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13 Ways To Keep Your Husky Busy And Entertained (How-To)

How To Keep Your Husky Busy And Entertained

How do you keep your Siberian Husky busy and entertained? If they’re bored, they’re going to be destructive. 

Good thing you come across this article. Here I’ll share with you:

  • Mentally stimulating activities to keep your Husky’s focus.
  • 13 ways to keep your Siberian Husky busy and entertained.
  • The apps you can use if you want to search for and hire a dog walker.
  • And many more…

How to keep a Siberian Husky busy?

Keep a Siberian Husky busy by giving them training and nose work and taking them running. These activities will keep their minds occupied and prevent destructive behaviors. Other activities include playing fetch, attending doggy daycare, and swimming.

How to keep a Siberian Husky entertained?

Keep a Siberian Husky entertained by giving them chew toys and teaching new tricks. These are mentally stimulating as well as enjoyable activities. In addition, take them to a dog park to socialize with other dogs. Or give them interesting toys and teach them the names of these toys.

13 ways you can keep your Husky busy and entertained

#1: Go swimming

Entertaining your Husky may appear a challenge as big as Goliath. 

But simple activities can keep them occupied. Such as swimming.

Swimming is a classic activity to get a nice full-body workout. They’ll expend a lot of energy to keep floating in the water.

Plus, when your Husky takes to it, they’re gonna love the water!

You’ll find them running into the waves. Or running on the shores.

If you can’t go to the beach or lake, have them paddle in a kiddie pool. Some Huskies love even splashing in the water.

This will keep them entertained and cool during the day.

Is it your Husky’s first time swimming? Are they reluctant to get in the water?

Just give them encouraging words. They’ll eventually get into the water, just like this crybaby:

#2: Give your Husky lots of training

Training is an important part of owning a Siberian Husky.

In this study, the researchers found out how important puppy training is. A total of 142 dogs participated, divided into the following groups:

  • Puppy class (PC) group – 44 dogs attended class 1 hour each week for 6 weeks.
  • Puppy party (PP) group – 39 dogs attended a 1-hour puppy party.
  • Adult class (AC) group – 27 dogs attended class 1 hour each week for 6 weeks.
  • No class (NC) group – 32 dogs did not attend any training.

Dogs in PC and AC groups have a higher response to commands than the PP and NC groups. The researchers concluded that attending training classes improved the obedience behavior of dogs.

To get the best out of training, start as soon as you bring your dog home. Begin with basic commands such as ‘sit,’ ‘stay’ and ‘down.’

After mastering this, move on to other commands such as ‘stop,’ ‘find’ or ‘get.’ You can add more commands later on.

Note: Aside from basic commands, training includes crate training, house-breaking, and leash training. Your Husky will have busy months ahead of them to learn these things.

#3: Hire a dog walker

Dog Walker For Husky

Some days, you just don’t have the time for your Husky.

You’re swamped at work, or something urgent needs your attention. But your dog needs to be entertained or exercised.

Consider paying a dog walker. Here are your options in finding the best candidate:

  • Get referrals from people you know.
  • Find a dog walker in your area through an app.

They offer not only dog walking services. They also have grooming, boarding, and anything your dog needs.

If you want to use an app, here are your best choices:

Rover has more than 65,000 dog walkers and pet sitters across the US.

The good thing about this app? You can find a walker in your area. 

Rover also does background checks on walkers and sitters. Thus, you’ll have peace of mind that you’re leaving your dog to a capable person.


This app connects you to dog-loving walkers in just 30 minutes or less. If you want your Husky to be walked regularly, you can avail of their recurring service.

What’s good about this app? It sends you a notification on your phone about your dog’s activities. 

You can also track your dog through GPS and the app’s PuppyTracker. 

After the walk, you’ll receive a Pup Report.


This is another app that lets you find walkers around your area.

What’s good about it is that you can find a walker with a single click or tap. Thus, you don’t waste time looking for potential walkers.

#4: Keep their mouths busy… the right way

Bored huskies will wreak havoc in your house. 

They’ll turn into the king of mischief.

This usually happens when they’re without exercise and are bored. Or in other words – left alone for a long time.

Do you want to know what a bored Husky is capable of? Watch this Husky destroy the couch with destructive chewing:

To entertain your Husky, give them chew toys to keep their mouths busy. Let them focus on these toys rather than your couch.

I recommend this dumbbell-shaped Hswaye chew toy. It is made from natural rubber, which doesn’t contain toxic chemicals.

This toy has hollow ends where you can put peanut butter and other treats. It also has particles on the surface that help reduce plaque and tartar.

This Vanfine squeaky toy is also a fantastic choice. The squeaky sound will entertain your Husky and keep their focus for a long time.

Warning: Many toys are designed for aggressive chewers. But in some cases, Huskies may be able to chew through these toys. Thus, always keep an eye on your Husky during their chew time.

#5: Have your Husky run while you bike

A rigorous physical activity will do wonders for your Husky.

And since they’ve been bred to pull a sled, use it to tire them out.

Replace sled with a skateboard or rollerblades. Then put your Husky on a leash and have them pull you.

With this kind of exercise, your Husky will have an intense workout. This is far more rigorous than just walking around the neighborhood.

You can also get a bike and pedal down a dirt road. Have your Husky on a leash by your side. You’re helping them burn excess energy this way.

If your Husky is trained not to run away, bring them to an open field. Then allow them to run as much as they want.

Then let them run again on your way back home.

Huskies absolutely love running. This will probably be the highlight of their day after being in the house for hours.

Note: Getting them tired is the key to having a calm Husky.

On the other hand, many Huskies are escape artists. If they tend to run away, let them loose in your yard. 

Just make sure your yard is fenced tall enough. With a low fence, they might be able to jump.

A Husky owner shares on a website that their fence is 1.8 meters (71 inches) tall.

In addition, place some chicken wire under the fence. This is to discourage them from digging their way out.

#6: Have your Husky attend daycare

Are you a busy pet parent? You can enroll your Husky in a doggy daycare.

Let me tell you, though. This is not a long-term solution.

Your Husky needs to interact with you on a daily basis. That’s vital to a stronger relationship between you and your pooch.

But for days when you can’t entertain your Husky, you can make an exception.

Hopefully, there’s a doggy daycare in your area. Your Husky socializing with dogs of all ages can do them good.

According to this study, puppies that are socialized properly are less likely to exhibit problems as adults. Thus, make an effort to expose them to other pets, people, and objects.

A Husky owner shares in a forum that bringing his Husky to daycare had been a tremendous help. The dog attended once or twice a week. 

But the Husky was usually tired until the next day or two. Attending daycare also prevented destructive behaviors.

#7: Do some nose work games

Entertain Your Husky

Whoever said ‘A tired dog is a happy dog’ is right.

But a mentally stimulated dog? That is an even happier pooch.

Mental stimulation is an exercise for your Husky’s brain. It keeps them thinking and figuring things out.

In tandem with physical exercise, you’re gonna have a calm and happy Husky!

For starters, set up some nose games. These games involve scents. 

Sniffing unlocks parts of their brains that they don’t usually use for other stuff.

An example of a game involves a snuffle mat. This is a boredom buster and certified stress reliever.

Hide treats under the mat and get your Husky sniffing for 10 minutes to find the treats. With this activity:

  • It slows down eating to improve digestion.
  • Your Husky gets mental and physical exercise.
  • Your Husky improves their natural foraging skills.

#8: Teach them to sing

Siberian Huskies love howling at the top of their lungs.

Or you can call it singing.

And every day there’s always a chance to practice those vocal chops. It only takes one Husky to spur the pack to sing along.

Beautiful, right?

Unfortunately, not all appreciate a Husky’s singing. It’s a great way to piss off your neighbor at 5 in the morning.

How to teach ‘sing’ and ‘quiet’ commands

Sometimes howling can bother the neighbors and other people. 

But before teaching your Husky to be quiet, teach them to sing first.

It’s not difficult to get your Husky to sing. Say ‘sing,’ then do something to trigger a howl. Perhaps howl yourself.

As soon as your Husky howls, give them a treat and praise.

Train them until they learn to sing on command.

Afterward, teach them the ‘quiet’ command. Give them a treat and praise when they obey.

Eventually, lengthen the time that they’re quiet before giving a treat and praise. 

#9: Play fetch

Fetch is a game that never gets old.

It’s a fantastic way to tire your Husky and keep them entertained.

This game requires that your Husky sprint continuously with little to no rest. As a result, it tires them out faster.

Take advantage of this game as it improves the communication between you and your Husky. This will encourage them to listen to your commands.

Of course, the best way to do this game is with your involvement. 

So throw an old tennis ball. And watch as your Husky scurries off to bring the ball back to you.

If your arm needs a break, use a Chuckit! ball launcher. A Kannon ball launcher or an automatic ball dispenser are also perfect choices.

#10: Give your Husky toys

Toys can provide your Husky hours of fun!

Just look at Luna the Husky playing with her stuffed toy:

A toy has to be interesting for them. If they don’t like it, then they’re not going to play with it.

In time, you’ll see what kind of toys your Husky loves. Perhaps they want soft toys as Luna does. Or maybe they love chewing so they go for chew bones.

Always ensure that toys are safe and made of non-toxic materials.

When giving your Husky toys, here are a few reminders:

  • Don’t give them all the toys at once. They will get bored faster.
  • Make a rotation of their toys. Divide toys into several boxes. Give your Husky a box of toys at a time. If they’re already bored with it, take it away. Then give them a new box.

#11: Name their toys

Make your Husky busy by teaching them the names of their toys.

This activity will keep them entertained. Plus, it’s a mentally stimulating activity.

When training your Husky, do the following:

  • Hold a toy in each hand.
  • Hold out one toy to your Husky and say the name of that toy.
  • Allow your Husky to get to know it by sniffing or licking it.
  • Praise your Husky and repeat the toy’s name.
  • After several minutes, introduce the other toy.

You may do this for several days. Just to give your Husky enough time to get to know the toys.

Then hold the toys in each of your hands and call out a toy’s name. Watch as your Husky chooses which toy corresponds to the name.

Do the same for the other set of toys. Eventually, your Husky will get to know the names of all their toys.

For the ultimate test, lay out the toys on the floor. Then ask your Husky to pick out the toy corresponding to the name you call out.

Fun fact: There was a Border Collie that knew the name of more than 1000 toys.

#12: Go to a dog park

Dogs are crazy about their playtime.

With your Husky, it’s no different.

Whether your Husky is an only furbaby, or you have other dogs, they will benefit from going out. 

It’s your job to find a place where your Husky can enjoy themselves.

Thank goodness there are dog parks to take your Husky to. Many dog parks are fenced, so you have no worries about your dog running away.

There are dog parks where your Husky can run off-leash. And they can interact with dogs of all sizes and ages.

Some dog parks even have a river where dogs can splash or take a swim.

Note: Make sure your Husky has complete and updated vaccinations before taking to a dog park. And always keep an eye on your dog.

#13: Teach your Husky new tricks

Widen your Husky’s repertoire by teaching them new tricks each month.

Teaching them something new is mentally stimulating. And this is another activity to keep your bond stronger.

Don’t be discouraged if your Husky is already old. And don’t believe in the saying, ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.’

This study proves that simple mental tasks can keep dogs mentally fit. After all, dogs can still learn even in old age.

But no matter how young or old your Husky is, they are teachable.

Make sure they have mastered the basics such as ‘sit down’ or ‘stay.’ Then move on to other tricks.

Some tricks you can teach them are waving hello and shaking hands.

Here are the simple steps:

  • Have your Husky sit.
  • Pick up one of their paws and shake it. Say ‘shake’ at the same time.
  • Then give your Husky a reward.
  • Repeat the steps until your Husky learns to shake on command.

To wave hello:

  • Have your Husky sit.
  • Hold out an interesting toy in front of them.
  • When they reach for the toy, say ‘wave.’
  • Immediately reward your Husky.

For other ideas, teach them how to:

  • Come.
  • Stand.
  • Drop it.
  • Leave it.
  • Roll over.
  • Play dead.

Level up by combining tricks, such as ‘stand’ and ‘stay.’

Bonus: Let them dig

Does your Husky love digging?

It could be their favorite thing to do when bored.

But don’t wait for your Husky to destroy your garden or lawn.

Instead, let them have fun by designating a digging area for them. Create a sandpit to confine their digging activities.

Make it more fun by burying some of their toys. Then let them dig them out.

It may take a while for them to dig in the right place. But once they know where to dig, they’re going to have fun doing it.