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15 “Home Alone” Dog Breeds With Low Separation Anxiety

Dog Breeds With Low Separation Anxiety

Do you love dogs but work a full-time office job?

Are you worried your pooch will have behavioral issues because you’re always away?

Well, this article’s for you!

Keep reading to discover:

  • 7 signs of separation anxiety in dogs.
  • 3 secrets to lessen this behavior in your pooch.
  • 15 dog breeds with the least separation anxiety.
  • The easiest way to choose a dog with low separation anxiety.
  • And many more…

Which dog has the least separation anxiety?

The dog breeds that have the least separation anxiety are the Greyhound and the Japanese Chin. Other breeds are: Basset Hound, Miniature Schnauzer, Maltese, Shar-Pei, Basenji, Bullmastiff, Lhasa Apso, Chow Chow, Pug, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and the Standard Poodle.

15 dog breeds with low separation anxiety

Separation anxiety happens in 14-20% of dogs.

It’s dangerous when pups develop this. Especially without proper training.

The ASPCA says that dogs with this problem will:

  • Dig.
  • Cry.
  • Bark.
  • Howl.
  • Chew.
  • Urinate.
  • Defecate.
  • Try to escape.

If your dog’s doing these 20 to 45 minutes after you’re gone, then there’s a big chance that they have this problem. 

But there are dog breeds that aren’t prone to high separation anxiety. 

Most of these breeds find ways to enjoy their time alone. And are very independent.

Others adjust well to being home alone with the proper training.

Note: Keep in mind as you read this. All dogs can develop separation anxiety. This is because dogs are social creatures.

Ease your puppy into your schedule. So that they can adjust to being home alone. 

When leaving your dog alone, don’t make a big deal out of it. 

The same goes when you arrive. 

This prevents your pooch from associating your absence with high arousal. 

“Why do I have to do this?”

Dogs who aren’t left alone then suddenly find themselves locked in a crate become anxious.

Or those who have bad experiences. Such as when their previous owners surrendered them to a rescue.

Pooches in these circumstances will have attachment issues. And they’re more likely to develop separation anxiety.

You might also like: 19 Proven Ways To Calm Your Anxious Dog (How-To Guide)

#1: Basset Hound

Bassets are very sociable dogs. But they can also be very independent. 

With early training, you can desensitize and condition them to be “home alone” dogs. 

Without that, they can develop separation anxiety. 

They might howl their heads off. As the Basset Hound is a scent dog, and they’re disposed to howling.

You can also pair them with another dog. As they do well with companionship.


This dog breed is famous for their droopy eyes, floppy ears, and fantastic sense of smell. 

“Basset” means low-set in French. And they do live up to their name. As this breed has short stumpy legs

The Kennel Club says that these dogs first appeared in the Middle Ages. French monks bred them for scenting accuracy and endurance. 

Unlike hunting dogs of that time, the Basset Hound didn’t have to run fast. So hunters could still follow on foot. 

The dog didn’t chase the prey itself but its scent. So it wasn’t running or trying to escape. This made hunting easier. 

Today, the Basset Hound is one of the most well-known breeds in the world.


The Basset Hound is a calm dog inside the house. They get along well with children and other animals. 

But because of their scenting ability, it might be difficult to call them off a scent. 

Some dogs get so absorbed in following a scent. They wander off and even get lost.

According to the AKC, a daily walk at a moderate pace would be enough for them. 

They’re pleased to just laze around in the house. And will even sleep after a round of playtime. 

#2:  French Bulldog

French Bulldog

Without early training, Frenchies can develop mild separation anxiety.  

But because they have even and adaptable temperaments, they can adjust to dog parents with a 9 to 5.

The key is positive reinforcement training along with gradual conditioning. This training gives pooches a chance to adapt.


The French Bulldog is a comical and wonderful companion. 

They have large “bat ears” and a wrinkly face typical of brachycephalic breeds.

French Bulldogs originated from the Toy Bulldog in the 1850s. These were dwarf Bulldogs popular in England during that time.

Job shortage for lacemakers had them migrating to France. And they took their Toy Bulldogs with them. 

It’s thought that breeding occurred between other dogs of similar frames. This produced the French Bulldog.


Frenchies are affectionate. They love to spend time with their fur parents. 

But they’re also capable of adapting to different lifestyles. 

They’re able to make friends with other dogs, but they are also independent. 

#3: Maltese

They like being close to their hoomans. So they may develop separation anxiety without preparation.

But there’s good news.

They can adapt to dog parents who have to leave them alone. 

And they’re one of the few breeds who can become used to a situation like this. 

Give them early positive reinforcement training. Along with crate training so that they’ll be comfortable with it.

They’re also prone to barking and chewing behaviors. 

So teach them to spend their energy on chew toys. Stuffed Kongs are perfect for this breed.


According to Prestige Animal Hospital, the Maltese is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. 

It has a beautiful white coat that needs frequent grooming. But it’s hypoallergenic. 

The Maltese have been companion dogs for thousands of years. And the island of Malta recognized this breed long before any organization or club. 

You’ll often see these pooches in paintings. They’re lounging in the long sleeves of royal women’s dresses. Most notable are Mary, Queen of Scots, and Elizabeth I.

They are a small breed full of energy. So the AKC recommends daily walks and indoor play to keep them occupied.


Maltese are loving and gentle dogs. This is why they are a popular choice for companion dogs.

They are also:

  • Lively.
  • Playful.
  • Trusting.
  • Obedient.
  • Intelligent.

#4: Greyhound

Greyhounds find it easier to chill out when alone. So this may be the perfect breed for you. 

Make sure to condition them for your absences with positive reinforcement training.


This breed is one of the oldest breeds in the world. With depictions ranging from Egyptian to Roman times. 

In 1000s England, Greyhounds worked as hunting dogs for the nobility. 

The country passed a law where only the peerage could own and breed these dogs.

They’re sight hunters. Which means that they need to see their prey for them to chase it. 

They have a tall, sleek body. And they’re bred for speed. 

Greyhounds are the fastest dogs. But they’re sprinters and not runners.

So they will enjoy a large space where they can run full out. And a regular exercise routine.


The AKC describes Greyhounds as a “sweet-tempered companion with an independent spirit”.

They are huge couch potatoes. And they’re content to lie down on their beds while you’re away at work.

If you like the long-legged and sleek Greyhound then…

You might also want to know: 15 Amazing Dog Breeds With Long Legs (with Pictures & Videos)

#5: Pug

Chilling Pug

Pugs are wonderful pets for the working dog parent. 

This has to be with the proper training. 

You’re jumping into the fire if you leave them home alone right away.

AKC says that they’re highly adaptable dogs. But they also need time to adjust. And have enough stimulation to keep their minds active while you’re away.

You can do this with:


This wrinkly, flat-faced pooch has a long history with royalty. 

It first existed in China as companions for its emperors. Then, the breed also became the mascot of Holland’s House Orange.

In Victorian times, the Pugs came to England. They became the fashionable dog for wealthy people to own. 

And it’s no surprise. Who can ever resist their wrinkly face and amusing personality?

They’re a big dog packed into a small frame.

However, this also means that they have a lot of health issues. 

Brachycephalic airway syndrome (BAS)

One of these issues is BAS. It refers to abnormalities in the airway systems of flat-faced dogs. 

BAS happens because they still have the same amount of muscle and tissue as other dogs.

And all of that is stuffed into their small head. Movement of the tissue causes airway blockages. It’s worse in some Pugs than others. 

But it’s still treatable through surgery. 

Dog parents have a high satisfaction rate of surgical correction for BAS, as this study says.


Pugs are loving and playful dogs. They’ll have you laughing all the time you’re with them. 

They are also intelligent and independent dogs who love to please their owners.

According to Pet Care Rx, Pugs also have very sensitive feelings. They tend to dislike things after one bad experience. 

My friend had this experience with her Pug, Gigi. 

Gigi hated deworming time. She would struggle a lot. My friend couldn’t get her to eat the tablets. 

No amount of peanut butter or cured meat pockets could tempt her. 

Gigi was wary of the whole thing because of my friend’s method for making their dogs eat their meds. 

She’d put the tablet inside their mouth and massage their throat so they would swallow it. 

It was a bad experience for Gigi. She has a small mouth, and my friend had a hard time with letting her eat it. 

After that, Gigi would run away when my friend took out the deworming medicine. 

#6: Lhasa Apso

Lhasas are independent and adaptable. So they’re great for those who have to leave the house. 

They might tend to bark because of their origins. But it’s to warn you of something. 


Lhasas originated as revered dogs in the Tibetan monasteries. 

The monks believed them to be holy animals. And thus took good care of them. 

“Lhasa” is the name of Tibet’s sacred city. While “Apso” means long-haired dog. 

And indeed, the breed is famous for its flowing locks and confident stance.

The monks were so careful. The world didn’t even know of the breed until the 19th century.

The monks bred Lhasas for guarding purposes. And this influences their temperament.


The AKC tells us that Lhasas are:

  • Smart.
  • Complex.
  • Confident.

They make great loyal companions. But tend to ignore people they don’t know. 

#7: Chinese Shar-pei

The Shar-Pei is highly independent and adaptable. 

This makes the breed suitable for those who need a “home alone” dog. 

But they do need mental stimulation, so be sure to give them puzzle toys when alone. 

It stimulates their mind. And prevents them from finding their entertainment. 


This breed has a vibrant history. 

As early as 200 B.C., Chinese farmers first bred this dog as a working companion. They would herd and guard livestock. And the farmer’s house and family. 

But when China became a communist country, owning dogs wasn’t allowed. And the government killed thousands of pure-bred dogs. 

Interesting fact: The Chinese Shar-Pei was once known as “The World’s Rarest Dog”. 

But fortunately, some breeders preserved a few dogs in Hong Kong. And when one of them went to America, there was interest in saving the breed. 

Today it’s one of the most popular and recognizable dog breeds.


Its origin as a working dog has had a great influence on the Shar-Pei’s temperament. 

VCA tells us that they are:

#8: Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu

Immortalized by a popular meme, the Shiba Inu is the most popular dog in Japan today.

Its independent nature makes it one of the best choices for working dog parents. 

But they also need regular exercise. Or a yard where they can romp and play on their own.


The Shiba Inu is the smallest of the 6 monument dogs of Japan.

The Kennel Club tells us that this dog’s purpose was to catch small game birds. 

It’s a strong dog. As people bred it for hunting in the mountains of Japan. 

But after World War I, pure Shibas almost went extinct. All the 3 regions of the country developed their versions.

Then Japan created a breeding program to revive the breed using traits from all the 3 types.


They are very affectionate dogs. Especially with those who they see as family. 

Although take precautions when introducing them to new dogs. Or to small children.

And don’t judge by their appearance.

Shibas may look cute and cuddly. But they’re one of the most independent dogs there is. 

The AKC advises dog parents always to put them on a leash.

Because Shibas rarely come when called. Even obedience training cannot correct that. 

#9: Miniature Schnauzer

This is an intelligent and independent dog breed. They love to stay by your side. And be wherever you are. 

But they’re also content to sit on their spot. And wait for you to come home. 

They’re also highly adaptable to any variations in your schedule.


The Miniature Schnauzer is the smallest dog in this family. This includes the Giant and Standard Schnauzer. 

AKC says that the Mini Schnauzer came when German farmers wanted a smaller-sized dog. This breed could still protect their farms but live inside their house. 

This dog breed also took care of small critters such as rats. 

To get the Mini Schnauzer, the farmers cross-bred the following dogs:

  • Mini Poodle.
  • Affenpinscher.
  • Standard Schnauzer. 


The Mini Schnauzer has spirit and is obedient. They love to make their dog parents happy. 

But as a very intelligent breed, it’s easy for them to get bored. 

So when you’re training them, there needs to be variety and excitement. 

They love their family. And will often join the games of young children.

Note: Mini Schnauzers have a guarding instinct and are likely to bark. But this is their way of protecting their own family and home.

#10: Basenji 

This is a highly independent and intelligent dog.

They get along by themselves. But they’re also high-energy.

Which means that they need daily exercise. On the other hand, you have an exercise partner. 

If you’re an active person who likes to go for a run every day, then a Basenji might fit you.


The Basenji has the nickname of “barkless dog”.They make a different noise that sounds like this:

Basenjis are very expressive with their voice. But do you know why they sound like that?

Their vocal cords aren’t structured the same as other dogs. And this prevents them from barking.

Basenji origins may stretch out as far as Ancient Egypt. There you can find depictions of dogs like them. 

But explorers first discovered the breed in the African Congo. Native hunters used them in packs to corner the game into their nets. 

The breed came to England in the 1930s after several failed attempts. 

Not long after that, they imported dogs to America. And there, the breed grew popular.


Basenjis are:

  • Clever.
  • Curious.
  • Stubborn.
  • Reserved.
  • Independent.

Enthusiasts describe them as cat-like. And indeed, they’re always grooming themselves like cats.

#11: Bullmastiff

This breed isn’t for the fainthearted. Instead, it’s best for families who own homes.

Bullmastiffs are natural guard dogs. They’re best left alone with a job to do. And in your family, this could be as the protector of your home.

They have moderate exercise needs, so slow daily walks will keep them satisfied. 

The AKC doesn’t recommend this dog for jogging or running exercises.


Bullmastiffs worked as guard dogs for large estates in England. 

Their large size intimidated intruders on their land. And they could even pin down escaping poachers.

The breed is the result of crosses between Bulldogs and Mastiffs. 

The goal was to produce a fast and large dog. That was also an effective guard dog.


They may have an intimidating size, but the breed is gentle and quiet.

The Bullmastiff is also independent and intelligent. 

Unfortunately, this also makes them stubborn. So obedience training while they’re still puppies is essential.

They get along with children but need slow introductions. Especially, if the dog didn’t grow up with the kids.

#12: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

According to Reader’s Digest, this breed adjusts well to apartment life. They are also perfect for first-time owners.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels don’t require a lot of exercise. But it’s good for them to have short walks to keep them fit.


This breed got its name because it became the favorite dog of an English king. 

King Charles loved this breed so much. His subjects even accused him of not attending to his job as the king. 

The breed started as working dogs. Then breeders crossed them with Oriental breeds like the Japanese Chin. 

This produced the lapdog version of the working spaniel. 

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel served as comforter spaniels. They became foot warmers and companions. 

Fun fact: The spaniels even slept with people to draw away fleas and ticks from them. 


VCA tells us that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is loving and entertaining.

They’re good with children. As they aren’t easily bothered by things.

The breed is quick to learn. And they do their best when it’s reward-based training.

They also do well with companions in the house.

#13: Chow Chow 

The Chow Chow is one of the most popular breeds in America. 

This fluffy lion-like dog is independent. They adjust well to life with working owners. As they aren’t overly energetic. 

But leaving them alone requires some training. So make sure to exercise them before leaving. And give them enrichment toys to play with.


Chow Chows came from China. They were hunting dogs of royalty. 

And when the hunting practice declined, monks saved a few specimens in monasteries. 

In the 1700s, merchants brought them as part of their knick-knacks from China. 

But it wasn’t until the 1800s when the Chow Chows gained popularity.


They are loyal and protective towards their family. 

They’re usually not playful towards children. And may not always show their love, VCA says.

The Chow Chow is a dignified dog. They are calm and aloof.

They’re also content with being the only dog in the house.

#14: Japanese Chin

This dog seems to have it all:

  • Looks – long regal coat. 
  • Low maintenance – weekly brushing.
  • Pleasing personality – loving and loyal.

They’re also capable of adapting to any kind of living situation. Which makes them ideal for dog parents who have to work.

In short, they love being with you. But they’re also content to snooze on their own. 

Not to mention that they are quiet dogs. And they have little exercise needs. So perfect for apartments.


The Japanese Chin’s history is widely debated. And there are many origin stories. 

But they were popular lapdogs of Japanese royalty. The court had eunuchs whose job was to take care of the dogs, says SABH.

No commoner could own them. Even looking at them wasn’t allowed.

And the Chin’s purpose was to provide companionship. And entertainment for their royal dog parents. 

When they arrived in Europe, they continued their royal associations. 

Interesting fact: Queen Alexandra owned more than 200 Japanese Chins. Photographs and paintings featured her beloved dogs.


Their history as royal dogs shows in their dignified demeanor. But their roots as companion dogs also show. Especially in their sense of humor and quirky personality

Japanese Chins are easy to train and motivate. They will excel in learning tricks. As they love to perform for their hoomans.

#15: Standard Poodle

The Standard Poodle is the largest of the Poodle types. It’s the original from where the Mini and Toy Poodles come from.

They are usually calm dogs. But they can also show separation anxiety when left alone for long periods. 

So be sure to get them used to your schedule. And let them learn that good things happen when you leave. 

Once your Poodle knows that, they’ll adjust quite well to dog parents who have work.

Add a regular exercise routine to their day. And leave them some mental enrichment toys to tickle their minds.


The Poodle has a long history with roots as a working dog. 

They first worked as retriever dogs for the Germans about 400 years ago.

But they also served as favored dogs of French nobles.

Their ability to learn and perform tricks made them part of the circus. 

Poodles also have an excellent nose. And the French used them as truffle hunters.


The Poodle is smart and very trainable. They’re friendly and versatile dogs. 

They can adapt to almost any living situation. 

And according to the AKC, they’re affectionate with their family and great with children.

Research is essential before getting any dog. 

Remember that your pooch isn’t just someone to keep you company. 

They are your responsibility. So choose a breed that fits your:

  • Budget.
  • Personality.
  • Living situation.

Too often, people choose dogs just because they’re cute and cuddly. 

They don’t realize that these dogs have serious medical issues that will break the bank.

Or they’ll choose a big breed that doesn’t fit in their tiny apartment. 

A dog is your friend for many years to come. So don’t have one in your life if you aren’t ready for the commitment.