In this article you’ll discover:
- Why Corgis shed.
- How often they shed.
- 15 tips on how to deal with Corgi shedding.
- And so much more…
Table of contents
- Do Corgis shed (a lot)?
- Do Corgis shed all year round?
- At what age do Corgis start shedding?
- How do I stop my Corgi from shedding?
- Should I shave my Corgi?
- 5 reasons for Corgi shedding
- 15 Tips To Deal With Corgi Shedding
- #1: Bathe them consistently
- #2: Don’t shave your way out
- #3: Trim their claws
- #4: Spay and neuter
- #5: Give your Corgi a haircut
- #6: Have regular checkups
- #7: Get food supplements
- #8: Have a grooming schedule
- #9: Check for phobias
- #10: Brush your Corgi’s coat
- #11: Avoid taking your Corgi to dirty places
- #12: Vacuum your house and…Corgi
- #13: Trim their coat
- #14: Have eyes around the house
- #15: Exercise your dog regularly
Do Corgis shed (a lot)?
Corgis shed a lot. They tend to shed daily and require constant grooming to get rid of tangles and dead hair. You should groom your Corgi 3 times per week. During the start of winter and summer, they’re likely to shed more, so you’ll need to groom daily if possible.
Do Corgis shed all year round?
Corgis shed all year round. Since they’re double-coated dogs, they tend to shed on a daily basis. However, they start to shed more heavily during the summer and winter. During the summer, Corgis shed more in order to keep their bodies cool. When winter comes, they shed to make way for thicker coats.
At what age do Corgis start shedding?
Shedding tends to differ between individual Corgis. However, owners from dog forums seem to agree that shedding can start between 4 months to 1 year old. This is because Corgis need to shed early in order to help protect them from their first cold season. Shedding shouldn’t be too much at this time.
How do I stop my Corgi from shedding?
You can’t stop your Corgi from shedding since it is a natural part of their biology. However, you can minimize it by maintaining a healthy diet and de-stressing. Fatty acids and protein-based treats will keep your dog’s fur healthy. Removing stress factors like noise also reduces shedding.
Should I shave my Corgi?
You should never shave a Corgi. Its double coat is meant to help shield their skin from their immediate environment. Shaving will lessen their protection to heat and cold alike. This increases the risk of hypothermia and hyperthermia and can cause permanent bald spots.
5 reasons for Corgi shedding
#1: The Corgi’s double coat

Corgis have double-layered coats. The topcoat consists of ‘guard hairs’ which protect the undercoat. The latter then protects the skin underneath.
Seasonal changes can make your pet shed more. For summers, their bodies try to remove excess guard hairs to help them stay warm.
During winter, the guard hairs are replaced by even longer, thicker coats to help them cope with the cold.
However, they will also shed on regular days because dogs don’t get rid of excess temperature as efficiently as we do. Shedding is part of their survival!
In addition, they can shed both their upper and lower coats more frequently without maintenance. Thus, owners will frequently contend with varying fur sizes lying around.
#2: Lack of proper diet
Diet can affect how much your dog sheds. According to the American Kennel Club, a regular supply of omega-3 fatty acids will help preserve hair strength.
Corgi puppies can shed shortly after they’re born (4 months old at the minimum). You can start feeding them Omega-3 when they’re 8 months old, but ask for your vet’s suggestion on intake first.
Adult Corgis (1 year and older) are also recommended to consume around ¾ cups and 1 and ½ cup of food, divided into 2-4 times each day.
A healthy choice for your Corgi is the Pet Botanics Health Omega plus Grain Free dog treat. Favored by many owners, this treat will keep your Corgi’s omega-3 needs satisfied.
Divide the meals evenly. Don’t forget to feed them early in the morning before you leave for work.
Save some dog food that they can access within a dog bowl near their crate or playpen. Feed them again when you get home from work.
Make sure to keep your people food away from your Corgi. Some can eat heavily and start searching for food around the house. If possible, limit their diet to omega-3 meals/treats.
Note: Don’t forget that treats and rewards count as part of their diet. You can use a measuring cup for accuracy. Pour food into bowls according to their daily schedule until the cup is empty.
#3: Hormonal changes
Hormonal imbalance caused by hypothyroidism and pregnancy can cause shedding in dogs.
Hypothyroidism causes shedding and lesser hair quality. The coat takes on a duller color and is easier to remove due to lowered thyroid hormone levels. They will shed particularly on their sides and back.
Also, if your Corgi is pregnant, it can lead to hormonal imbalance. Mothers will often receive less calcium and other nutrients to maintain their coats.
Their bodies also produce more estrogen to help with the pregnancy. This will naturally cause shedding.
A common solution owners employ to keep hormone levels stable is by spaying or neutering. Spaying/neutering restores hormonal balance, prevents aggressive behavior, and stops pregnancies.
Note: If your dog has hypothyroidism, take them to the vet. Lack of thyroid hormones can disrupt your dog’s overall function and potentially be life-threatening.
#4: Dehydration
Lack of water can also cause heavy shedding. This is because water provides nutrients to your dog’s cells and organs, including the skin.
If your dog feels dehydrated, they will lose hair strength. This can lead to gradual shedding.
According to the AKC, dogs aren’t able to tell us when they’re dehydrated. This means owners should watch out for the symptoms.
These can include:
- Nausea.
- Diarrhea.
- Dry eyes.
- Dry saliva.
- Dry skin texture.
- Increased panting.
- Increased drooling.
However, dehydration isn’t just caused by a lack of water. It can also be the result of other conditions such as heat stroke and vomiting.
Regulate their water intake by taking specific doses according to body weight. Fetch by Web MD recommends an ounce of water for every pound (0.453 kg). You may use a measuring cup to be precise.
Their water needs can change due to medication or pregnancy, so consult your vet to stay updated about how much water your dog needs.
#5: Allergies and parasites
Dogs can also shed due to allergies and parasites, as both can cause extreme itching. Both can be caused by many factors. For allergies, these include:
- Dust allergies.
- Food allergies.
- Flea allergy dermatitis.
Corgis with dust allergies can scratch themselves near exhaust smoke or dust-prone areas like couches.
Dogs can also be allergic to eggs, milk, soy, beef, and chicken. These allergies accompany diarrhea and nausea.
Flea allergies are a complication of flea parasitism. When fleas bite, your dog can be allergic to their saliva. This causes irritation on their skin, which then drives the Corgi to scratch the affected area.
Scabies is also a common problem among dogs. It causes lesions and severe itching. Your dog may also move around and whimper trying to relieve the itch.
Make adjustments to their usual eating, drinking, or playing habits if they have allergies or parasites. Set appointments promptly as your vet may suggest a different diet, medication, or even purgation.
15 Tips To Deal With Corgi Shedding
#1: Bathe them consistently

One effective way of managing shedding is to bathe them well.
Although this won’t stop shedding fully, it helps eliminate dead fur and skin cells. Bathing also moisturizes their coat and helps it last longer.
Note: Before you bathe them, brush them. This will help you eliminate tangles before you wet their fur. Check out tip #10 to find out more on how to do this.
It’s advisable to bathe them once a month. However, you can bathe them earlier if they are really dirty. If your dog needs medicated baths, bathe them according to your vet’s instructions.
To bathe them, be sure to do the following:
Prepare lukewarm water
Prepare lukewarm water in a tub to prevent sudden shock. If you bathe your Corgi in a sink, make sure they stand on all fours. Corgis have fragile joints which prevent them from standing up for too long.
Use quality shampoo
Shampooing your dog is essential to preserve their coats. One good option is Vetericyn’s FoamCare Pet Shampoo for Thick Coats. Highly-acclaimed and recommended by the AKC, it’s an easy pick for shedding prevention.
Dry your pet properly
Most pets don’t like being wet for too long. They will shake excessively if left wet.
Wrap their body in a large towel after wiping off their face and extremities. The towel will absorb all the residual water, reducing shaking later.
Caution: If you want to use a blow dryer, set it on low. Keep it at half an arm’s length away. Dry until your dog’s skin is damp without dripping.
#2: Don’t shave your way out
Shaving is a total no-no when it comes to Corgis. They rely on their double coats to help them adjust to cold and warm temperatures.
Taking away the coats (especially the undercoat) can cause heat stroke or hypothermia depending on the seasons. It also makes them vulnerable to allergies and parasites.
Shaving can also alter the way their hair grows. When their hair grows back, it can actually cause more shedding, matting, and bald spots.
If you want to reduce your Corgi’s coat, trim them with scissors and a comb.
Note: Find out how to trim your Corgi on tip #13!
#3: Trim their claws
Dogs are scratchy even without parasites. When they have sharp claws, they can yank away entire sections of their coat. This causes matting, shedding, and unevenness.
Luckily, shortening Corgi’s claws is easy. Part of the reason is that most have lighter nails. This makes the ‘quick’ (the dark section of the nail indicating blood vessels) easier to spot.
Here’s how you can do it:
- Sit down on a couch.
- Have your pet lie down on your lap.
- Clip just before the quick.
- Talk to your pet as you cut all fours (including dewclaws).
- Give a treat after the process.
Caution: If your Corgi has dark nails, cut the nails into small sections until you start seeing the quick. They will be fairly noticeable since they’re dark and right in the middle of the claw.
#4: Spay and neuter
Removing your dog’s ovaries (spaying) or testicles (neutering) also helps. This method removes the risk of pregnancy and behaviors that cause shedding.
In females, shedding happens more often during pregnancy. This is because puppies will also share in their mother’s nutrients, reducing the nourishment their coats can get.
In males, increased testosterone levels can also become a problem since they’ll become more playful. This can accelerate shedding because they can become invested in physical activity.
The ASPCA recommends spaying or neutering your Corgi when they’re 6-9 months old or according to your vet’s advice.
#5: Give your Corgi a haircut

Having a haircut for your Corgi doesn’t just help your dog with photoshoots. It also lessens shedding and helps them manage their body temperature.
Typically, you want to get a haircut just before summer and winter. Before summers, get shorter haircuts to prevent heat from being trapped in their coat.
Before winter, go to a groomer to remove excess matting. This will help them fight off the cold better and also lessen shedding volume.
If you’re not sure which style works for you, ask your local groomer for their opinion! They will help you find the perfect haircut to help your Corgi with each season.
#6: Have regular checkups
In a year, your dog is exposed to a lot of stimuli, including negative ones.
According to a recent study in the UK, about 6.82% of dogs are infested with fleas. In a study held in China, about 1.18% of dogs are infested with scabies.
It’s also been argued that about 15% of all dogs have some form of allergy, which can be triggered by various allergens.
As such, it’s necessary that you have them checked with your vet yearly. Prioritize checkups to the skin. Make notes of itchy symptoms if there are any.
Depending on how frequently your dog itches, you may have to make monthly visits. Be sure to follow all your vet’s instructions.
#7: Get food supplements
Food supplements like fish oil promote a dog’s circulatory functions and help maintain their silky coats.
As such, it’s a good way to lessen shedding. You can use fish oils in capsules, but you can also use drops if your Corgi doesn’t like it in solid form. Simply mix either in their food and watch them eat.
Caution: Due to the differences in body weight and size, you’ll need to visit your vet before you give your dog fish oil. They will help you determine the right dose for your Corgi.
#8: Have a grooming schedule
Schedules for each individual Corgi can vary according to health, lifestyle, and seasonal changes. However, you can do the following things to your dog on average:
- Bathing: Once a month.
- Vacuuming: Once a week or at least once every 10-15 days.
- Coat trimming: Every 2-3 months.
- Brushing: Before baths, after baths, quick brushes daily.
- Claw shortening: Once a month, or more or less frequently, depending on nail growth.
This also depends on your Corgi’s cooperation and your own personal schedule. Safe grooming often requires rhythm between you and your dog. Settle on a schedule that works for both of you!
#9: Check for phobias
If your Corgi is terrified of grooming and bathing, it will be hard to keep their skins and coats healthy. This makes dealing with anxiety essential.
If your Corgi is still young, expose them to your grooming equipment. They have a socialization period of one year, so let them smell and interact with your tools before grooming.
Before you groom them, check their reaction. Desensitize anxious Corgis by gradually exposing them to tools. Give them treats when they don’t react negatively.
If this doesn’t work, consult your vet or local dog trainer/groomer. Have them demonstrate what to do and take note of each step.
#10: Brush your Corgi’s coat
Brushing frequently is good at reducing shedding because it’s a good way of eliminating excess fur on a weekly basis.
Use a detangling rake. Have your Corgi stay still with a sit command and brush their backs gently.
Focus your brush on the back and sides, since these are scratching spots. If your dog wears accessories, remove them and brush the covered area.
You can do this 2-3 times a week, but you can do it less if your Corgi isn’t regularly exposed to dirt. Also, do it before their bath.
#11: Avoid taking your Corgi to dirty places
Dirt can be a breeding ground for parasites. This can lead to skin irritation behind the undercoat.
Aside from itching, this can also increase shedding volume because the dirt can stick to dead fur.
When you take your Corgi outdoors, keep them away from water puddles, muddy areas, or sidewalks (which attract a lot of dust from cars).
Use a car to travel to parks or keep your Corgi in a crate and walk until you reach your destination.
Alternatively, you can also take your Corgi to daycare for playtime once or twice a week, since daycares are cleaned regularly.
#12: Vacuum your house and…Corgi

Household dust can be an allergen for Corgis. If they’re allergic to dust, they can end up scratching and littering fur all over the place.
If you have someone at home, take turns vacuuming the house when necessary. Areas with more fabric can gather dust more quickly, so focus on your carpets and couches.
You can use the vacuum on your Corgi twice a month. Many vacuum cleaners are able to use grooming attachments which adjust suction and grip.
Have your dog get used to your vacuum cleaner first. Get them to come to your vacuum and treat them afterward. Use this until they are comfortable.
Attach the grooming attachment. Stroke their backs gently and slowly. Run it all the way through. Do the same for the belly and sides.
#13: Trim their coat
Trimming will also help your Corgi with shedding. Shorter coats not only lessens how frequently your dog will shed, but it also lessens the volume of dead hair and tangles.
To trim your dog, you can take the following steps:
- Prepare grooming scissors.
- Start combing your Corgi’s coat.
- Cut through the coat halfway from the skin and the tip.
- Comb your coat again to make sure it’s straight.
- Rinse and repeat until symmetrical.
Typically, you can trim their coat every 2-3 months since fur can take time to grow. When you cut, you should only focus on the outer hair and keep the undercoat safe.
Make sure that the scissors are new or stainless. Dull scissors can cause hair to be stuck, resulting in a painful sensation for your dog.
Repeatedly combing the hair as you trim your dog will help you guide where the fur goes and keep trimming easy.
When you’re done trimming the hair, comb them. You can use a detangling solution when you’re done to prevent trimming.
You can also ask your vet or local dog groomer for more advice on materials, techniques, and frequency.
#14: Have eyes around the house
Having cameras or more people observing your Corgi is essential in reducing shedding. This will help you keep your Corgi away from risk factors.
They may start going to dusty places, for example, or hang around in dirty places within the garden.
Consider hiring a sitter to observe your Corgi every time you leave the house. You can also install security cameras around spots you don’t want your Corgi to be in.
If you ever find your Corgi in these spots (under tables, the garage, etc), set up barricades and observe your Corgi. If they develop allergies, go to the vet.
#15: Exercise your dog regularly
Exercising your dog naturally reduces stress levels and keeps your dog happy. This lessens shedding because dogs tend to blow their coat when they are stressed.
The usual method is to let your Corgi play in parks. However, you can also explore indoor games too. Have your Corgi play with food dispensers.
Alternatively, you can play tug-of-war in your living room or even hide and seek. Make sure the space is open enough for your Corgi to move.
Be sure to let your Corgi play for 30 minutes to 2 hours each day. This will lessen stress and keep them happy throughout the day.