Coming home to the smell of dog poop inside your place can be frustrating.
If only Hermione could teach us a magic spell to remove the poop, I’d gladly share it here.
However, there’s no such spell… yet.
Jokes aside, I guess we can all agree nobody likes to find dog poop inside their homes.
And it’s pretty normal to ask yourself, “Is my dog doing this on purpose?”
What if I told you that sometimes the reason why they do this is…you?
It’s not what you think though. So…
Continue reading to discover:
- 10 revenge poop stories from other fur parents like you.
- The possible reasons why canines poop inside your house.
- How dog owners can trigger their pooches to drop feces in their homes.
- And a lot more…
Table of contents
- Do dogs poop inside on purpose?
- 10 real-life “dog revenge poop” stories
- #1: House trained dog suddenly poops inside the house
- #2: Dog poops inside a new house
- #3: Dog poops in parent’s girlfriend’s bed
- #4: Young dog keeps pooping in the house even after training
- #5: Senior dog starts pooping inside the house
- #6: Dog starts to poop in shoes after parent passed away
- #7: Dog poops inside the house because they’re scared to go out
- #8: Hearing loud sounds made a dog poop inside the house
- #9: Dog pooping in the same spot every day
- #10: Dog poops inside the home while parents are away
- What to do after a dog poops inside your home?
Do dogs poop inside on purpose?
Dogs do not poop inside the house on purpose but it can be triggered by fear and health problems. Regression in their potty training is also another cause. Boredom and separation anxiety can make dogs poop inside, too. Ignoring their pleas for pooping will also force them to have an accident.
10 real-life “dog revenge poop” stories
#1: House trained dog suddenly poops inside the house
Most fur parents try to train their dogs on how to act properly. Especially when they’re inside the house.
Teaching them which items are for playing is crucial so they don’t get destructive. Behavior like this can hurt your pooch and, well, damage your shoes or bags. Yikes!
However, training can go so far. There will still be instances when dogs do things that they’re not supposed to.
Take for example Kristin’s dog, Spencer. He is a 5-year old fur baby who’s been house trained since he arrived home.
Spencer used to bark and let Kristin know that he wanted to poop before. Their house also has a flap on the back door, which is open throughout the day.
Kristin also let’s her fur baby go out regularly and watches him from a window. Spencer will then bark if he wants to go inside. The problem is, once inside, that’s the time he’ll poop.
Kristin has made sure nothing scares her dog when he’s outside. She also lives somewhere relatively quiet and uncrowded.
Spencer’s case is peculiar.
One possible reason why this happened to him is due to a health problem.
An aging dog can have weakened muscles. But in Spencer’s case, old age may not be the issue – he’s still 5 years old. What’s more likely is canine cognitive dysfunction or CCD.
This is similar to a human’s Alzheimer’s Disease. “If that’s the case, shouldn’t it occur in older dogs?”
True, senior canines are more likely to be affected. However, CCD can still affect younger dogs, especially in its early stages. Research suggests that around 5% of dogs who are 13 years old and younger suffer from CCD.
According to PetMD, soiling inside the house is a common symptom, among other things:
- Disorientation.
- Change in level of activity.
- Different sleep-wake cycles.
- Change in how they act with family members and other pets in your home.
#2: Dog poops inside a new house
Slegary, a 1 ½-year-old Labrador Retriever, started pooping in his parent’s basement.
He is let out during times when he wants to. But whenever he comes back inside, he’ll poop within the next 5 minutes.
Slegary defecates in the same spot of their basement more than once a day.
His fur parents are getting frustrated because this is a new house. And Slegary seems to have adapted well except for his pooping behavior.
It can frustrate anyone – having a new home is a good change for some people. But a change in your dog’s pooping behavior, for the worse, is certainly not welcome.
What probably happened in Slegary’s case is he’s trying to mark his territory with pee. And then pooped in the spot because it’s more convenient.
A study has found that dogs use scent to “draw a line” in their place.
Slegary either smelled another dog’s scent in the house if it had a previous owner. Or they’re just trying to claim the place as theirs if it’s a new building.
Check out also: 9 Reasons Why Dogs Scratch The Ground After They Pee Or Poop
#3: Dog poops in parent’s girlfriend’s bed
Our pooches love us unconditionally.
They show signs that they trust us, but do they feel the same towards the people we love?
In Stella’s case, not necessarily. Read on and learn her story, then see why she pooped in the bed of her dad’s girlfriend.
Stella was brought by her dad to a new place – his partner’s. This is an entirely unfamiliar location to the dog.
After having spent a couple of days in his partner’s place, Stella peed on her carpet. Then, later on, pooped on the bed.
Just a quick background, Stella is an adopted dog, and not much is known of her past. If she wasn’t socialized, she might get stressed being around unfamiliar humans.
Some dogs can get excited and happy when they meet new people. Especially those who have been socialized well in childhood.
Research shows that puppies that were gently handled during childhood were well-behaved. They were calmer and had better emotional development.
A paper even suggests that socialization should begin within a few days after birth.
However, despite getting socialized well, new experiences may still startle canines. This can either be:
- Meeting new people.
- Hearing a strange sound.
- Going to an unfamiliar place.
This might be what happened in Stella’s case. Especially if she was rehomed after being with emotionally absent parents.
The anxiety and stress of being in a new place caused her to go poop on the bed.
According to the AKC, anxious dogs sometimes work themselves up. So much so that they defecate in the house.
You might also be interested in: Why Is My Dog Suddenly Peeing A Lot (In The House)? 27 Tips
#4: Young dog keeps pooping in the house even after training
It’s very beneficial for dogs if they are trained from a young age. During this time, pooches are more impressionable. And they also absorb things quite quickly.
However, due to the constant changes in their bodies, training regressions may happen. As your dog’s brain develops, some of their learned behavior might go away.
This could be why Alan, a 5-month-old Siberian Husky, still poops inside the house. He has been potty trained for a while and yet somehow forgets it.
Alan’s parents started training using puppy pads, and he got used to it. They then moved these outside, but he would destroy them. Then he proceeds to go inside the house and poops there.
His parents found success in using positive reinforcement for a while. However, Alan still sometimes goes back to pooping in the house at night time.
Scenes like these can frustrate fur parents. Especially if they have another dog who learns quickly.
But, it’s not always a learning problem but rather a natural reaction of a dog’s body. As mentioned earlier, training regression can occur in dogs.
Tuzzo, CPDT, says that a dog’s hormonal, energy, and motivation levels will change. Especially when they’re still growing. This could include the potty training you taught them while they were growing.
Don’t get frustrated, though. Visconti, a certified trainer, says that learning isn’t linear. And it’s normal for some dogs to regress. What’s important is that you keep on guiding your pup and train them properly.
Small progress is still progress.
#5: Senior dog starts pooping inside the house
As dogs grow old, their bodily functions also start to decline. They won’t be moving as much as before. Their senses also begin to weaken.
And with their age also comes accidental pooping inside the house.
“Why does that happen?”
This is also the same question Barbies’ fur parents have.
She is a senior dog who’s always been obedient and well-trained. Especially when it comes to pooping. She also had no problems using the doggy door when going outside to go to the toilet.
Barbie is already 16 years of age. Her parents first saw signs of diarrhea in her. They sent Barbie to the vet and gave her a bland diet with some antibiotics.
However, the carpet cleanup days of her parents were still not over. Barbie keeps on pooping inside their home, specifically upstairs.
Now, they tried to keep her downstairs so that she no longer can go up and poop there. But, what happened was Barbie just went near the baby barrier at the base of the stairs.
I think this pooch happened to the decline of her muscles and the ability to control them. And when this happens, sometimes, poop just comes out uncontrollably.
Like humans, dogs also have muscles in their bums to push out their poop. Unfortunately, once they grow old, these degrade and lose their strength.
According to PetMD, the lack of bowel control is common in older dogs.
Read next: Why does my dog suddenly poop in the house? 3 common situations
#6: Dog starts to poop in shoes after parent passed away
Dogs feel sad when their fur parents pass away. They get attached to loving hoomans and will feel emotional during these times.
With the passing of a loved one comes the change in a dog’s routine. Their morning walks will no longer be there. Feeding times might be different with a new parent. And even their playtimes will be affected.
This is the case of Gigi, whose senior parent passed away. When this happened, the granddaughter of the original owner of Gigi, Riza, adopted her.
This is a huge change for the dog.
Riza lived with her husband, who had already gotten a bit annoyed at the dog’s behavior. He asked her if they could rehome Gigi. Now, before you get mad at the man, hear him out.
Gigi has been pooping inside their house. Not just on the floor but also in their shoes, the couch, and on the carpet. She even pees on their books while looking straight at Riza.
What I think happened to Gigi is she is going through a lot of stress.
Changes like the death of a loved one will affect a dog’s behavior. Especially ones that are life-changing such as:
- Getting a new parent.
- Passing away of a fur sibling.
- Being introduced to a new family member e.g., babies
An erratic pooping behavior can be a symptom of stress caused by a change in their routine. Most dogs are reliant on us for their daily activities. And without our guidance, they might feel directionless.
The VCA also says that dogs do mourn the loss of a beloved hooman.
Here are a few symptoms that a dog is mourning:
- Insomnia.
- Loss of appetite.
- Changing the location of their sleeping area.
- They vocalize more, or they get much quieter than usual.
#7: Dog poops inside the house because they’re scared to go out
Fear can make a dog act differently. It can make them aggressive and lash out. Some pooches even bark and growl at other dogs because of this.
Another behavior change that happens when a dog feels fear is poop inside the house.
“Really, how so?”
When your pooch encounters something scary outside, they sometimes choose to stay indoors.
It’s a common reaction in humans too. Unless you’re a horror movie actor who wants to know what’s inside a room after hearing a ghost.
Kidding aside, the reaction of keeping away from what scared a dog is normal. And this is what we think happened to Biscuit. So let me tell you what happened to him.
Biscuit is a 3-year old Beagle Lab who moved with his parents to a new house. The location of their home is somewhere in the country near a busy road.
Because of the situation at their place, Biscuit’s parents put up an electric fence. Unfortunately, during training, he got shocked and was traumatized.
Biscuit now no longer goes out to the yard and starts to poop and pee inside the house.
#8: Hearing loud sounds made a dog poop inside the house
4th of July fireworks booming outside? You might have noticed your dog barking in response to fireworks. Or maybe a thunderstorm is passing your area?
All these can cause your pooch to hide in fear. They’d try and find spaces where the sound would be dampened, such as:
- The bathroom.
- Inside a closet.
- In between your arms.
- Under the couch or bed.
Our poor pooches will have a hard time resting when they hear a loud sound. Not only that, it can cause them to have reactions that are signs of extreme fear like:
- Screaming.
- Whimpering loudly.
- Shivering and shaking.
Fear-induced pooping
Another reaction would be to poop themselves far from where they heard the sound. And if this happened inside your home, you might think that they did it on purpose.
Quite the contrary. Pooping inside the house can be a symptom of something else going on with your pooch.
Take, for example, Zeke, a 3-year old German Shepherd who no longer wants to poop outside. He was trained to go potty in the yard, but he never does it anymore after one incident involving fireworks.
Zeke’s parents had an emergency on the night of the 4th of July. So what they did was they left him to his trusted dog sitter throughout the celebration.
Naturally, fireworks went off at night as part of the observance. The next day Zeke’s parents went back and found him all well. But the problem arose when they were taking him for potty time.
Zeke wouldn’t relieve himself outside. He also doesn’t want to go out in the yard without a leash. And if he’s wearing one, Zeke just stays near the screen door.
When his parents take him inside, he goes to the toilet on his playpen to make matters worse. And it looks like he held it in for the whole day.
#9: Dog pooping in the same spot every day
A dog’s relationship with scents may be a little bit weird. To us humans, at least. They are into stinky things that are not agreeable with our noses.
Some dogs may even roll on fox poo just because they like the smell.
Weird, right?
Not to your dog. They use scents to distinguish themselves from others. And even use it to mark their territory. This can be the reason why dogs go back to the same spot in your house to poop.
“Really? What does poop smell have to do with this?”
Well, it’s part of a dog’s psyche to relieve themselves in the spot where they’re used to. And if the spot where they pooped isn’t thoroughly cleaned, the scent will be there.
This will then cause a dog to think that a specific location is where they should dump out.
Take, for example, Belle. She is a Chihuahua puppy, and her fur mom got frustrated because of her pooping habits.
Belle walks into her mom’s room and then relieves herself there without fail. Her fur parent sometimes just wants to relax, but how could she? I mean, aside from the smell, the feeling of frustration will take away anyone’s chill mood.
What might have happened is that the spot where Belle poops isn’t cleaned thoroughly. That’s why she always goes back there.
Dogs have excellent noses and will track their pooping spot if a small trace is left.
#10: Dog poops inside the home while parents are away
Before leaving your home, make sure that your pooch has access to a potty pad. Or at least leave them to a dog sitter who can take care of them. And attend them during their potty time.
When a dog doesn’t have a way to relieve themself outside your home, they’ll poop inside. I mean, where else would they go? They can’t hold their poop forever.
But some parents do sometimes forget these minute things, especially new ones.
For example, Don was a 2-year-old pup when his dad left him at home. He went out for a party and forgot to leave a place for his doggo to poop. He found that Donna had pooped near his bag and got pretty frustrated at him the next day.
But he, later on, realized it was his fault. And thought to himself, “was this Donna’s way of taking revenge?”
The quick answer is no. As mentioned earlier, dogs love the smell of poop. If they can wrap it up, put it in a nice bag, and send it to you, they probably would. Not because they hate you, rather for the reason that they love you.
“If I don’t have a sitter, what else can I do?”
You can try purchasing a potty pad for your pooch. Amazon has a top-rated product called the Basics Dog and Puppy Pads.
What to do after a dog poops inside your home?
Cleaning up after a pup can get messy and tiring if not done properly. As mentioned in #9, it can also cause your fur baby to go back and poop there again.
There are also dangers if a dog’s poop isn’t cleaned properly. Since these are waste products, it can cause zoonotic diseases.
These illnesses can transfer from animals to humans, according to Dr. Chavez. Here are examples of these diseases:
- Giardia.
- Salmonella.
- Hookworms.
- Roundworms.
- Campylobacter.
I’ll discuss a few simple steps you can take to keep these germs away from your household. And help maintain a good-smelling home in the process.
Before you start cleaning, you need to determine the type of poop your dog made.
If they’re experiencing diarrhea, your fur baby will most likely have wet poop. Nobody likes to deal with poop, but if it’s inevitable, solid dog poop would be easier to clean.
To keep things running smoothly in your household, here are a few simple things you can do:
Wet poop
- Scrape up as much of the poop as possible. Make sure that you don’t spread it, especially if your pooch pooped on a carpet.
- Let it dry out overnight. If you can, blow a fan at it, pointing the airflow to a window. This will keep the air in your home smell a little better.
- The next day, use your scraper again and clean the dried-out poop.
- Then in a bowl, mix the following:
- 2-3 drops of dishwashing soap.
- 3 oz. (88.7 ml.) white vinegar.
- 16 oz. (473 ml.) water
- Pour the mixture onto the spot and let it stay for 3 minutes.
- Once done, you can place a towel on top so it can absorb the liquid.
- Repeat the process until the spot clears up.
Dry poop
- Pick up the poop and place it in a plastic bag.
- Mix vinegar and water in a bowl with equal parts each.
- Pour the mixture onto the spot to clean it thoroughly.
- Once done, spray hydrogen peroxide on the spot. But don’t overdo it – this liquid might leave a stain.