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Can Corgis Live And Sleep Outside? 5 Dangers + 17 Tips

Can Corgis Live And Sleep Outside

Getting a Corgi is an important decision to make.

It’s only natural to consider what living conditions you should secure for your Corgi. And that’s how you come to the question ‘Can Corgis live and sleep outside?’

This article will provide the answer to that as well as:

  • What measures you should take so your Corgi doesn’t bother the neighbors.
  • How living and sleeping outside could make your Corgi feel (don’t underestimate this).
  • The effect noise could have on your Corgi’s mental health and how to deal with it.
  • And more…

Can Corgis live outside?

Corgis can live outside, but only if well-trained, aged, and with the right tools. Puppies can’t say outside because it can be too much for their mental health. Untrained Corgis won’t be able to stop barking or moving, and without fences, your Corgi will not feel safe.

Can Corgis sleep outside?

Corgis can sleep outside, but should ideally be kept inside. Corgis are lively, alert dogs and may bark at anything they see. This can make neighbors angry, while constant stimuli might make sleeping difficult. Have them spend the next day indoors to help them relax.

5 dangers of staying outside

#1: You might annoy neighbors

Leaving your Corgi outside is a serious noise hazard. This is because they are social dogs.

They love their owner’s companionship, and may become stressed if left alone (link to can corgis be left alone).

Once this happens, your Corgi will do everything to grab your attention. This may include:

  • Digging.
  • Running.
  • Jumping.
  • Scratching.
  • Whimpering.
  • Incessant barking.
  • Searching for toys.

All of these can make your house unnecessarily loud. This can make your neighbors angry when they’re trying to get a good rest.

Corgis have also been hard-wired for guard duty. This makes them bark instinctively when someone goes near their personal space.

To help your Corgi out, here are a few things you can do:

  • Don’t respond. For a playful Corgi, your response is a reward. They will bark louder and more often if you do so.
  • Work with your neighbors. Explain your situation to people near your residence. They will usually understand if your Corgi’s still training.
  • Use the ‘Quiet’ command. Corgis can be told to stay quiet on command. Here are some quick steps on how to do it:
  • Make your Corgi bark. Use something that will make them bark like a toy, then give them a treat afterwards. 
  • Say ‘Quiet.’ Your Corgi will likely not make a sound and appear confused at your command. Give them a treat for doing it.
  • Repeat both commands until mastery. Have your Corgi speak and stay quiet, and give them a treat for each. This will make them stay quiet on purpose. Here’s a good example showing how it’s done:
  • Introduce lots of people to your Corgi. Dogs can remember people for several years, especially if they come over often. If you have close neighbors or relatives, make your Corgi trust them. This will keep them from barking.

Note: Corgis are friendlier to strangers during their 1-year socialization period, so get your friends to play with them.

#2: Your Corgi might feel left out

Corgis sleep in bursts throughout the afternoon and can be active at night. If you leave them outside, they’ll think you’re excluding them.

This only reinforces their separation anxiety, which can make them destructive.

This will cause them to destroy plants in your garden, scratch the painting on your gate and cause trouble. They might also start ignoring your commands until you give in.

Corgis need your reassuring presence in order to function properly. To keep them happy at night, remember the following:

  • Consult a trainer. Some Corgis may have severe anxiety. Consulting a behaviorist will let you know if it’s okay to leave them outside.
  • Be quick with goodbyes. Snuggling while saying goodbye will make your dog think you’re still up for a game. Don’t look back or pet your Corgi after tucking them in.
  • Give them a special ‘nightly’ toy. This can be a ball or a non-squeaky chew toy. Put your Corgi in a playpen to limit movement. Keep the toy close to them and reward them when you wake up.
  • Leave scented clothes or towels. Corgis develop separation anxiety because they can’t sense their owners. Give them towels with your scent on them. This will let them know you aren’t leaving.
  • Tire your Corgi out before leaving them. If your Corgi hasn’t exercised for the day, give them some play time before going to bed. This will make your Corgi healthy and want to sleep.

Note: Only exercise them for 30-45 minutes and do it near their crate or leash. Play on flat ground or catch them up on obedience training! 

#3: Noise isn’t always nice

Dogs often find background noises comforting. This is why people often leave their TV on when heading out.

However, for older Corgis with insomnia, it could make the symptoms worse and make them more irritable.

Loud noises like those from sirens, thunder or speakerphones can also cause noise anxiety in Corgis. Some of the signs include:

  • Whining.
  • Drooling.
  • Peeing/Pooping.
  • Walking listlessly.
  • Standing in place.
  • Hiding under tables.
  • Panting despite being relaxed.

What should you do when your Corgi becomes anxious of noise?

Dealing with noise anxiety can be tough because even you can become a trigger if you lose your temper. Stay calm and follow these tips:

  • Pet your Corgi. This lets you know that you’re here and you care. However, don’t pet too often because you might encourage your Corgi to be more clingy. Use this only if the following options aren’t available to you.
  • Ask your vet for meds. Depending on severity, vets may recommend sleep-inducing meds or other anxiety medication. 
  • Play some background noise. Turn your TV on or play low-sounding songs and let your dog watch or listen. If they’re outdoors, send them in.
  • Desensitize them to the noise. Train their fear away by playing the sound they’re afraid of at increasing volumes. Give them a treat they haven’t tried before and reward them when they don’t react. Note: It can take months to overcome phobias. Once they show fear, stop and try a lower volume the next day. Your Corgi needs to get used to the sound before the volume.
  • Upgrade their personal space. You can give your Corgi another place to hide in, like a table near their crate or leash. You can also make the crate wider so they’re more comfortable.

Caution: Do not yell at or punish your Corgi for being afraid! Doing so might traumatize them and hurt your relationship. If they are whining nonstop, keep them close to you and pet them.

#4: Being under the weather… Literally

Corgis are double-coated dogs that love cold weather. They can thrive in temperatures as cold as 10°C (50°F).

However, their double coat also makes them vulnerable to hyperthermia. This can be deadly because owners often overlook these initial signs:

  • Panting. Dogs let heat out of their bodies by panting. If you’ve seen your Corgi pant while perfectly still on a sunny day, it means your Corgi’s been in danger at one point.
  • Restlessness. One way Corgis shake off heat is by literally shaking it off. They’ll start running in circles or jumping to get rid of excess energy. Note: This becomes alarming if your Corgi does this without any prompting or after exercise. 
  • Not following commands. Corgis can’t follow commands if something stresses them out. Owners may sometimes overlook this and think their Corgi can’t hear them.

Thus, you should never keep your Corgi outside on a hot afternoon. Turn the AC on when external temperature reaches 30°C (86°F).

If you must keep your Corgi out during the day, hire a sitter to watch over them. You can also place them under shade. 

Make sure the shade covers each angle to protect your Corgi from the sun’s rays.

What about the rain?

Also, rain can be annoying to your Corgi because they have more sensitive ears (link to can corgis be service dogs) than we do. This can cause them to be aggressive or even depressed.

Luckily, your Corgi can get used to it. When the rain is about to stop, take your Corgi out for a stroll. Prepare an umbrella big enough for both of you.

Make your Corgi walk beside you with a ‘heel’ command to help them feel safe. After the walk, give your Corgi a treat.

Doing this on rainy days will help your Corgi settle down in light rain.

What about snow?

Some think that Corgis are great for sleeping outdoors during the winter months because of their fur, but this is wrong.

For starters, hypothermia is a constant threat even when playing outdoors. Corgis will start to feel uncomfortable at 9°C (48.2°F) and under.

Hypothermia can be lethal if not addressed promptly, so beware of the following signs:

  • Cold fur.
  • Weakness.
  • Shivering in place.
  • Running out of breath.
  • Sloppy walking/uneven posture.

To keep them warm on snowy days, you need to:

  • Exercise. Play with your Corgi indoors. Use puzzles or entice them into a game of hide and seek. The activities will help keep your Corgi warm.
  • Clothe your Corgi. Give them booties, a sweater and at least 2 blankets. 
  • Stay near your heater or fireplace. This will help your Corgi fight off the chills.

#5: Keeping track becomes harder

This tip may sound obvious, but for Corgis, this has to be emphasized. 

Corgis are muscular for their size, but they can develop certain bone or hip problems due to their small legs. 

Their own energetic personality can amplify this risk. For example, leaving the Corgi on a leash can herniate their spinal discs, as they’ll likely bark and move wildly when they see a threat.

This might cause extreme pain and even long-term nerve damage. 

You can still put them outside, but you’ll need a few things:

  • Fences – Long fences keep your Corgi from moving and covers their view of things that might bother them.
  • Activity tracker – Check your Corgi’s vital signs every night. If you notice a rise in heart rate or body temperature, something is stressing them out.
  • A security camera – Track your Corgi’s movements. Are they moving around too much or worse, tugging against your leash? If so, then consider putting them indoors.