You see other Huskies in your neighborhood. They’re big, fluffy, and majestic.
You compare your pooch to these oh-so-big Huskies. Your dog has the visual and behavioral traits of the breed… but something doesn’t add up.
It’s their size!
So you wonder:
“Why is my Husky so small? Do I have some kind of Bonsai Husky?”
Good question! There are many reasons that could be causing this. Some of them are even medical.
That’s why it’s important to be aware what’s the cause in your particular case.
Keep reading to learn:
- How anxiety could be causing your Husky to stay small.
- Whether dwarfism is common in Huskies and signs to recognize it.
- What you should know about neutering your husky at an early age.
- 9 helpful tips that reveal what to look out for if your Husky is so small.
- And a lot more…
Table of contents
Why is my Husky so small?
Your Husky is so small because of their genes, diet, or illness. Some Huskies give birth to mixed-breed puppies. So, you may even have a Corgsky (Husky and Corgi) in your hands. Other factors could be an improper diet and exercise. These factors could prevent your Husky from growing.
How long do Huskies stay small?
Huskies stay small before they reach 1-year old. Usually, Huskies will grow between 6 to 15 months. They’ll stop growing at 15 months but they can still put on some weight. Meaning, they will reach their expected height but not their weight.
9 reasons why your Husky is so small
#1: It runs in their genes
Have you ever thought that maybe…your Husky is not a purebred dog?
If so, there’s nothing wrong with them. It’s just their genes revealing themselves to you.
Some mixed breeds tend to be smaller in size. For example, a mix of a Corgi and a Husky will result in a short-legged dog.
Other short-legged Huskies could have a short parent, as well. For example, a Pomeranian.
This explains why mixed breeds with Huskies have different physical descriptions and behaviors.
Some small mixed-breed dogs from Siberian Husky:
Corgsky came from a mix of Corgis and Huskies. These dogs have the same coat shade as Huskies, with curved tails, too.
But Corgsky’s legs are shorter. Think of it as a mini Husky. The largest height of a Corgsky is around 15 inches (38 centimeters).
A Pomsky is another miniature version of Huskies. If you’re looking for a pocket-sized puppy, there are teacup Pomsky, too.
The offspring of Pomeranian and Husky has an average height of 15 inches (38 centimeters).
Beaskies descended from the mix of Beagle and Husky. These dogs are one of the smallest Husky mixed-breed dogs.
They can grow to a height of 18 inches (46 centimeters). But females are less likely to reach 18 inches (46 centimeters), as they are smaller in size.
Fun fact: Only one parent will dominate a Beasky’s appearance. So you’ll never really know what Beagles and Huskies will look like when combined.
Their appearance might take the side of either parent. So, Beagles and Huskies won’t have their physical descriptions joined into one.
Mixing Chow Chows and Siberian Huskies will breed Chowskies. Their dense coat is the same as Huskies.
They are stubby dogs but heavier in weight. Both female and male Chowsky’s tallest height are 18 inches (46 centimeters).
Check out also: Are Huskies Wolves? Or Related? 15 Surprising Facts Revealed
#2: Inappropriate diet

Huskies are active animals, they have the energy to run and play all day. But apart from that they also need to follow certain dietary plans to remain healthy.
Not getting enough healthy supplements will not only result in getting small. Due to nutrient deficiencies, they might get other health conditions.
Researchers discovered that dogs of all sizes and breeds need daily nutrition.
They found that dog-owners usually have no idea what functional dog foods are.
Further findings of the research showed that an inappropriate diet leads to physiological changes. Meaning, they appear smaller.
Other effects include catching parasites and having serious medical conditions.
#3: Poor health condition
Losing weight can shrink a dog’s body and it often accompanies illnesses. Dogs lose their appetite when they’re suffering from serious medical conditions.
Huskies are no exception. When it happens, watch out for warning signs like:
- Frequent vomiting
- Becoming restless
- Blood trails in feces
- Difficulty urinating and defecating
- Losing appetite and not drinking enough water
Aside from getting small, severe health conditions will target a dog’s life. So look for these early indications.
#4: Your Husky is becoming anxious
Huskies are also prone to behavioral shifts. Becoming anxious traces back to stressful events.
Anxiety in dogs leads to poor appetite because they lose their interest in eating. As a result, they lose weight and can make your dog appear smaller.
Common roots of general anxiety to dogs are:
- Aging
- Illness
- Relocation
- Separation anxiety
- Having a stranger over
- Losing an animal friend
- Introducing a new animal
And here are the most common symptoms of anxiety:
- Shaking
- Persistent pacing
- Avoiding their owners
- Constant vocalization
- Urinating and defecating
#5: Excessive exercise activities
Allowing dogs to engage in tough activities results in several health benefits.
When I say tough exercises, you might be thinking of running. And you would be right.
A study proved the wonders of exercise for dogs. It also stated that it’s not too late for obese dogs to get back on track by participating in active tasks.
But then again, not all exercises involve running.
According to research, too much running can damage a puppy’s bone growth.
On another note, you may encourage your puppies to run around the house. But, do not let them overplay. Instead, wait until they are fully-grown.
And most importantly, these cases are common among large dogs. So dogs like Huskies are more vulnerable.
#6: Undesirable eating habits
Eating habits don’t refer only to overfeeding or underfeeding. They also have to do with switching to foods that are not suitable for your dogs.
In that case, there’s nothing to worry about. Millions of dog owners usually don’t follow the standard food recipe of their puppies.
But back to overfeeding. The damage it causes can be worse than underfeeding. These findings concluded that food restriction can increase a dog’s life span.
Also, underfeeding prevented chronic diseases from occurring.
But let’s be clear:
Underfeeding is not the same as malnutrition. Underfeeding means giving your dogs enough food to support their needs. While malnutrition means nutrient-deficiency.
Scientists explained that malnutrition negatively affects a puppy’s skeletal development. This is due to the lack of nutrients like calcium, which strengthens the bones.
Additionally, malnutrition will cause permanent skeletal deformation in large dogs.
In other words, puppies who suffer from malnutrition will most-likely display:
- A stunt in growth
- Lack of nutrients
- Poor skeletal strength
- Possible deformed bones
- Having a joint condition like osteoarthritis
#7: Your Husky is a dwarf

Huskies with pituitary dwarfism can pass on the same trait to their offspring. Meaning, aside from breed types, heredity is also transmissible.
Pituitary dwarfism is also known as growth hormone deficiency. Simply because the said condition comes from a reduced number of hormones.
Breeds such as the Alaskan Malamute are prone to this. And, there’s a crossbreed dog from Alaskan Malamute and Husky – the Alaskan Husky.
Huskies like that can also have pituitary dwarfism.
Fortunately, you can spot signs of growth hormone deficiency as early as 2 months. Some signs you could watch out for are:
- Broken teeth
- Detachable puppy fur
- Progressive skin infections
- Rare health defects like heart disease
- Baldness around the neck, rear, and body area
If you adopted a dog, common symptoms of pituitary dwarfism among mature dogs are:
- Testicle failure
- Recurring estrus
- Non-existent ovulation
#8: Worm infestation
One of the dangers parasites like intestinal worms hold is growth prevention. It’s because these worms can break in and steal nutritional contents from dogs’ bodies.
In such circumstances, dogs can’t be the only victim. But their owners and other nearby individuals as well.
When this happens, Husky puppies will display the following signs once intestinal worms enter their body:
- Diarrhea
- Large bellies
- Unhealthy puppy coat
- Decreasing weight despite having an uncontrollable appetite
The good news is that all these should go away once you take care of the worms. Doing so will help your Husky puppies to regain their strength.
They will also proceed to their developmental stages healthier.
#9: Spaying or neutering them early
Did you know that spaying large breed dogs, when they’re still puppies, can affect their joints and bones?
Scientists found that early neuter affects growth development. The researchers recorded the veterinary records of Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers.
Meaning, large dogs can experience joint disorders. Such as bone cancers with tumors and reduced hormonal activity. Or what they call the causes of pituitary dwarfism.
Between the two dog breeds, Labrador Retrievers had more cases of joint disorder. But spaying early affects the majority of female dogs.
So spaying and neutering at an early age can lead to dwarfism. Plus, a possible stunt in growth, too.
9 tips on what to do if your Husky is so small
#1: Know your dog’s genes
Earlier, I noted some common descendants of mixed-breed Huskies. Knowing their genes will give you a glimpse of their behavioral characteristics.
But it doesn’t mean you won’t need a professional breeder’s help. Rather, it allows you to have a better overview of what to expect.
According to this study, a thorough search for your dog’s genetic background is essential. It allows dog owners to predict their dogs’ possible offsprings.
For example, crossbreeding a Husky and Corgi will let you guess the outcome. You may already speculate if the dog’s going to be stubby or gigantic.
#2: Run a background search on your Husky
Running a background search on your Husky means accessing their parents’ traits.
A background search does not mean an in-depth analysis. Instead, you’ll only have to observe their parents or see their medical records.
In that way, you’ll know what recommendations the vet gave. So if you experience the same with your dog, you’ll have a slight idea.
Research suggests that most cases of pituitary dwarfism are transmissible through genes. That’s the case with the German Shepherd dog.
“But what does it have to do with my Husky?” you ask.
Well, it’s because Huskies and German Shepherds are compatible with each other. When they have offspring together, the puppies are called German Shepskies.
Your dog could be a German Shepsky for all you know. And, they are prone to pituitary dwarfism.
Note: Not everyone can have access to another dog’s medical record. Especially among rescue dogs.
If so, you’ll have no choice but to ask for a professional breeder’s help. Never disregard your dog’s background information.
#3: Feed them well
Huskies are the original sled dogs. They’re very energetic and durable. To remind them, their dog parents must keep them healthy and strong.
So feeding them well should be your primary duty.
Most Huskies are no longer sled dogs these days. But their body still needs appropriate dietary plans.
According to this book, Husky owners need to follow the BARF diet. The acronym stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food (Bones And Raw Food).
The BARF diet suggests that Huskies should have a little number of carbs. But should also have higher sums of fatty acids and proteins.
Some example would be:
- Fish
- Eggs
- Vegetables
- Raw meaty bones
Lack of sufficient exercise, plus overfeeding leads to obesity.
On that note, studies discovered that limited food intake can still make a dog healthy. Don’t confuse it with malnutrition though
Obesity among animals will cut their life span short. Compared to restricted feeding, overfeeding is more dangerous.
Note: Overfeeding may be acceptable for extremely-malnourished dogs. Also, the BARF diet may not apply to all dogs. Seek your vet’s advice first.
#4: Ensure that their activities aren’t over the top
You can’t stop a puppy from running around the house. Yet, that doesn’t mean you should encourage them to run even more.
At least wait until their physical features develop before encouraging too much running.
I mentioned that Huskies stay small before their fifteenth month of existence. This means you should wait until they’re 15 months old.
Until then, do not encourage them to run too much. Otherwise, bone deformations could happen.
#5: Help reduce their anxiety
Huskies who become anxious most of the time tend to have a poor appetite. Their anxiousness outweighs their interest to eat, leading to weight loss.
In return, it makes your Husky small.
To avoid this problem, you can do something to lessen their anxiety.
Researchers discovered that self-diagnosis may help. An owner’s part is to be responsible for taking note of their dog’s behavior.
Knowing what behavior your dog was displaying is a huge help in identifying problems. It also means being conscious of your own actions. So, you could stop and reflect.
An example is when you recently moved out of the house. As a result, your dog’s former safe space is no longer available. And before you know it, they become anxious.
#6: Careful with the treats

Researchers saw that giving treats can change a dog’s behavior.
For example, due to receiving treats, your dog becomes pickier. And starts making a fuss when you try to give them nutritious foods.
Observing and changing their eating habits is necessary. You should check their daily food consumption. Note if they’re eating enough or too much.
Note: When giving treats as rewards during training, make sure they don’t make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily food intake.
#7: Know where intestinal worms came from
Intestinal worms can prevent your puppies from growing.
But how do you get rid of these parasites?
Researchers found out that worms may usually come from a soiled environment. A dirty backyard is one example.
What you can do is to take away nearby trash immediately. Also, if you have grasses and small plants, keep them short by constant trimming.
But intestinal worms can also come from contaminated food and water.
So if you give your dog meat, cook it well. As to their water, you could boil it first or use a water filter.
#8: Call a professional breeder
Still can’t find a way to know why your Husky is so small? Maybe it’s time to ask a professional breeder.
Make sure you can trust them. These are qualities that they should have:
- Keep their home clean.
- Knows several veterinarians and vice-versa.
- Show you veterinary records of dogs they bred before.
- Specialize in a few dog breeds (in your case, a Husky).
- Underwent professional training (they may show certifications and such).
#9: Seek a vet’s help
When it comes to critical symptoms that point to health, seek a vet’s help.
At this point, your self-diagnosis will be helpful but not enough. Allow the vet to diagnose your Husky. Then, see what recommendations they will give you.
If you suspect worm infestation, arrange a deworming schedule. You can ask your vet for appropriate dietary plans, too.
Also, before spaying, make sure to discuss it with your vet first.
Note: You can’t treat your dog’s hereditary traits and shared genetic lineage. So you’ll have to accept things as they are, especially if you like big dogs.