There are a lot of cute YouTube videos where a Chihuahua owner is kissing their dogchild.
Do Chihuahuas like kisses?
Keep reading to discover:
- How a Chi might misinterpret your kisses.
- How to tell if your Chihuahua likes your kisses or not.
- Why your Chi licks you (hint: it’s not always out of affection).
- And more…
Table of contents
- Do Chihuahuas like kisses?
- Is the Chihuahua’s licking the equivalent of a human kiss?
- Do Chihuahuas understand why we kiss them?
- The dangers of kissing other people’s Chihuahuas
- 9 ways to tell if a Chihuahua likes being kissed (#4 and #9 are essential)
- Is it okay to kiss my Chihuahua?
- 11 ways Chihuahuas show affection
- #1: Licking your face and hands
- #2: Cuddling
- #3: Leaning towards you
- #4: Looking you in the eyes
- #5: Curling up in your lap
- #6: Resting their head or a paw on you
- #7: Giving a full-body shake
- #8: Wagging their tail
- #9: Rubbing their face on you
- #10: Rolling on their back
- #11: Jumping
- #12: Sharing their favorite toy with you
- 8 ways to show your Chihuahua affection instead of kissing
Do Chihuahuas like kisses?
Chihuahuas don’t like kisses by default. From a Chihuahua’s perspective, kisses can be seen as threatening behavior. An owner, however, can still train their Chihuahua to accept and even like kisses from puppyhood.
So, even though this answers the burning question, there are still some details we can delve into. That’s why this article provides information on how to understand Chihuahuas better.
By reading further you will learn how to tell if a certain Chihuahua enjoys being kissed or not. And also how to show affection to your Chihuahua if they don’t like kisses. And last but not least, how to avoid dangerous situations.
Let’s look at how well dogs and humans interpret each other’s behavior.
Is the Chihuahua’s licking the equivalent of a human kiss?

If you’re a dog lover, you most certainly enjoy it when a dog tries to lick your hand or face. You might not be particularly excited about getting saliva on your skin but as the saying goes ‘it’s the thought that counts’.
Have you ever given it a thought why a dog does that?
There are multiple scenarios where you see dogs licking their owner, the owner’s friends, or even strangers. What drives a dog to react that way?
You might be thinking the dog is excited to see you and wants to give you some love. While this is true on some occasions, it couldn’t be further away from the truth in others.
Chihuahuas’s licking is not necessarily the equivalent of what we humans know as ‘kissing’.
A Chihuahua might lick you to greet you, show submissive behavior, get a better taste of the last snack you’ve eaten, or simply because they detect a new smell on your body.
Curious fact: Licking is related to releasing endorphins. This allows dogs to feel comfort and pleasure. It serves to reduce stress as well.
When a Chihuahua licks the muzzle of another dog, it could be because they perceive the other dog as the dominant one.
Or, the Chihuahua might want to find out what the other doggo ate.
Reading tip: Why Do Chihuahuas Lick So Much?
Do Chihuahuas understand why we kiss them?
I remember trying to give my dog Ejy (my mini spitz-Pomeranian mix) a big nice kiss. He wasn’t as enthusiastic about it it seemed…
How did I know?
He turned his head away. Back then I thought he just needs more time to get used to it. What he made of my intention quite different and I was yet to find out…
Whether the Chihuahua understands why you’re kissing them, depends on the individual dog.
If a Chihuahua hasn’t been properly socialized as a puppy, it might have a strong reaction if someone attempts to hug it, kiss it, or get close in general.
But why?
The most common reason that applies to dogs of all breeds is this resembles invasive dog-to-dog communication.
When two dogs meet, there are 2 ways to approach each other…
If the dog who comes closer means well, they’ll approach the dog who is standing still from the side.
If the newcomer approaches the standing dog from the front, facing them directly, it means danger. This will cause tension between the two of them and it can rise into a fight in just seconds.
To understand it better, we can classify these two ways as a ‘polite’ and a ‘rude’ manner for dogs to greet each other.
So, what did we learn from this? As it turns out, our kissing behavior might not seem harmless to Chihuahuas. Which bears its own dangers.
The dangers of kissing other people’s Chihuahuas

Ejy bit me that day… I didn’t see it coming. I look at him shocked and sensed a thin line of blood rolling a bit above my lips. At the time I got mad, failing to see my own fault.
And most importantly, that if it wasn’t for my persistence in invading Ejy’s personal space, all of this could have been avoided.
A Chihuahua could seem like a cute fragile toy but in the end, it’s still a dog, regardless of what it looks like. And as such, it can react impulsively. Understand – biting.
Don’t underestimate the bite of a small dog. They still have sharp teeth and can cause damage to your skin, namely your face.
Caution: Kids should be supervised around Chihuahuas. Kids tend to act fast and unpredictably which can activate a Chihuahua’s fight or flight instinct. Make sure you educate your family and people who have kids on how not to approach your Chihuahua to avoid accidents.
9 ways to tell if a Chihuahua likes being kissed (#4 and #9 are essential)
When I was attempting to kiss Ejy I viewed our interaction as a fun game. I thought that by turning his head he is avoiding me (this much was true) but what I failed to recognize was his warning sign.
#1: Turning their head to the side
If the Chihuahua turns their head in the opposite direction when you try to kiss them, just stop. Don’t push your luck.
They’re basically telling you ‘I ‘don’t want any trouble. Please, leave me alone. I’m uncomfortable.’
#2: Ducking their head
Suppose your Chihuahua is standing on the couch and you try to kiss them on the head. If the dog lowers down their head, it’s a ‘no-no’. The Chihuahua doesn’t want your kiss and is trying to avoid it.
#3: Growling at you
This one is pretty straightforward. If you hear a snarl or a growl, the Chihuahua might be seconds away from snapping at you.
#4: Licking you
If they’re licking your face while you’re giving them kisses this can mean something totally different than them licking your face in other situations.
If your Chihuahua starts licking you excessively, what they’re trying to do is make you stop kissing them.
This is very easy to be mistaken with the dog giving kisses back, while in fact, they might be stressed out by us kissing them.
Another reason why your Chihuahua could be licking you is to show affection. Or because it is a habit.
Here’s a Chihuahua giving affection after it has been scratched:
- Tip: Pay attention to how often your Chihuahua licks you and if they do it mainly when you attempt to kiss them.
#5: Nagging at you with their paw
That means the Chihuahua wants you to give them more kisses.
Like in this lovely video:
You might also like: This article with 101 funny Chihuahua memes.
#6: Licking their lips
If a Chihuahua is licking their lips when there’s no food in sight, then it might be comforting behavior. Dogs do this when they’re anxious.
#7: Tucking their tail between the legs
Oh-oh, not good. This almost screams ‘I’m scared, don’t hurt me.’ This usually happens when the Chihuahua is in the company of another dog or person they consider dominant.
#8: Yawning
Yawning, much like licking the lips, is a calming signal. Yawning could be accompanied by averting the eyes. It occurs when your dog feels threatened or anxious.
#9: Stiffened tail wag
Just because this reaction has to do with tail wagging, don’t brush it off as irrelevant. It’s not your usual tail wag.
If you notice your Chihuahua stiffening their body and making a high, stiff wag, they might be seconds away from attacking.
That applies to both humans and other dogs. Be on the lookout for this sign whenever you or anyone else approaches your Chihuahua.
Is it okay to kiss my Chihuahua?

In terms of hygiene, this is best answered when you know what your dog has sniffed and eaten. If you let your Chihuahua stroll around without a lead and they tend to eat whatever they find on the street, then it’s not the best idea.
But if you decontaminate your Chihuahua on a regular basis, both externally and internally, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about.
In that case, it comes down to the fact whether you’re grossed out to give kisses or not.
And then, last but not least – do what your Chihuahua is comfortable with. If they’re okay with kisses, go ahead. If they look somewhat hesitant, don’t push their limits.
Is it safer to kiss my Chihuahua on the head than on the mouth?
The bacteria a dog carries in their mouth has to do with what they eat and lick. Whether you will kiss your Chihuahua on the mouth or on the head, doesn’t make much of a difference.
For example, if there’s bacteria in the dog’s ear due to an infection, they could be transmitted to other parts of the body. It happens through scratching and licking.
The good news for us is that most of the bacteria are harmless for humans, so you have pretty much nothing to worry about.
11 ways Chihuahuas show affection
Kissing, above all, is a sign of affection. And although Chihuahuas don’t exactly ‘kiss’, they’re very affectionate. They show you this by:
#1: Licking your face and hands
Like in this video:
There are certain messages your Chihuahua might want to pass on to you while licking. One of them is ‘I respect you and acknowledge your authority’. Another one, that’s much more favorable to all of us is ‘I love you!’.
#2: Cuddling
There’s nothing like cuddling to tell you how much your Chihuahua enjoys being around you at that very moment.
Reading tip: Do Chihuahuas Like To Cuddle? Surprising And Fun Facts
#3: Leaning towards you
If your Chihuahua leans on your body or legs with their full body weight, it means they trust you. If your Chihuahua opens their mouth and looks at you at the same time, this indicates they’re in a relaxed state.
#4: Looking you in the eyes
Sometimes your Chihuahua will look you in the eyes continuously, without barking or jumping at you. This shows you that the dog doesn’t want anything from you at the moment (such as food or a toy) but enjoys your company.
#5: Curling up in your lap
The Chihuahua is a perfect lap dog you can take with you pretty much anywhere where they allow toy dog breeds. They won’t hesitate to curl up in your lap at home or wherever you bring them if they feel relaxed.
#6: Resting their head or a paw on you
Have you noticed how your Chihuahua likes to rest a part of their body on you? That’s how they feel closer to you. This also resembles how puppies sleep while they’re still in a litter.
#7: Giving a full-body shake
This one you can’t mistake for anything else! It’s amazing when your Chihuahua sees you open the door of your house and gives you a warm ‘full-body shake’ welcome. It looks like a mixture of dance and an exercise routine.
#8: Wagging their tail
One of the most common indicators of dog happiness and excitement is tail-wagging.
#9: Rubbing their face on you
If you’re lying down in bed and your Chihuahua jumps in, getting closer to you and rubbing its face on your body, this is no coincidence.
#10: Rolling on their back
It’s one of the cutest things a Chihuahua would do. That’s how your Chihuahua shows they trust you. It’s also a very straightforward way to ask for belly rubs. And how can you resist not to give them some?
#11: Jumping
When it comes to bigger dogs, a lot of people don’t encourage this behavior. On the other hand, it’s way easier for an owner and others to forgive a petite dog like the Chihuahua for doing it.
Usually, dogs feel drawn to our faces. So it’s not at all uncommon to expect that if you bend forward, your Chihuahua will give you a lick powered by a jump. By doing so your Chihuahua shows they care about you.
#12: Sharing their favorite toy with you
Whenever your Chihuahua brings you their favorite toy, it’s an act of sharing.
8 ways to show your Chihuahua affection instead of kissing
If your Chihuahua doesn’t like being kissed, that doesn’t mean they won’t at all enjoy receiving affection from your side. Since dogs are pack animals, their most natural instinct is to stay close together with their ‘pack’, meaning you.
So, what are some non-threatening ways to show them how much you love them?
#1: Ear rubs
Dogs love it so you won’t go wrong with that gesture. It’s even likely that your Chihuahua will beg for more. This is a great way to be close to your Chihuahua and to enjoy them.
Curious fact: Touching your dog’s ears releases the hormone oxytocin in their body. The ears are full of feeling receptors which add to the experience.
#2: Massage
Chances are your Chihuahua won’t mind at all, the least to say. Gently massage the spine and the shoulder blades while your dog is lying beside you or curled up in your lap.
#3: Cuddle-and-nap time
There’s nothing that would strengthen the ‘pack’ connection as cuddling would. Cuddling also helps you and your Chihuahua bond on a chemical level.
Tip: If you have rules to keep your Chihuahua out of the bedroom, that’s fine. A nap session on the couch would also do.
Curious fact: While dogs shouldn’t be automatically considered fans of hugging, cuddling is not just allowed but very much needed. Dogs need and seek physical contact and cuddling is a non-threatening way to give them what they want.
Caution: Refrain from hugging Chihuahuas and other dogs. In dog language, this is perceived as an act to establish dominance. A Chihuahua might feel threatened and react by biting.
#4: Lean
We’ve already covered how dogs do it t show you they love you. Well, you can do it too. Take advantage of the moment while you two are sitting on the couch or staying in bed.
#5: Talk to them
This might be the weirdest tip you’ve come across but it’s actually backed up by science. Be sure to show your Chihuahua some love by talking to them in a praising tone of voice while using simple words they know. Your words and intonation should go hand in hand for maximum results.
#6: Read to them
Does your Chihuahua feel stressed and anxious at times? Or maybe they’re bursting with energy.
If so, there’s something you could do about it. Grab a favorite book and start reading out loud. You might feel a bit odd at first but this can help your Chihuahua chill down.
You might also involve another family member like a kid to get involved. This practice is known to have helped shelter dogs.
#7: Gaze into their eyes
If a dog does it with you, it means they’re attached to you. And what better way to share the moment than by gazing back at them?
#8: Smile at them
Dogs are very good at decoding non-verbal language. This is connected with how they communicate with one another. Dogs can tell when we’re happy, sad, or angry. So don’t hesitate to flash a smile and throw some good vibes at your Chihuahua.
Curious fact: Domesticated dogs have adapted their reactions to being easily-identifiable by humans. This means domesticated dogs are more expressive than wild ones.