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Shaved/Clipped Pomeranians: 4 Myths, 6 Dangers & 8 Tips

Shaved Clipped Pomeranian - Should you shave a Pomeranian

When I was 22 I thought about shaving my Pomeranian Ejy.

The internet sensation Boo made it tempting. If you’ve seen the photobooks, you’d probably consider it for your Pom as well.

But then I started doing some research on shaved Pomeranians.

And I discovered that shaving your Pomeranian can be bad for him.

Here you’ll read about:

  • The dangers of shaving your Pomeranian.
  • A must-see video about shaving a Pomeranian.
  • Whether shaving a Pomeranian will prevent shedding.
  • What helps your Pom feel cool in the summer (check myth #2).
  • And more…

Is it bad to shave a Pomeranian?

Is it bad to shave a Pomeranian?

Even though you might think you’re doing you’re Pom a  favor by shaving him, you’ll be doing more damage than good. 

Pomeranians have a double coat which role is to retain the warmth during winter months and keep the Pom cool during summer.

By shaving your Pom, you’ll expose him to sunburn, skin cancer, the possible danger of PCA (post clipping alopecia), and frost.

Does my Pom have fur or hair?

Have you ever heard that some dogs have hair and others have fur? If so, you might be wondering whether these two terms are used for the same thing. Or if there’s any difference between the two.

We have got some exciting news for you –  some breeds have a coat that consists of fur. Other breeds have a coat that is made out of…you’ve guessed it-hair!

So which category do Pomeranians belong to?

The answer is – the furry one.

If this comes as a surprise to you – don’t worry. Here we’ll tackle what the difference is.

The difference between hair and fur

Hair is longer than fur.

Fur is denser than hair.

Hair consists of one layer while fur feels differently in touch, especially the one closer to the skin.

The growth cycle of hair is longer than the one of fur. The general rule is that the longer the growth cycle is, the lesser the shedding. And vice versa.

Not all dogs who have fur possess a double-coat but Poms do. Pomeranians have an undercoat and an overcoat which keeps the inner one safe.

4 myths about shaving Pomeranians

Before deciding whether or not to give your Pom a haircut, better familiarize yourself with the myths and truths out there. It’s more important than you might imagine.


Because above all, it has to do with your Pom’s health.

#1: Shaving a Pom’s coat will prevent shedding

Not true. 

Despite shaving the coat, it will continue to shed. The only difference will be that the fur that sheds will be shorter than usual. This might also make it more difficult to remove from clothes, furniture, and carpets.

#2: Shaving your Pom will keep him cool during the summer

No, no, and no.

The undercoat that sheds allows your Pom to feel cool during the summer. Your Pom’s coat is to him what an airco is to us both in the winter and in the summer – a system for balancing the temperature. If you mess with that, you won’t be helping your Pom.

Instead of shaving the Pom, what you can do to ensure his comfort, is brushing his fur.

That will not only make the coat lighter but will also prevent the formation of mats. And if the coat is well-maintained, this will reduce the need for shaving because there won’t be mats which untangling is impossible.

Notice that I refer to shaving as a ‘need’, consider it a necessity. Unless it’s an absolute must, you should avoid it. Thinking about it as a last resort.

Later on, we’ll look at the cases in which it’s necessary to shave your Pom.

#3: Your Pom’s fur will grow back

Sounds comforting, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, that sentence alone won’t cut it.

The truth is that while sometimes the fur will recover from shaving, at other times it won’t. You will then have to live with your decision, constantly being reminded of it.

Caution: This is the most dangerous myth of all. If your Pom is older, he might never live to see the old look of his fur back. You can expect the undercoat that sheds to regrow but the outer one which serves as protection for the inner one might never be the same.

#4: Shaving your Pom will help your allergy

The logic behind that could be explained if the Pom’s fur is causing you to sneeze, your eyes to water, and your nose to be clogged.

If that was the real reason, then shaving could be a solution. The reason why it’s not is that it doesn’t affect the main source of the allergy.

People who are allergic to dogs are actually allergic to dog dander. Not to the fur.

Dander refers to the small dead skin cells that fall off the dog’s body.

Dander is sometimes transmitted by the dog hairs if it gets attached to them. Usually, dander is caught in the Pom’s undercoat.

If you shave it, chances are you’ll be even more exposed to the allergen that is making you struggle.

Reading tip: Do Pomeranians Make Good (Family) Pets? 16 Useful Insights (​click here)

6 dangers of shaving (or clipping) your Pom

Shaved Clipped Pomeranian Dangers

That’s right -shaving your Pom bears certain dangers. These should not be underestimated because like mentioned above, in some cases what’s done cannot be undone.

Think twice before taking that final decision. Your Pom’s well-being depends on it.

Let’s take a look at what difficulties you and your Pom will be faced with once he’s shaved:

#1: The fur might not grow back

If you’re justifying your decision about shaving the Pom with the fact that the fur will grow back, you might be wrong.

The most common scenario after shaving is that the fur of your shaved Pomeranian doesn’t grow back as it was.

The newly grown fur can be shorter and even with patches.

In this short video, you’ll see what can happen to your beloved Pom after his fur has been shaved:

#2: The coat might take up to a year to recover

The hairs of the outer coat are called guard hairs. Since they do not shed, the growth process is way slower than the one of the fluffy fur under them.

#3: Sunburn

If you insist on shaving your Pom, make sure to leave at least one inch of fur. Otherwise, your Pom’s skin will be exposed to the sun and can suffer from sunburn.

The outer coat serves to protect your Pom from bug bites and sunburn.

#4: Skin cancer

It’s easy for your Pom to develop skin cancer due to a lack of protection when his fur is shaved. Shaving a Pom or even clipping the fur can make the Pom’s skin vulnerable to the effects of the sun.

#5: Heatstroke

Your intentions are good.

In theory, shaving your Pom’s coat will help him feel cooler during summer.

In reality, after shaving the coat, your Pom will most probably start to pant heavier to cool himself down. He could also begin to take frequent and longer breaks during walks.

This is not something a loving Pom-owner would like to see. If the walks used to be fun, they will turn into torture.

Just think about what difference it makes to be able to take a worry-free walk compared to being worried if your Pom is overheating every step of the way…

#6: The fur can remain damaged for good

It’s very unpleasant to hear, let alone to see.

This is not something every groomer will tell you. And it’s not their responsibility to inform you about all the possible dangers.

But if not addressed, this could be painful for both you and your Pom. That’s why you should feel encouraged to take the matter into your own hands – make your research, inform yourself, and don’t rush with the decision.

Bear in mind that if the fur grows back but is damaged, it will be prone to forming mats. So, instead of doing yourself a favor, you’ll find it harder to groom your Pom’s coat.

If you’re not careful, you can hurt your Pom by brushing the mats in the damaged fur.

Should I cut my Pomeranians hair in summer?

Should I cut my Pomeranians hair in summer?

If you’re considering doing this for practical reasons such as maintenance of the coat or to relieve your Pom from overheating – the answer is no.

Even though it might seem like a harmless thing to do because fur is likely to grow back (uneven though), you shouldn’t take the risk.

Turning to shaving, be it for vanity reasons, current fashion trends, or for the sake of helping your Pom feeling better, is not the solution.

Ok, say you’ve reconsidered. One question still remains – how can you keep your Pom cool during the summer?

8 tips to keep your Pom cool during the summer

Just because you’re not up for shaving your Pom’s fur, doesn’t mean you should give up on cooler alternatives on keeping your Pom safe from the summer heat.

Let’s jump into some of them right away:

#1: Water

Always ensure your Pom has access to fresh water. Better yet filtered water. There is nothing like hydration to keep your Pom feeling good. Drinking plenty of water also helps remove toxins from the body which is a plus.

#2: Airco

Keep your Pom in a room where there is an airco. Just be careful that the airflow doesn’t blow directly in your Pom’s bed or food corner. The airco doesn’t have to be on all of the time.

#3: Pool

Not the game but a nice cooling spot for your Pom.

If you’ve introduced your Pom to swimming before, this can be a nice alternative. Suppose your Pom has positive associations with water already, then this will be the cherry on the cake.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a private pool – you don’t need to. You can still get your Pom an inflatable pool or a wider basin that’s not that tall. A kiddy pool could do wonders.

Besides that, a pool from your side can prevent your Pom from lying in puddles if he’s allowed in the yard and there are some.

Reading tip: Can Pomeranians Swim? Facts About Poms And Water

Does it really happen?

Half Pomeranian Loves Puddles

Yes. My first Pomeranian Ejy is a perfect example of that.

The first summer we had together I took him out together with some other dog parents.

I and a friend indulged in a game of badminton while the dogs were under the shades. Then, before I knew it, I saw Ejy lying comfortably in a neighborhood puddle with his tongue out.

If he intended to chill down, he managed. A nice refreshing bath followed immediately after we got back home. So, yeah, he got plenty of water on his body.

Luckily, he enjoyed baths very much 🙂

Should you be mad at your Pom if he surprises you with puddle-water fur?

Not at all. This is actually a great instinctive decision you can use to your advantage when you introduce your Pom to his very own kiddy pool.

#4: Canned food

After speaking with the vet, I learned that canned food is a great way to encourage your Pom to increase fluid intake.

If you’ve been giving your Pom dry food and you don’t want to make a rapid change, feel free to mix dry food with canned.

Plus, if you’re introducing a new brand to your Pom, that could result in diarrhea. Adding small amounts of the new amount and type of food will hopefully reduce the chance of your Pom experiencing such discomfort.

#5: No walks on hot pavement

One thing that could add extra pressure to your Pom during summer is the feeling of walking on hot pavement.

Have you ever tried walking barefoot on hot concrete as a kid? If so, you know the struggle.

In case you haven’t, I can tell you this much – you’re unable to dip it for more than several seconds as your feet start burning.

So, spare your Pom the trouble. Say you want to walk him three times a day during summer. That’s fine – just make sure there is plenty of shade on the pavement you’re walking on.

#6: The early bird

You can set up a routine for yourself and your beloved Pom. If you wake up early, you both can benefit from the cool summer air. Your Pom will be able to run freely, jump, and spin without overheating.

The sun will also not be a threat to his health, as it wouldn’t be as strong as during the middle of the day or in the afternoon.

Are you up for this win-win?

#7: Don’t leave your Pom in the car

It’s very dangerous to leave your beloved Pom in the car because in a very short time the temperature can become deadly for your Pom.

That’s why you should never leave your Pom in the car. It mustn’t become a habit, even if it is for several minutes.

#8: Brush your Pom

That’s how you’ll get rid of the dead undercoat. By doing this you make way for air to circulate the skin. Hence, your Pom will feel cooler 🙂

What’s more, in the summer, Poms are in danger of being bitten by insects. The bite could cause moist dermatitis. By brushing your Pom’s undercoat, you help the skin remain dry.

How to shave a Pomeranian?

I know, I know – I told multiple times that you shouldn’t shave your Pom. And I stand behind these words.

But I’m aware that the choice is yours and if you decide to go with the Lion Cut or any other cut that involves shaving, here is some advice:

  • Let a professional do it.
    Don’t think about doing it alone, as that can result in serious injuries for both you and your Pom. Ask your vet for recommendations, look at reviews, and whatever you do – do not rush this decision.
  • Leave at least one inch of fur.
    Ask the groomer to leave an inch of fur. This will offer at least some protection against parasites and other potential dangers such as sunburn.
  • Never shave close to the skin.
    Close shaves are dangerous as this can cause the guard hairs to become imbedded. Unless these hairs fall out, it will be impossible for new hairs to grow. This will result in irregular hair growth in time.

What is a Lion Cut?

What is a Lion Cut?

We’ve gone through the dangers of shaving your Pom and the possible scenarios this decision might lead to.

Now, let’s look at one of the most famous haircuts for Pomeranians and learn all there is to know about it.

The Lion Cut refers to a style that involves removing most fur from the body of a Pomeranian. Only some areas are left with the hairs in their original length.

The usual Lion Cut involves leaving the fur on areas such as the head, the lower half of the paws, and on the tip of the tail.

How much does a Lion Cut cost?

You can expect the Lion Cut to cost an average of $80 to $120, with the possibility of paying even more.

How to make Pomeranian fur grow back?

Even if the coat has suffered from shaving and won’t ever be the same again, you should try to bring it back as close to its original state as it can be.

  1. Massage your Pom after brushing.
  2. Remove mats asap.
  3. Use a shampoo that stimulates fur growth recommended by your vet.
  4. Use a suitable conditioner.


Thursday 21st of May 2020

Excellent article! I learned quite a bit of helpful information!

Petya Natcheva

Saturday 23rd of May 2020

Thanks Cecil! So glad this was helpful to you :) If you have any other questions about Pomeranians, don't hesitate to let me know.

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