There are many dogs out there that can howl proudly, but what about a Corgi? Can they howl like their bigger cousins?
Prepare to be surprised.
You’ll discover:
- The truth about Corgis and howling.
- The role barriers play in preventing unnecessary howling.
- The peculiar relationship between Corgi howling and harmonicas.
- And this is just the beginning…
Table of contents
Can Corgis howl?
Corgis can howl. Over the centuries, they mastered this skill through herding. However, they can also howl due to horns, sirens, or loud instruments. Some may have anxiety problems or medical issues, while other dogs will simply howl to any loud sound that might annoy them, such as alarm clocks.
Do all Corgis howl?
Not all Corgis howl. Some will howl specifically when they are trained, while others may howl due to the circumstances around them. They may howl when greeted with monotonous, loud sounds like car horns or machinery, and they may also howl to express fear.
How do I get my Corgi to howl?
You can get your Corgi to howl usually by making a loud enough noise of your own. Consider playing instruments like the harmonica or flute, or even an electric guitar with a sustained rhythm. You can also try whistling or playing loud music through a speaker if you don’t have instruments.
5 facts about Corgi howling
#1: Anxiety plays a larger part than most people think
One reason for howling could be that your Corgi is anxious about something. Anxiety can be triggered in a variety of ways. The AKC has narrowed them down into 3:
- Fear
- Aging
- Separation Anxiety
When dogs experience fear, it tends to be sudden. It’s common to see dogs run away or poop on the spot when they’re afraid.
Fear can further escalate into trauma. Especially if your dog is subjected to negative stimuli for sustained periods.
Anxiety due to aging happens when your dog is in their senior years. For Corgis, this tends to be between 10.5-12 years old.
Separation anxiety can also cause howling. Dogs that have this condition may also display other symptoms that usually attract your attention. They may soil on the spot, destroy objects, or do things you typically discourage.
To better understand this topic, check out this article on Corgi neediness and clinginess.
#2: Your doggo just wants to talk-o
Corgis can also howl at times simply to communicate something between each other. What emotions they convey can be varied. At times, they may communicate to express loneliness or even approval.
They may also howl to warn other dogs about potential dangers such as strangers staying near your front gate. This can often prompt dogs throughout a neighborhood to bark in a chain reaction.
It’s also possible for them to howl as a result of their pack mentality. When dogs feel sure about prey or have a target in mind, they may howl in order to encourage pursuit.
They may also communicate boredom by howling loudly. This means they may require space to move or an activity to make sure their minds are occupied.
#3: Corgis love being noticed
Corgis can also howl in order to draw your attention. . For example, they may howl and wag their tail enthusiastically to ask for food or a drink.
They can also howl as a way of telling you to give them their favorite toy. Especially if you tend to hide it out of plain sight. As some owners can attest, howling typically doesn’t stop until you give them exactly what they want.
Lastly, they can also howl to tell you to let them out of their crate. Dogs typically don’t want to soil themselves in a crate. Howling is their way of telling you to let them out so they’re not forced to relieve themselves inside their chosen home.
#4: Is everything… noise?
Loud noises can also cause your Corgi to howl. Typically, they’d howl to noises they haven’t noticed before. For example, hearing sirens for the first time.
Howling can also be triggered by musical instruments like the harmonica or your own whistling. In fact, there’s even news of a Corgi singing along to a song by Frank Ocean!
They can also howl when expressing annoyance to these loud sounds. When woken up, they may bark or become aggressive.
However, they can also whimper when they’re afraid and howl to tell their owner that they want to be brought to safety. This is particularly the case with thunder, as dogs can sense atmospheric changes and become terrified by the loud noise.
#5: Ouch-rooo! Your Corgi needs help
Dogs are naturally stoic creatures and have evolved not to show weakness. As such, when your Corgi starts howling, it can mean they’re in serious pain.
Normally, it can happen when something starts to really hurt them. Like getting the door closed with their tail in the way. When this happens, the dog can remember it and would stay away from doors as a result.
It’s also an indicator of a painful bone-related condition. As achondroplastic (dwarf) dogs, Corgis have a naturally uneven bone structure. This makes them susceptible to certain bone-related problems.
These include:
- Osteoarthritis
- Hip Dysplasia
- Intervertebral Disc Disease
A typical symptom of these diseases (aside from howling) includes limping and occasional whining when it starts to hurt them. These can all render your Corgi immobile without proper treatment.
Want to know the most efficient ways to prevent Corgi health issues? Then take a look at this article.
3 tips to prevent unnecessary howling
#1: Adjust their environment to suit them better
For dogs, howling is an essential form of communication. They express happiness and even distress with it. These emotions can be caused by certain stimuli.
As such, set some limits to prevent unnecessary howling. If your Corgi sleeps outdoors at night, block the gaps between your gates with barriers.
You can also limit their space within the house. If you live in an apartment, give your Corgi a quiet room, and don’t let them stay near the front door.
You should also play ambient noise to keep them from feeling lonely. It’s best to play classical music around the house; the noise will help them feel safe.
Only keep them on the ground floor and barricade the stairs with a dog gate. This will prevent stair-related injuries and keep your dog pain-free.
Reading Tip: Can Corgis Climb Stairs? 5 Hidden Dangers & 9 Simple Tips
#2: Socialize them well
According to a study, dogs should be allowed to interact with as many things as possible from the date of birth until they are 3 weeks old.
The same study established that early exposure to stimuli will lessen their stress levels during adulthood. This means there will naturally be less howling.
You can gradually expose them to stimuli at a controlled pace. If you have a garden, let them play in it and allow them to hear noise from time to time.
You can also take your Corgi out for daily walks. Move across the sidewalk and cross the road with them. Bring friends and take them to public places like parks.
Note: Corgis are able to play between 30-45 minutes a day. Stick religiously to daily routines as it will help them get used to noises and other factors.
#3: Address illnesses before they get worse
According to a review of more than 900,000 health records, it was shown that 15.56% of dogs had Hip Dysplasia.
For Corgis, however, this risk is multiplied because of their genetics. Corgis have naturally small legs. This predisposes them to dislocations. It also makes them vulnerable to arthritis and Intervertebral Disc Disease later in their lives.
All of these diseases can cause extreme pain and howling. If your dog has difficulty moving, consult your vet for proper medication. Aim for long-term solutions such as therapy or surgery.
You can also administer medication only for the short term. However, you should ask your vet for recommendations first to prevent overdose.
Bonus tip: How to make a Corgi howl on cue
Howling is not always a bad thing. In fact, it’s amusing to watch Corgis howl on certain occasions like eating, as this video shows.
However, making Corgis howl on cue is where the real fun begins. Here’s what you can do to get started:
- Experiment with noise and see if your Corgi howls.
- Prepare a treat.
- Show the treat and play the sound.
- Reward them for howling.
- Rinse and repeat.
The initial noise can be anything: howling, whistling, even harmonicas. Corgis will naturally be responsive to one sound. Focus on that, reward them and listen to the sound of pure goodness.
Corgi parents are often really happy when they see their Corgis howl. To them, just watching their fluffy companion howl is an amazing feeling.
Honestly, it’s quite contagious on my end, too! Just look at what a few owners have to say. Their experiences are all varied and full of love. Let’s hear some of them:
Corgi #1
This Corgi puppy is apparently a howler. Specifically, he howls whenever other people howl back at him. Since he’s still a puppy, he makes a squeaky howling sound.
This prompts the owner to howl from time to time and record a cute video or two. It looks like one of the most amusing games to play with your Corgi.
Corgi #2
This Corgi howls a little differently. Instead of the typical “awoo” sound, they make a “barrooo” sound, mixing howling and growling.
This is amusing for their pet parent. It seems they’re actually able to make their Corgi howl do so on instruments like the harmonica.
And the best part?
Their Corgi has recently become able to make the same sound by just following their owner’s voice.
Corgi #3
This Corgi’s experience is interesting. Their pet parent says the Corgi actually howls at them in their sleep. This happens spontaneously in the middle of the night.
They can howl really loudly for about 5-10 minutes before falling asleep again. They say it’s somewhat terrifying at times. Especially when they’re woken by their pet in the middle of the night.
They also say that their Corgi will grunt when they want something in particular. It happens when the pet parent is in bed.
The Corgi will then bark and grunt until they receive help to go up or get down from the bed. The same happens when the Corgi wants to receive full attention.
But not all Corgis do howl. Two more owners have put forward their own experiences.
Corgi #4
This Corgi only howls when they want something badly. They also seem to know that their pet parent thinks it’s super adorable.
When their Corgi howls, the sound is similar to yawning.
The Corgi howls to make their pet parent hurry up with whatever they’re doing.
Plus they also have a pet cat, which their Corgi really gets along with. Whenever they want to play with the cat, they’ll yip and howl.
Corgi #5
Now, this is what you’d call a quiet Corgi. They’re even quieter than 4’s as they don’t howl at all.
But a specific trait of theirs is to sit on the computer chair. And they seem to love it. According to their pet parent, their furbaby seems to want to act and “talk” like a person.
When their Corgi’s on the chair, they “talk” as though they’re the ones working in front of the computer. They also look you in the eyes while doing so.
When they’re not on the chair, they just use their bark to communicate.