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Can Pomeranians Stay Home Alone? 7 Things To Consider

Can Pomeranians Stay Home Alone?

Knowing how affectionate and lovable Pomeranians are, it could seem unnatural leaving them on their own for a certain time.

So, the big question is:

Can Pomeranians stay home alone?

In this article you’ll find out:

  • The exact amount of hours a Pom puppy can stay home alone.
  • How to prepare if you’re going to leave your Pom home alone.
  • How separation anxiety could affect your Pom when he’s alone.
  • And more…

Can Pomeranians stay home alone?

Pomeranians can stay home alone. Regardless of how much time you’re gonna leave your Pomeranian alone during the day, you must always secure a safe space for them. Also, make sure they have all the needed supplies to spend their day mentally and physically stimulated as much as possible.

If you’re planning to leave your Pom unsupervised for several hours each day or on a certain occasion, better prepare.

Otherwise, you might come back home to only find the house upside down. 

You and your Pom are far better off without unnecessary stress. Here you’ll find out how to do that and much much more to set your Pom up for success.

Can Pomeranian puppies be left home alone? 

Pomeranian Puppy Alone At Home

Puppies can’t hold their need to poop or pee for that long, so they need to go outside every few hours.

A puppy can’t hold its urine for hours on end. Usually if a puppy is one month old, they can hold it for one hour. When they’re 2 months old – for 2 hours, and so on, and so forth.

Older puppies can last to about 6 hours before they go out. Here’s what you can do about it until then:

Don’t limit the water. It’s highly advisable that your Pom puppy always has access to fresh water. But do provide puppy pads.

You can take scented ones to make it easier for the pup to ‘decide’ where to do his business. Place the pads in different places around the room.

Two or three will do, depending on how big the pads are and how many square meters the room is. 

It’s good to provide your fluff ball with several opportunities at first. That way you’ll avoid finding poop on the floor, carpet or tiles.

Needless to say, it’ll be more difficult to clean from there than from the puppy pad which you can just roll and toss in the bin.

7 things to consider when leaving your Pomeranian home alone

#1: Smaller dogs have smaller bladders

Just as humans, dogs have biological (internal) clocks too. That’s how setting up a routine can work in your favour.

Besides, your Pom will surely get your attention when it’s time for them to relieve themselves. There are specific signs you can be on the lookout for to be sure your Pom is trying to make you take him out.

Specific signs to keep an eye out for are:

  • Whining.
  • Scratching his belly.
  • Dancing around (spinning).

#2: Very active breed in need of physical and mental stimulation

Pomeranians are small balls of fur and energy.

If you exercise your Pom often enough, they’ll use their energy in a ‘productive’ way, so to say.

This will prevent any possible behavioural issues that can cause confusion and frustration from your side. 

#3: Pad training vs. outside training

Potty pads – the danger of using them is that it could be harder to train your Pom to go outside afterwards as he might perceive textile surfaces as puppy pads.

Hence, if there’s a fallen T-shirt on the floor, or a carpet, he might perceive these as a good place to pee-pee or poo.  

#4: Make a new consistent schedule

It’s good to set up a schedule so the dog has an idea of how long he needs to hold it.

If you’re gonna be all day at work it’s worth waking up a bit earlier. Then you’ll be able to not only walk your Pom but also have the chance to involve in play sessions with him. 

Keep your schedule consistent for maximum effect. If you go to bed and wake up at the same time, you’re gonna save yourself a lot of hassle.

You won’t have to worry if you’ll get enough sleep. This will also make it easier for your Pom so that he goes to bed with you and wakes up ready to own the day. 

#5: Separation anxiety

Sometimes, Pomeranians experience separation anxiety. To make sure that isn’t the case why your Pom might be acting weird, you should be aware how to recognize it.

Signs include:

  1. Excessive barking.
  2. Pacing when they notice you’re about to leave.
  3. Finding your Pom has chewed on cables, furniture and not his toys, maybe scattered his toys, or/and left scratches on the door.
  4. Bursting with excitement when you come back home.
  5. Trembling while you’re doing your pre-leaving routine (such as putting on your coat, holding keys which are clinging).
  6. Being overly-clingy as you’re about to leave.

Read further: Do Pomeranians Have Separation Anxiety? Signs + 25 Tips

#6: Hyperactivity

It’s not uncommon among people who have never owned a Pomeranian to think these toy dogs are going to sit on your lap and stay quiet the whole day. Well, in reality you might be faced with quite the opposite behaviour from your Pom’s side.

If your Pom just can’t get enough of playing, it’s good to involve him in energy-draining activities such as playing tug of war.

You can also pick some techniques to calm your Pom down because even if you want to play, you might not have all day (or enough time).

One of them is to put your Pom in a safe place so that he cannot hurt himself when overexcited.

This could be one room from the apartment or house that’s specifically intended for your Pom.

The idea is your Pom will know this space and won’t feel trapped or anxious while you’re away. This room will contain known smells and must have all the essentials – a soft comfy bed, chew toys and maybe a toy puzzle.

#7: Secure your Pomeranian while being at work

Here’s how exactly you can ensure the room is set for your Pom:

Tip #1: Puppy-proof his room

Pups are curious and if they see the cables to the TV, Internet, your air purifier or anything else really, they won’t hesitate to give them a try… a bite (or several) that is.

You don’t wanna risk the life of your Pom to be in danger, nor the cables to be ruined.

So, one thing you can do is ask your Internet and TV provider service to move the cables to another room.

Or you can put a cable canal to hide them from your Pom’s side. 

A third option is to simply rearrange them to go up instead of down.

Anything else that could be of interest to your Pom and is reachable, should be put away into cupboards, wardrobes and on shelves. You don’t wanna risk your Pom pulling the cable of the iron and hitting himself in the process.

Warning: You want to avoid putting fragile objects such as glasses left on the coffee table.

Your Pom will surely try to sniff them, might push them down, break them and try to chew the pieces. Save yourself a horror of such kind. 

If you want to make sure your Pom won’t chew the furniture, cables or anything else, you can use a repelling spray.

Some of these have a smell of lemon so when you spray the intended place, it’ll smell as if you’ve cleaned the house. 

Tip #2: Making noise (barking, howling)

Pomeranian Listening To Music

That’s tricky.

It’s your Pom’s natural reaction to communicate by barking.

But your neighbors might not be so understanding… Better save the situation before it snowballs!

Note: As weird as it sounds, try leaving some calming music on. Poms have highly sensitive hearing so it’s bound to have an effect. Just don’t put it too loud. 

If you’re wondering what to choose, you can try Spotify for some calming sounds for dog’s ears.

Tip #3: Monitoring

You could get a camera to keep an eye on your Pom and make sure everything is alright while you’re away.

Tip #4: Crating

It might not sound appealing at first but crating is a widely-used method to keep your dog out of trouble. 

Getting your Pom to stay in a crate should be trained from early puppyhood by luring him in there with a treat and letting him stay for a bit. Then, each day he spends there should be increased with several minutes.

The goal is to make him feel this is his own space. Eventually, he will start going there voluntarily. 

Tip #5: Other alternatives (to leaving your Pom alone while you’re at work) 

If you’d rather someone keep company of your Pom, you can either get a dog sitter or have a friend, colleague or your spouse to be with your Pom while you’re away.

This could work perfectly for one-day trips during the weekend that are not dog-friendly. Or the whole weekend if you have something in mind but your furry friend is not allowed.

Don’t underestimate your friends, trusted acquaintances or dog sitters.

They can take good care of your Pom with the right instructions aforehand. This way you’ll make both sides happy, and you will enjoy a worry-and-guilt-free weekend.

You gotta choose what works for you. Be sure to try several things and see which fits you and your Pom best.

Even though you won’t be in the house all the time, that doesn’t mean you must leave your Pom alone. And when you do need to, you have the power and options to make this one relaxing time for him.