You’ve heard about splooting. And you know that Corgis do it. So far, so good.
But do you know exactly what it means? And why Corgis do it?
No more unanswered questions! Read on to discover:
- Whether Corgis are the only dogs and animals that sploot.
- What it means when your Corgi is splooting (7 real reasons).
- What the ‘pancake’ sploot is and other different types of splooting.
- And way more…
Table of contents
What is a Corgi sploot?
A Corgi sploot is when the dog lays on its belly, the hind legs flat on the ground, and spread to the side. Variations of splooting are one hind leg under the torso, or both hind legs stretched to one side. Other terms for splooting are frogging, frog legs, frog dogging, dog frogging, supermanning.
‘So, why is it called a Corgi sploot?’ you ask.
Simple. Corgis are the dog breed that popularized this kind of stretch.
And since a lot of photos with splooting Corgis went viral on Instagram, people started using the term ‘Corgi sploot’.
But, interestingly enough, Corgis aren’t the only dogs or animals that do it. At the end of the article, you’;ll find a list of animals who like to sploot.
Why do Corgis sploot?
Corgis typically sploot because they relax in that position. Another reason is that they might want to cool down. Or, simply because they want to do a full-body stretch. If a Corgi is healthy and flexible, it will likely find the sploot position comfortable and rest in it.
7 real reasons why Corgis sploot
#1: It’s a way to cool down
Have you seen your Corgi lay on the tiles at home on a hot sunny day? Or, perhaps under a shady spot on the concrete outside?
Splooting like that doesn’t happen by chance. In fact, it’s a (sub)conscious strategy of your dog to lower down the heat.
By splooting on the tiles or on the shady concrete, or the lawn, Corgis get closer to the ground. They also get to manage their body temperature and balance with it with the colder surface their bodies are touching.
#2: They want a full-body stretch
Remember that long-awaited feeling you get from a nice stretch after being static for a while? That’s how some Corgis feel about splooting.
Because, above all, it’s a stretch. And what could be a more chill way to stretch than to do it while you lie down?
Maybe you need to go to aerobics, pilates or to the fitness to do your stretching routine. Well, Corgis can and do stretch at home.
They do it daily. Whether it’s the splooting or other stretching positions. One of which is what yoga people call ‘downward dog’.
#3: Your dog is still young and flexible
Is your Corgi a puppy or a yound dog?
Then one of the most natural thing for them to do is stretch. In all kinds of ways, including splooting.
The great thing about that is, that a Corgi can get used to splooting from an early age. Then, they will form a habit that will remain in adulhood as well.
#4: One way to relax in a comfortable position
Splooting is a nice way to release tension.
Some people like to lie on their side when going to sleep. Others on their back, or belly.
And Corgis have their own preferences as well. If yours is splooting too often, then it’s a sign they’re enjoying it.
Plus, splooting, increases your Corgi’s mobility. It opens the hips.
#5: It’s a way to strengthen the hips
You know how some people go to yoga? It has many health benefits. One of which is strengthening the muscles.
Well, while your Corgi doesn’t know about yoga, they do know what’s good for them.
For example, to prevent getting stiff, they stretch. That’s how they stay flexible and strong.
#6: Your Corgi is a copy-cat
You know what? Your Corgi is a smart creature. And a very adaptable one at that.
You might not know this, but dogs are able to mimic humans. And other dogs too.
So, if you have another doggo in the house, chances are your Corgi is mimicking them. Their sploot, to be precise.
#7: To get your attention
Bet you didn’t expect that!
Well, some dog parents’ hearts melt at the sight of their Corgi splooting…
And they just can’t resist to pet the dog, talk to them, or give them a nice scratch.
When you think about it, which dog doesn’t like receiving attention from their closest person?
#7 comes last (but not least) due to the fact that your dog is most probably splooting for one of the above reasons. But hey, getting attention could be a nice bonus to that.
4 ways Corgis sploot
#1: Full sploot a.k.a the pancake sploot
How do you get a Corgi pancake?
One pair of hind legs stretched out behind the body. A pair of front legs pointing to the front or rear. And a fluffy Corgi head with pointy ears lying on the floor.
There you have it – the famous Corgi pancake. 🙂
#2: Half sploot a.k.a the classic sploot
This is when your Corgi doesn’t feel like stretching both hips at the same time.
So, while one leg is positioned under the body, the other is stretched out to the back.
#3: The side sploot (either to the left or right)
The side sploot is very similar to the half one. The difference is that:
- Both of the hind legs are stretched on one side.
- Or, while one leg is tucked under the Corgi’s body, the other is stretched to the side.
#4: The reverse sploot a.k.a the upside down sploot
There are photos of a puppy which circled around the Internet for a while. On them you could see a puppy who was lying down if dead…
At least that’s what most people would think when they’d see the position in which the puppy was resting.
Yes – the puppy was chilling. Not feeling bad, not dead.
So, it turns out the way it was lying down had a name – splooting. Upside down splooting, to be precise.
Now you know!
5 dangers when Corgis sploot (look out for these signs)
Splooting can make a doggo appear even cuter!
But wait…
What if it’s an indication if something’s wrong?
Splooting in itself is not a sign of danger. However, it could indicate a potential issue if it happens in a combination with certain symptoms.
Let’s go together through the most common dangers that could accompany your dog’s splooting.
#1: Hip dysplasia
Hip dysplasia is more common in big dog breeds. But it can also affect small ones.
To better understand what hip dysplasia is, imagine a machine mechanism. In order for the machine to be working, all of the small particles should be in place. And move smoothly.
What happens if one is out of place or has difficulty moving? It affects the way the machine functions. It slows its work down. Or even stops it.
Something similar happens with your dog’s body if they have hip dysplasia.
Insead of the ball and socket sliding smoothly, they rub and grind. One of the biggest dangers is that this could stop the function of the joint itself over time.
Some of the symtomps of hip dysplasia are:
- Swaying hips.
- Limping when walking.
- Limited hip movement.
- Stiff hips and hind legs.
- Lameness of the hind legs.
- Shifting the weight to the front legs.
- Inability to exercise for long periods of time.
- Clicking sound coming from the hips when moving.
- Larger shoulder muscles that compensate for weak hind legs.
- Difficulty or unwillingness to get up from a sitting or a lying position.
- Hopping like a bunny (with hind legs pressed together and going in the air when moving).
#2: Injury
In case your dog limps and starts splooting, you should check with the vet.
The reason might be an injury such as a torn ligament or join dislocation.
If so, your dog will sploot or stretch to reduce the pain.
Look for the following symtomps:
- Wounds.
- Swelling.
- Bleeding.
- Snappiness.
- Reluctance to run.
- Decreased jumping.
In short, if you notice behavioarl changes accompanied with the physical symtomps above, head to the vet.
#3: Arthritis
Arthritis can be tricky to detect. That’s because dogs show pain different than humans.
We can voice our pain out. But dogs tend to cover it up. Until it gets severe.
It’s like that because dogs have other ways to cope with pain. Since they’re equipped with 4 limbs, they can shift weigt from one limb to another. And change their posture.
Symtomps of arthritis include:
- Stiffness.
- Change in willungness to exercise.
- Changed way of walking and running.
- Difficulty climbing stairs and jumping on and off furniture.
#4: Skin rash and itchiness
Surprisingly enough, dogs can get very creative if they need to scratch.
You’re probably aware of this common scenario: If your dog needs to have their anal glands expressed, they will drag their ass on the floor. Their hind legs will be lifted from the floor while the front legs take the pressure and help move the body.
But what if it’s their belly that is itching? Then they can lie on it and drag themselves on the ground.
To make sure that rash or itchiness isn’t the root cause, check your dog’s belly for the following:
- Bumps.
- Red spots.
- Scaling skin.
- Inflammation.
#5: Lethargy
Lethargy can last for hours on end. And even days.
The harmless possibility could be that your dog is just feeling lazy.
How to tell?
Lethargy is usually accompaned by lack of apettite. So, if your dog looks tired, is splooting and has no interest in eating, something might be wrong.
Here are some other signs of lethargy:
- Lack of energy.
- Lack of enthusiasm.
- Acting out of the ordinary.
- Lack of interest in regular activities.
- Slow reactions to sensory stimulation.
Why do some dogs sploot and others don’t?
Think about it this way – some people do the pigeon pose in yoga. Others have never tried it. Chances are, that when the latter do it for the first time, they’re not gonna find it comfortable.
Why? Because it’s a deeper stretching pose. And to be able to enjoy it, you should do it on a regular basis. That way, your body will get more familiar with it.
That also depends on your flexibility though. And for dogs, it’s not much different when it comes to splooting.
If they do it often, then it means it’s comfortable for them. And if they don’t, maybe it’s not their favorite pose.
But hey, does it have anything to do with dogga (canine yoga)?
Sorry to disappoint, but…no. This doesn’t make it look less cute though!
Another reason why your dog might not be a fan of splooting, has to do with their size. Bigger dogs have longer less. This makes it more difficult for them to stretch their legs out.
Which other animals sploot?
One term that I haven’t mentioned by far but also refers to splooting is flying squirrel. And splooting does apply to squirrels.
Here are 8 other animals that sploot:
- Cats.
- Turtles.
- Rabbits.
- Squirrels.
- Chipmunks.
- Hedgehogs.
- Polar bears.
- Leopard Gecko.
In fact, pet owners participate in threads about splooting animals online. They join in the fun by contributing with their unique pet photos.
Fun facts about splooting
#1: Dogs could sploot on land and in water
Don’t believe me?
Well, there’s video proof.
Just look at this adorable video:
#2: Splooting is not only a mammal behavior
Like mentioned a bit above, turtles and leopard geckos are keen on splooting too.
#3: Big dogs (such as Huskies) can sploot too
Not only that but Huskies can be quite good at it too.
Caution: If your dog does not sploot on their own, don’t try and make them. Otherwise you could cause an injury to your dog. Or create a traumatic experience for them.
#4: Not only purebred dogs can sploot
Good news! Even if you don’t have a Corgi, you might end up with a splooting dog.
Just about any breed can sploot. Factors that affect this have to do with the dog’s flexibility, personal comfort, and whether they developed the habit of splooting at from an early age.
#5: There’s no scientific explanation behind splooting
If you’ve been wondering about it, here’s your answer. There haven’t been any researches or studies done on this yet.
Thursday 3rd of December 2020
Your posts are very interesting and educational
Petya Natcheva
Thursday 3rd of December 2020
Thanks, John! I'm happy you think so. :)