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Can Pomeranians Eat Cheese? The Answer + 4 Dangers

Can Pomeranians Eat Cheese?

You don’t wanna make your Pom feel left out. Plus when he sees you eating cheese, he looks at you with those begging eyes…

And it makes you wonder – can Pomeranians eat cheese?

Here you’ll discover:

  • Which vitamins that are in cheese can strengthen your Pom’s health.
  • How feeding your Pomeranian cheese can help you give your dog medicine.
  • The consequences of giving your Pom cheese that’s high in salt (danger number #3).
  • And more…

Can Pomeranians eat cheese?

Pomeranians can eat low-fat cheese in moderation. Suitable types of cheese are cottage cheese and mozzarella. Small chunks of cheese can be a great addition to puppy training. Before you proceed feeding your Pom cheese, check if he isn’t lactose-intolerant. 

You might be excited to run to the fridge and toss your Pom a small chunk of cheese… but wait! 

Just like with any human food given to dogs, there are certain facts, possible dangers and things to consider. Keep reading and find out how to feed your Pom cheese the right way…

Benefits of cheese for Pomeranians

Benefits of cheese for Pomeranians

There are a lot of benefits for your Pomeranian when eating cheese.

  • Cheese is a rich source of vitamin A and B. It also contains essential fatty acids, protein and calcium. All of these contribute to your Pom’s health.

It’s vital to provide your Pomeranian with calcium, as it strengthens the bones and teeth. When feeding your Pom puppy with calcium-containing products such as cheese, the growth of the bones and teeth is stimulated.

And it doesn’t end there…

Calcium helps the heart function and contributes to muscle building.

Cheese also supports the function of the endocrine system.

Believe it or not, there’s a benefit to fat that is in cheese. Fat provides your Pom with energy and helps the absorption of vitamin A.

So far, so good but what about…

Dangers of feeding your Pomeranian cheese

#1: Lactose intolerance

Just like with humans, some Poms don’t react well to dairy products. 

So, what is lactose exactly?

It’s sugar contained in milk. And since cheese is derived from milk, it has lactose.

Both human and dog mammals are able to digest lactose at a young age. This changes as we grow up and the ability to digest lactose decreases.

That has to do with the fact that in adulthood we’re not dependent on our mother’s milk. We can provide our own food instead.

With this in mind you should proceed with caution before feeding your Pomeranian cheese.

To put it simply:

Warning: It’s dangerous to give cheese to your Pom if he’s lactose intolerant.

#2: Cheese toxicity

It’s a must to check the ingredients before you attempt to feed your Pom a certain type of cheese.

If a cheese contains chives, garlic or/and onions, consider it toxic to your beloved Pom.

#3: High salt content

Hard aged cheese can lead to sodium poisoning, if your Pom eats more of it.

When eating a cheese that’s very salty, your Pom will compensate by drinking a lot of water.

You want to refrain giving your Pom cheese that’s high in sodium, as this might result in watery diarrhea, vomiting, excessive thirst and lack of appetite.

Caution: If your Pom shows any of the above-mentioned symptoms, it’s an emergency. Bring your Pom to the vet without delay.

Something else to consider is that you should never give this type of cheese if your Pom has kidney problems.

#4: High fat content

Fat in cheese has its pros and cons for your Pom.

Don’t give cheese to your Pom if he’s overweight or has pancreatitis.

If so, avoid high-fat diets. Otherwise, the pancreas can get permanently damaged which could lead to death.

For more info on that, don’t hesitate to consult your vet.

5 type of cheeses you shouldn’t feed to your Pomeranian

#1: Parmesan cheese

Although Parmesan cheese is low in lactose, it contains high amounts of sodium.

Unlike humans, canines can’t process sodium very well. If your Pom has a high sodium intake, this will likely make him dizzy, vomit and dehydrated.

#2: Blue cheese

Blue cheese is not suitable for dogs in general as it contains a mycotoxin by the name of Roquefortine C. This mycotoxin is produced by the mold of the cheese during the ripening process.

So, how does this concern your Pom?

The mycotoxin Roquefortine C is highly toxic to dogs.

Note: If your Pom accidentally eats a small piece of blue cheese that has fallen on the ground, he’ll probably be fine. You should still keep a close eye on your Pom’s behavior after this happens. In case your Pom starts vomiting, having seizures or diarrhea, call your vet and head there as soon as you notice any of these signs.

#3: Cream cheese

Cream cheese is not recommended at all for Pomeranians.

It’s high in lactose which has to do with the amount of cream it contains. The cream adds extra fat and lactose.

The danger of giving your Pom cream cheese is that it can upset your Pom’s stomach. Don’t risk it.

#4: Any cheese that has herbs, tomatoes and garlic

A cheese with either herbs, tomatoes or garlic is a no-no combination when it comes to your Pom. Chances are, if he eats any of these, it will make him sick.

Caution: Avoid cheese with too much salt, fat and added ingredients to keep your Pom in top form.

#5: Red cheese

An example of a cheese you shouldn’t give your Pom are all forms of red cheese. Red cheese contains annatto.

Bonus Type: Curdled cheese

Curdled cheese is dangerous for Poms because it’s made with the use of acids such as lemon juice and vinegar. Curdle cheese is acidified either by the usage of these or bacteria. What happens is that milk sugars turn into lactic acid.

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How much cheese should a Pomeranian eat

Can Pomeranians Eat Cheese? And what is the right amount?

Now that you’ve learned the benefits and dangers of giving cheese to your Pom, it’s time to get the quantity right.

The key to a healthy happy Pomeranian that eats cheese is moderation.

Feed your Pom small amounts of cheese and don’t do it frequently. Cheese should not become a regular part of your Pom’s meal.

Tip: If you wanna stay on the safe side, apply the 10% rule. That is, cheese should only be present in your Pom’s diet occasionally and should not make up more than 10% of it.

Best ways to serve cheese to your Pom

You can choose between these two options when serving your Pom cheese:

Grated cheese

Grate a small slice of cheese on your Pomeranian’s meal. If you want and the meal allows it, you can warm it for extra taste.

Cheese treats

Use small pieces of cheese as treats when training your Pom. When given every now and then, that will add to your Pom’s excitement and make the snack special.

Signs your Pom should not eat cheese

You can never know the outcome of some things if you don’t try…

That also goes to how your Pom will react to cheese.

By observing how your Pom acts after you’ve given him cheese, you’ll discover if he has lactose intolerance.

Be aware of your Pomeranian’s behavior after you give them a bite of cheese. If there’s anything you should know, it’s bound to show soon after.

Watch out for:

  • Gas.
  • Bloating.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Dizziness.
  • Dehydration.
  • Abdominal pain.

    Caution: Even though your Pom could not show signs of any distress after eating cheese, there is a possibility he will develop an allergy later in life. So, even though you might be calm while giving a Pomeranian puppy cheese, don’t stop paying attention to your adult Pom’s body language and overall behavior.

When to use cheese for your Pomeranian 

If you don’t want to use cheese as a snack for your Pom, you might have interest in more practical usage of it.


I can already hear you saying ‘Like what?’

Well, every now and then you’ll need to give your Pom some medicine. Suppose the medicine is not tasty (which is most often the case), you could use a tactic to get your Pom to ingest it.

Holding his head and trying to put it in his mouth is not pleasant for anyone and it can teach your Pom to associate non-tasty pills with negative experiences.

Instead, here’s what you can try: Slice the small bite of cheese in the middle and insert the medicine.

Caution: Some types of medicine shouldn’t be given in combination with a dairy product because the medical effect will be eliminated. Some antibiotics such as doxycycline shouldn’t be given with cheese. For maximum accuracy and security, speak to your vet about each individual medicine your Pom should take.

Disclaimer: While this article contains a lot of information about the values and dangers of cheese for Pomeranians, you shouldn’t use it as a substitute for receiving medical advice. Every dog is different and consulting your vet can provide you with the right dietary plan for your Pom.

Extra: Fruits and vegetables your Pom can and can’t eat

Now you know that Pomeranians can eat cheese (in moderation). But did you know that there are also fruits and veggies that your Pom can eat?

These fruits and veggies can make a great snack.

For more information, check:

21 Fruits Pomeranians Can And Can’t Eat (Ultimate Guide)

17 Vegetables Your Pomeranian Can Or Can’t Eat