want to get up and feel motivated to move.

The things you provide will give your pooch the mental, emotional and physical stimulation they need to be active and fit.

And if you don’t know what kind of toys to give your fluff balls, here are some ideas:

  • Balls.
  • Chew toys.
  • Ropes for tugging and pulling.
  • Puzzle toys for mental stimulation.