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11 Reasons Why Your Dog Suddenly Has Bad Gas + 5 Tips

Dog Has Bad Gas Suddenly

Your dog’s pooooooof makes you go, “Ooooof!”


It must smell so bad…

Then they repeat it after a while, too.

Is it a laughing matter?

Or is there a reason to be worried first?

This article will answer those questions along with others.

Continue reading to discover:

  • If yoghurt could help with your canine’s gas.
  • Eating habits that make your canine flatulent.
  • Why does your old dog suddenly have bad farts.
  • 5 remedies that you can give to your dog who has nasty gas.
  • And much, much, more…

Why is my dog so gassy all of a sudden?

Your dog’s so gassy all of a sudden due to swallowing too much air. It could also be from eating dairy, poop, or hard-to-digest foods. Sometimes it’s due to overeating, poisoning, or eating after exercise. Other times it’s from bowel issues, intestinal bacteria, or malabsorption.

11 reasons why your dog suddenly has bad gas

#1: Dairy consumption

Lactose intolerance is common among dogs.

That means some dogs can’t consume any dairy products. Those are:

  • Milk.
  • Butter.
  • Cheese.
  • Ice cream.

Some dog parents are actually surprised to hear this fact. They usually ask:

“Didn’t they drink milk from their momma when they’re still a puppy?”

Yes, and there’s an explanation for that.

When they’re just a puppy, dogs still have the enzymes that break down lactose. That enzyme is called lactase, and it helps with digestion.

PetMD says that puppies thrive on their momma’s milk. However, they don’t react the same way to cow or goat milk.

Now, according to research, lactase activity decreases by at least 10% when dogs are weaned. That means that when the puppy starts eating food, the intolerance grows.

Now, if your adult dog gets any access to any dairy products…


Here comes the sudden bad gas…

Other effects of dairy consumption in lactose-intolerant dogs are:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Discomfort.
  • Pancreatitis, if they ate high-fat dairy products.

Did you know? Dairy is also a common cause of food allergies in dogs. This research has evidence that says so.

With that, it might also cause itching and redness on your canine’s skin.

#2: Food poisoning

Your dog is a natural forager. Their ancestors passed down the behavior from the wild.

That’s why your dog might go through the trash every once in a while.

They might also gather food from your compost. Sometimes, even in your backyard.

“What could they possibly eat in my backyard?”

If a squirrel or rat met their fate days ago, your canine wouldn’t still leave them alone.

Sometimes, they might just roll on the dead animal. Other times, Fido might be compelled to eat the poor creature!

If the latter happens, your canine might be in danger.

Not only will they let go of constant potent farts…

They might also experience food poisoning.

Since the garbage and its contents are filthy, everything in it’s contaminated. What more in the case of eating a dead animal?

Millions of bacteria and other microorganisms thrive in those.

Once your pup eats garbage or compost, the contaminants can harm them. The microorganisms might reproduce and hurt your pup’s intestinal tract.

Flatulence or bad gas is a symptom of food poisoning, among others:

  • Fever.
  • Shock.
  • Panting.
  • Vomiting.
  • Weakness.
  • Sleepiness.
  • Dehydration.
  • Hyperactivity.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Bloody or watery diarrhea.
  • Pain and swelling in the abdomen.

Warning: If it’s a severe or untreated case, tremors, seizures, and collapse may occur. That’s what PetMD says.

Other causes of food poisoning on dogs:

  • Old eggs.
  • Molds in bread or cheese.
  • Eating raw meat and fish. Such might contain E. coli or salmonella.

#3: Poor nutrition

You could be confident that you’re feeding your dog enough…

However, that’s confidence in its volume…

How about your dog’s diet content?

I say this because some dog foods could be of low quality.

I’m talking about those that are full of fillers and preservatives.

Sure, it makes your dog feel full…

But it might not be giving your dog the necessary nutrients they need.

And with that, your pooch might become a dog with poor nutrition.

Not only could it cause bad gas, but other signs will also manifest. I’m talking about other symptoms like:

  • Hair loss.
  • Shedding.
  • Bad breath.
  • Skin disorders.
  • Unusual body odor.
  • Recurring infections.
  • Extreme weight loss.
  • Sleeplessness due to hunger.
  • Inconsistent bowel movements.
  • Increased occurrence of allergies.

However, don’t feel bad. A low-quality diet isn’t the only cause of poor nutrition in dogs. It could also be due to:

  • Parasites.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (to be discussed in reason #7).
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (to be further explained in reason #8).

#4: Table scraps mishap

Sometimes, dog parents don’t have any issue with feeding their dogs table scraps…

It might be occasional or almost every time…

It’s controversial, actually. It’s because it isn’t wrong, but it’s also not totally right.

Regardless, there are just things to remember. Like:

Note #1: Be familiar with what to and what not to feed your canine.

Note #2: Use the perfect timing in feeding them table scraps. Don’t give dogs any if you’re still eating. It’s because the action promotes begging and attention-seeking behaviors.

Overlooking the first note might be the cause of bad gas in your dog…

It’s because dogs do not easily digest some foods.

With that, the food stays in their intestine to ferment. That’s what causes your dog’s fart to smell so unpleasant…

Examples of those foods are:

  • Beans.
  • Soybeans.
  • Spicy foods.
  • Fatty or oily meals.

#5: They swallowed too much air

If your dog’s a food gobbler, then that might be the reason for it.

How so?

When your dog gobbles their food, they tend to swallow too much food, too fast.

The reasons for such behavior could be:

  • Lacking essential nutrients.
  • Their mealtime schedule is irregular.
  • They don’t know proper feeding etiquette yet. This applies to a former stray or an adopted dog.
  • They’re competing with your other dog. Your gobbler doesn’t want their dog-sibling to snatch their food.
  • Underlying illness, like diabetes. The example causes your dog’s metabolism to increase. With that, their appetite increases as well.

Now, if your dog eats too fast, they tend to swallow a lot of air. That occurrence is scientifically referred to as aerophagia.

Note: Dogs that have flat faces tend to swallow a lot of air unintentionally. It’s due to the positioning of their noses, which makes it inevitable.

Being gassy isn’t the only consequence of aerophagia…

Your dog might also choke if they eat too quickly.

Moreover, it could also cause bloating. It’s a serious condition where your dog’s stomach expands. Then, it twists within the abdomen. 

Bloating will be further discussed in reason #9…

#6: Overeating

Dog Has Bad Gas Suddenly Due To Overfeeding

Imagine this:

You and your partner share responsibilities around the house.

Today, there’s been a mix-up…

It might be a tiring or busy day, that’s why it went over your head – which is fine as everyone has those days.

Now, the mix-up is who’s assigned to feed your dog…

It happened that you both fed Fido during a short interval!

With that, your happy canine ate everything that you gave them.

Later on, your pooch releases a sudden unpleasant fart…

You also notice that your pup’s extra lazy for the day…

Oooh…it’s due to the said unintentional misunderstanding.

Your pooch has been overfed for the day. With that, it caused flatulence in them. 

Warning: If this happens once or twice too much, your pup might get accustomed to it. With that, they might be gluttonous and demand more food.

If it isn’t the mix-up, there are other causes of a gluttonous dog. That includes:

  • Stress.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Damage in their central nervous system.
  • Long periods of being hungry. Such may be due to irregular mealtime schedules.
  • Boredom, if this happens too frequently, eating might turn into compulsive behavior.

#7: Issues on their bowel

Your pooch’s bad gas is from their stomach. That’s why it’s best to look for the cause in that local region.

Let’s focus on your dog’s bowel, which is the lower part of the stomach.

With that, here are 2 issues in your dog’s bowel that might be related to their flatulence:

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Contrary to what the name suggests, IBD is actually more of a syndrome.

It’s caused by recurrent irritation in your dog’s intestinal tract.

According to vets, it’s common in dogs that have any of the 3:

  • Poor appetite.
  • Chronic vomiting.
  • Recurrent diarrhea.

Sadly, the syndrome is poorly understood. 

Vets could only rule 2 causes and they are:

  • Bacterial or parasitic infection.
  • Reaction to a protein in their diet.

Moreover, the MSDVM says that IBD could be misdiagnosed. That’s because the signs of the syndrome are similar to other diseases.

The signs for IBD are:

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

In this condition, your dog’s muscles in their intestines aren’t functioning normally.

The dysfunction causes contraction in your dog’s intestines. Such hinders the motility of food.

It also causes inflammation in your dog’s intestines.

The cause for IBS are:

  • Stress.
  • Anxiety.
  • Overeating.
  • Bowel obstructions.
  • Food allergies or intolerance.
  • Bacterial infections on the intestine.

Moreover, many symptoms will show, and they are:

  • Nausea.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Lethargy.
  • Depression.
  • Weight loss.
  • Inappetence.
  • Constipation.
  • Pain when they lie on their belly.
  • Bloating, which could cause the sudden bad gas.

For further reading: 5x Why Your Dog’s Farts Smell Like Rotten Eggs & Sulfur

#8: Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

In your dog’s body, there are many good bacteria.

They’re often referred to as the gut microbiome. Science says that the pathogens help in many ways, including:

  • Metabolism.
  • Guiding the immune system.
  • Protection against bad bacteria.

But what happens when there’s a dysfunction in these bacteria?

Think of it as a bacterial rebellion. The good bacteria have been overpowered by the bad.

Then, the microorganisms might start using the food that your dog eats.

For what?

As fuel to grow and thrive. They do so by eating the nutrients inside your dog’s intestines.

With that, those pathogens accumulate and inhibit digestion. It does so by hindering the absorption of the digested food.

The condition is called small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or SIBO.

Remember in reason #3? I said there that SIBO is a cause of poor nutrition in dogs, too.

That’s because it stops your dog’s body from receiving the nutrients from the food that they eat.

Those nasty bad bacteria stole the nourishment from your canine…

Now, bad gas is one of the most common signs of this occurrence. Along with others like:

  • Diarrhea.
  • Weight loss.
  • Stunted growth.
  • Coprophagia (see reason #11).
  • Development of pica disorder. It’s a condition where your dog consumes non-food things.

#9: Eating before or immediately after exercise

Let’s go back in time for a while:

Remember when the adults won’t let you swim immediately after eating?

It’s frustrating that you had to sit by the pool. There, you wait for the extremely long 30-minute window…

Despite knowing how annoying it is to be treated like that…

You should do it with your dog, too.

But, not for the same situation.

In your case, don’t let them eat before or after exercising.

Provide them at least 30 minutes before you walk them after feeding. 

On the contrary, wait for half an hour before feeding your dog after exercise.

Vets even recommend waiting for at least 2 hours for both situations.

What happens if you don’t do any of those?

Then your pooch would have tummy troubles.

It’s because exercise could affect your canine’s metabolism. 

The minor effects of this are vomiting and flatulence.

However, your dog’s stomach can blow up like a balloon….

What I described is bloating, and it’s dangerous for your dog.

I mentioned it before in reason #5. It causes your dog’s stomach to twist.

So, let’s talk about it even further….

Bloating or gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV)

It could be minor or develop further into its 3 stages:

Minor occurrence: The stomach still functions normally. However, gas is accumulated there.

This might cause your dog to release constant farts. It’s an attempt to deflate their expanded stomach.

Phase 1: This is the stage where your dog’s stomach begins to twist.

Phase 2: The blood supply in your pup’s stomach is disrupted. It’s due to the twisting. Here, your canine might experience shock.

Phase 3: In this case, the shock becomes severe. It also makes your dog suffer further issues in their body.

What are the causes of GDV? They are:

  • Stress.
  • Anxiety.
  • Excitement.
  • Eating large meals. 
  • Strenuous exercise.

Additionally, the symptoms of GDV for dogs are:

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#10: Intestinal malabsorption

Now, you’re confident that your dog has a high-quality diet.

You also feed them on a regular and proper schedule. Moreover, you don’t practice any activities before and after each meal…

Yet, your dog still has bad gas…

Then, they could also be malnourished. If not that, you notice that they’re often weak and have low energy.

What’s up with that?

Your pupper might be experiencing a nutritional deficiency.

An underlying medical condition might be accountable for it. Then, the issue causes your dog to have intestinal malabsorption.

Let’s take it slowly and talk about the latter first.

Intestinal malabsorption is when your dog’s body fails to absorb the nutrients properly. It also inhibits proper digestion in your dog’s intestines.

Then, such occurrences stop your pup’s body from receiving proper nourishment.

With that, your dog experiences deficiency, even though they shouldn’t.

Aside from bad gas, the symptoms of intestinal malabsorption are:

  • Vomiting.
  • Depression.
  • Chronic diarrhea.
  • Oily and smelly stools.
  • Repetitive gurgling of their stomach.
  • Weight loss, despite their excellent appetite and diet.

Now, to the underlying medical condition that could be accountable.

I’ve talked about one in reason #8. It’s SIBO, and it’s one of the causes of intestinal malabsorption.

Moreover, let’s specifically talk about another one…

Exocrine pancreatic deficiency or EPI

According to the MSDVM, EPI is the loss of more than 90% of the pancreatic mass. 

With that loss of mass, the production of digestive enzymes decreases as well.

Without those enzymes, proper digestion and absorption are prevented.

It causes rapid weight loss, a ravenous appetite, and extreme vitamin deficiency. 

#11: Coprophagia

Your Dog Eats Poop

Oh, how gross it seems…

Your dog’s bad gas might be due to poop-eating.

Moreover, the terrible smell doesn’t just come from your dog’s butt. They could have bad breath, too.

Despite the grossness, poop-eating is actually natural for dogs.

It has a scientific term for it, and it’s coprophagia.

“Wait…why is it ‘natural’?”

That’s because dogs explore using their mouths. And eating poop is part of your dog’s investigation.

To explain further, I’ll follow PetMD‘s separation of these reasons.

There are the usual reasons and abnormal reasons.

Usual reason #1: Your female dog is driven to eat their litter’s poop.

They do this to keep their den clean.

Usual reason #2: Your canine likes the taste of poop.

It’s as simple as it’s repulsive.

Dogs don’t just target other dog’s poop, too. They might eat a cat’s or a horse’s…

Even a chicken’s!

Abnormal reason #1: Your pooch is seeking your attention.

Your pooch might have learned the behavior from puppyhood.

Every time you see them eat poop, you pay attention to them. There, they start thinking that it’s a game.

And with that, your pup has carried it until adulthood.

Abnormal reason #2: They’re not feeling well.

This is applicable if your non-poop-eating Fido suddenly becomes coprophagic.

There might be a connection between this behavior and an illness.

Usually that illness is connected to their liver or brain.

Abnormal reason #3: It’s a displacement behavior due to anxiety.

In this, your pooch chooses coprophagia as a way to deal with their anxiety.

It could be due to general anxiety disorder (GAD) or separation anxiety.

Abnormal reason #4: Your dog’s afraid of being punished.

This time, your pup fears your scolding because they pooped.

Maybe they really need to go. However, you’re not yet available to take them for a walk.

Not being able to take it anymore, your dog poops inside the house. Then, they ate it to cover up their tracks.

Did you know? Even though they’re eating poop, dogs still dare to be picky. 

About 92% of poop-eating dogs want fresh poop only.

Experts say that they will disregard feces that are 2 to 3 days old.

What (home remedy) can you give a dog who has gas? 5 tips

#1: Establish a high-quality diet for them

A dog’s diet is a crucial part of their life.

With that, you must provide your canine with a high-quality meal plan.

Not just to prevent them from expelling those smelly farts…

You’re also concerned with your dog’s well-being.

But how exactly could you provide such a need properly?

Note the necessary nutrients that they need

Yet again, you have to give your pooch the best diet that they deserve.

With that, you first have to familiarize yourself with what kinds of nutrients your pup needs.

And what are they exactly?

The essential nutrients that your dogs need are:

  • Fats as their fuel for energy.
  • Proteins for their body tissues.
  • Carbohydrates that power your dog’s tissues. It also keeps their intestines healthy.
  • Vitamins, which their body needs for different chemical reactions. An example usage for vitamins is maintaining bone strength.

Choose the best food for them

Settle on high-quality food. Such contains all the necessary nutrients that your dog needs.

Commercial dog foods undergo numerous testing by specialists. However, assess each choice carefully…

You could pick between dry kibble or wet canned food.

The important thing is that it contains the following:

  • Meat.
  • Fruits.
  • Grains.
  • Vegetables.

All of those are important for your dog.

In fact, anything that contains the following is a functional food for your pup.

That category is a highly-regarded group of foods. It’s due to its many health benefits.

Note: If you need further help, you could always seek the advice of your dog’s vet. They could also further assist you with how much food your dog needs every day.

Water is as important

Did you know? Your dog can survive even if they lose all body fats and 50% of their body protein.

However, it’s fatal for dogs if they lose just about 10% of water in their body.

In fact, according to experts, water makes up more than 50% of your dog’s body weight.

With that, you must always provide your dog with fresh and clean water.

It’s just as important as feeding them the right kind of food.

#2: Ginger as a digestive aid

Do you have ginger in your home?

If ‘yes,’ then you and your dog are in luck!

It’s because ginger could be a digestive aid for your dog.

Let me explain how:

Sprinkling a little bit of ginger in your canine’s food might assist with their digestion.

According to VCA Hospital, ginger is commonly used against nausea and vomiting.

However, it’s also helpful as a/an:

  • Antioxidant.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Support for their minds.
  • Simulant in their circulatory system.

Most importantly, it could help with GI issues!

It could even strengthen and protect your dog’s GI tract.

Warning: Ginger is good for your dog. However, it becomes unhealthy if given to them in large amounts and increased frequency.

That’s why I repeat: only sprinkle a little ginger in your dog’s food.

Plus, vets say that dogs with allergies and bleeding disorders must not eat ginger.

#3: Supplements and deterrents

You could make use of professionally-formulated products. Those are specifically made to bat down bad gas in your dog’s stomach.

Here are 2 kinds of such that aim to help in specific situations:

Probiotic supplements

Probiotics contain good bacteria that I was talking about in reason #8.

Referring to AKC, some examples of those friendly bacteria are:

  • Lactobacillus casei.
  • Bifidobacterium lactis.
  • Bifidobacterium breve.
  • Enterococcus faecium.
  • Lactobacillus acidophilus.

Now, these bacteria can restore peace in your dog’s intestine.

They will fight bad bacteria and even create essential nutrients there. Moreover, it boosts your canine’s immune system.

There are many available probiotics for your dog. It even comes in different forms.

Here are the types of probiotics with matching recommendations:

Moreover, one commonly known probiotic is yogurt. Read more about it in the ‘people also ask’ section.

Poop-eating deterrent

A poop-eating deterrent is something that you could give your coprophagic dog.

It aims to make poop disgusting for your pooch (even though it already is).

It’s a vet-recommended method and a holy grail for dog parents.

Since poops are naturally smelly, your dog who eats them is prone to smelling like fish.

But the deterrent could help with that, too!

Because not only does it make feces less appealing, it could also be a breath aid.

Here’s a recommended stool-eating deterrent for dogs by NaturVet.

Note: If you have a multi-dog household, feed all your dogs with this deterrent.


Since some dogs are picky, they won’t eat their own feces.

And if you only put it in your feces-muncher’s food, then it won’t stop the problem.

They might still find your other canines’ poops to be appealing.

With that, feed every dog in your household with the deterrent formula.

#4: Encourage slow eating

Your food gobbler must learn to eat slowly. By doing so, they’ll swallow less air.

The practice could extend up to preventing bloating in dogs. So, here are ways to encourage your dog to eat slowly:

Slow-eating food bowls

Opt for a food bowl that encourages your dog to eat slowly.

Such are big in the market right now…

It’s because these bowls do a great job of preventing your dog from swallowing too much air.

It also lessens the tendency of your dog choking.

Here’s a recommendation: OurPets DuraPet slow feeder dog bowls (It’s stainless steel!).

Want to try it out first before officially buying one?

It’s a good thing that you can improvise.

Step 1: Prepare 2 bowls of different sizes. One is larger, the other is smaller.

Step 2: Set the larger bowl down. Then, place the smaller bowl upside down inside the large bowl.

Step 3: Load it with your dog’s usual food and watch how they slowly munch on their meal!

Toy treat dispensers

Another trick is to use toys that dispense treats.

Oh, it won’t only promote slow eating…

It becomes a mental exercise for your pooch, too.

So don’t hesitate to try the dog-parent favorite Kong wobbler.


This might be a little uncanny…

If nothing’s available for you and your dog yet, you could try hand-feeding.

This is useful if you feed your dog dry kibble.

With this trick, you’re in control of how much your dog eats per chew.

#5: Gas-relief medications

Sometimes, the remedies won’t work.

With that, the best help would be provided by your dog’s vet.

Ask if they could prescribe medications that can reduce your dog’s farts.

They might prescribe an antacid. Such medication aims to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach.

A more specific gas medication is simethicone. It’s popularly known as Gas-X.

Its goal is to reduce the amount of gas produced in your dog’s stomach.

Note: Simethicone only controls the gas volume in your dog. Sadly, it doesn’t help with the fart odor…

People also ask:

Does yoghurt work for dog gas? 

Yoghurt could work for dog gas. It’s because it’s a common probiotic, which promotes good bacteria in the intestine. However, there are still a few risks to note.

First of all, it’s a good natural source of calcium and protein. Those are a much-needed component in your pup’s diet.

It also contains live bacteria culture that naturally lives in your dog’s stomach. Once the microorganisms are there, they promote digestion.

So, it doesn’t just lessen your dog’s gas…

Despite its many benefits, you should feed your dog yoghurt with caution.

Make sure not to feed them any with artificial sweeteners. I’m specifically talking about xylitol, which is toxic for your dog.

Opt for this type of yogurt:

  • Plain.
  • Low-fat.
  • Non-fat.

Warning: As I said in reason #1 of this article, most dogs develop lactose intolerance.

With that, those dogs could only stand small amounts of yoghurt. But to be sure, you shouldn’t feed your lactose intolerant dog with yogurt.

If you want to be assured, seek a professional’s advice.

Why does my old dog suddenly have bad gas?

Your old dog suddenly has bad gas due to the food that they ate. It might be spoiled, hard-to-digest, something dairy, or spicy. It could also be due to food poisoning or an underlying medical issue.

The types of food that I mentioned could be the culprit of your old dog’s gas. It’s because they disrupt proper digestion in your senior canine’s intestines.

Moreover, bad gas could also be due to a medical condition. I’m talking about:

  • Intestinal malabsorption.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Gastric dilation-volvulus (GDV).
  • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.