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4-Month-Old Puppy Barks At Other Dogs: 5 Vital Tips (2023)

4-Month-Old Puppy Barks At Other Dogs

“Arf…! Arf…!” 

There goes your little pupper again. 

Barking like they’re so big and strong. 

Is Fido trying to start a fight with other dogs?

Before your pup turns into a big bad woof… 

I’ll tell you the best ways to manage your 4-month-old barking puppy.

Continue reading to learn: 

  • 3 easy self-control games to manage barking in puppies.
  • 5 vital tips for 4-month-old puppies that bark at other dogs.
  • Proven ways to socialize your puppy to stop barking (#1 is cute.) 
  • And many, many more…

Why does my 4 month-old-puppy bark at other dogs?

Your 4 month-old-puppy barks at other dogs out of excitement. Upon seeing another canine, your puppy might want to play with them. Thus, they bark to greet other dogs. Moreover, your puppy could also feel threatened by other canines. That’s why your dog starts barking as a form of self-defense. 

4-month-old puppy barks at other dogs: 5 vital tips

#1: Socialization is a must

It’s best to learn manners as early as possible. 

And like humans, the same thing applies to your pup. 

Now, as experts say: 

Socialization is a must for Fidos. With this trick, many pups grow up with good manners.

But how can you do it for your pooch? 

Well, there are many ways to do this training. 

Just check out these 5 tips to socialize your puppy: 

  • Schedule a puppy play date.
  • Take your pup to the dog park.
  • Find socialization classes for puppies.
  • Adopt 1 more puppy to be Fido’s furry sibling.
  • Let your pooch make friends with other dogs.

With these ideas… 

Your furry pal can familiarize themselves with other dogs. 

After all, as I said in the intro: 

Most puppies bark due to excitement. But what makes them act so hyper in the first place?

Some experts have a theory and that is…

Your pup misses their playmates or siblings 

Science reveals: 

Dogs can recall their siblings. As well as their mothers too.

But this only works on 1 condition…

That’s if the pups spent their first 6 weeks together.

Now, at 4 months old, your pooch is still young. With that, Fido’s memory could still be fresh.

So what do these puppies do?

That’s right. They always play together. And that’s what your pup could be looking for.

But now that they’re away from their siblings…

Your pooch could feel bored and lonely. Or they’re simply eager to play with fellow pups. 

That’s why they tend to bark at other dogs.

In that case, you might want to adopt another Fido.

With this, your furry pal could have a sibling again. Plus, it reduces their eagerness to play with other dogs.

And that lessens your pup’s barking habits too.

#2: Use positive reinforcement

Use Positive Reinforcement When Your 4-Month-Old Puppy Barks At Other Dogs

It’s not always easy to control your emotions. 

But when it comes to puppies, they’ll need all your patience. 

So even if your fur baby’s barking at other dogs… 

You need to show your pup how to stay calm. And here’s the best way to do it:

By using positive reinforcement. 

But how can you apply this to your furry pal?

To explain this training…

Here’s an example: 

Imagine that you got a dollar every time you washed the dishes as a kid. That’s some great motivation to do it, isn’t it? And it would make you more likely to do it again since you’re getting rewarded for it.

See? That’s the same goal you’d want for Fido. 

So here’s how you can do it with your fur baby. 

Just wait for your pup to stop barking at other dogs 

Once they quiet down, praise your pooch. And you could also give your furry friend a treat.

Now, you just have to keep this up until Fido gets the message. 

But wait, this training doesn’t stop there. 

You see, there are also rules to follow in this trick.

That said, here are the do’s and don’ts when training your puppy:

Do’s of positive reinforcementDont’s of positive reinforcement 
Use a friendly tone of voice, or baby talk.Avoid screaming at your dog.
Keep a calm expression or a smiling face.Don’t frown or glare at your pooch.
Always praise their good behavior.Never isolate your pup as punishment.
Reward them with petting and treats.Never hurt your dog in any way possible.

Wanna learn more about this technique? 

You can watch this expert trainer for tips: 

Check out also: 13 Reasons Why You Should NEVER Hit Your Dog (Check #7)

#3: Spend more time playing with your dog

As I said in tip #1…

Your pup could be barking at other dogs since they want to play. 

In that case, why not become Fido’s game partner instead? 

By getting rid of your furry pal’s boredom… 

You can stop them from barking at other dogs. After all, your pup knows they can run to you when they wanna play.

But what are the best ways to entertain your puppy? 

I got you covered. 

Here are fun ideas to tire out your furry pal: 

  • Tug of war.
  • Go for a walk.
  • Take them to swim.
  • Play at the dog park.
  • Use interactive toys for Fido.
  • Visit the puppy daycare with your pooch.
  • Hide treats at home and let your dog play treasure hunt.

With all these activities… 

You can get rid of your pup’s boredom. Plus, this is ideal for hyperactive dogs too. 

“But what if Fido becomes too dependent on me?” 

That’s a great question. 

And I have the perfect answers for you in the next section.

You might also like: 17 Easy Ways To Tire Out A Puppy FAST

#4: Train your Fido to stay calm

Let’s say you’re not always around to play with your pooch. 

Then, how could you stop their barking habits? 

The good thing is…

There are many ways to train your furry pal.

Now, this step is also a must. Especially when your pup has other concerns too. Like fear or stress, for example.

In fact, science states:

Over 72.5% of dogs have many types of anxiety. 

And they might feel this way when other Fidos scare them away. 

That’s why training your pooch to relax is the answer.

So how can you do this?

Here are the top 3 examples you can follow: 

#Training 1: Red light, green light 

The rules of this method are simple. 

First, red light means stop. Meanwhile, green stands for go. 

Now that’s all set and clear… 

It’s time to take Fido out for a walk. This time, just go like you normally do. But if your pup starts barking at another dog…

Then that’s your red light signal. And it means you should stop moving. 

Also, don’t forget tip #2:

Even if it’s tiring, you must be patient. So don’t show Fido any negative reaction. 

Now, let your pupper bark as much as they want. 

In a few minutes, they’ll get tired of it. 

Once your dog quiets down…

That’s your green light signal. In that case, continue your walk. 

Tip: If your pup stays quiet around other dogs, you can reward them with a treat.

See? It’s that simple. 

Now, you just have to repeat this process. Until you’re satisfied with Fido’s results.

Check out: Do Dogs Get Tired Of Barking? The Truth + 7 Anti-Barking Tips

#Training 2: Look at that

Is your puppy the anxious type? 

Then this training’s perfect for your doggo. Plus, it’s easy too. 

Okay, just follow my instructions: 

First, wait for your pup to bark at other dogs. 

And whenever Fido does that… 

Quickly point your finger at something. Then say: 

“Look at that!” 

Also, try to make it sound exciting too. This way, you’re distracting your pup. 

Now, if your pup looks at where you’re pointing at… 

You can also reward them with treats. With that, your furry pal will listen to you even more.

All in all, by taking your pup’s focus away from other dogs… 

You’re teaching Fido a way to cope with their anxiety. 

Learn more: 19 Proven Ways To Calm Your Anxious Dog (How-To Guide)

#Training 3: Grandma’s law

“You can play with other dogs. But only if you behave first.” 

Sounds like an easy deal, isn’t it? 

Well, that’s what you’ll teach Fido this time. 

Basically, you’ll give your dog a choice. With that, you’re not forcing your pup to do anything. And this helps them letter better on their own. 

So here’s an easy way to do this. 

First, you could ask a fellow fur parent to help you out. Next, invite them to go outside. Or maybe play at the dog park. 

Now, once your pup sees your friend’s pooch…

Fido might start barking. 

In that case, just hold your fur baby back. You know, like the red light rule in training #1.

While your pupper barks, you have to wait until they calm down. 

And when your pooch stays quiet… 

Then you can let them play with the other dog.

But what if Fido starts barking again? 

Well, you have to move your dog away from their playmate. Now, this gives your pup the chance to think along the lines of:

“Wait a second. When I bark, my fur parent stops me. 

But if I stay quiet, they let me come close to my new friend.” 

And when your dog finally gets the message… 

They’ll learn to stay calm around other puppers too. 

So, to summarize this whole training: 

Your pup should do what you want first. Before Fido can do as they please. 

Reading tip: Demand Barking: 19 Simple Tips To Stop It (How-To Guide) 

#5: Avoid leaving your puppy alone with other dogs

Since we’re on the topic of anxious dogs…

It gives you a reason to do this tip: 

Don’t leave your puppy alone with other Fidos. 

“But why? I thought they needed to socialize.” 

That’s right. They do. 

Though, you have to be there with your pooch. 

To explain why, just imagine this scenario. And take a look at it from your dog’s point of view: 

Let’s say it’s your first day of school. 

Your parents drop you off… 

Now you’re alone with strangers. 

To most people, this is nothing. But for others, it might be stressful. 

See? That’s exactly how your pup could feel. 

Not to mention…

You can’t predict how other dogs would react. 

So what if they scare Fido even more? That would make things worse. 

And you wouldn’t want that. 

In that case, you shouldn’t leave your pup alone for now. Especially with other big dogs.