Letting your Pomeranian swim can be dangerous.
So make sure to check out this article with facts about Pomeranians and water.
Here you’ll discover:
- What you should know about Pomeranians and swimming in the sea.
- How to make sure your Pom doesn’t stress himself out while swimming.
- 3 dangerous places for your Pomeranian to swim in (+ 3 safer options).
- And more…
Table of contents
Can Pomeranians swim?

Pomeranians can swim but you shouldn’t be too quick to place your Pom into water to test this out. If a Pomeranian is put into a pool where his feet don’t reach the ground for the first time and he gets stressed out, he might tire himself out and drown.
How a Pom perceives swimming depends on his first impression of it.
Continue reading if you want to know more about Poms and water…
Are Pomeranians water dogs?
Even though your Pom can swim, it won’t do him much good if he’s terrified of water. Which could be the case.
Pomeranians can be excellent water dogs. That is often the case if their first encounter with water was pleasant. Whether your Pom will become comfortable by being in the water depends mostly on his first impression and positive associations with it.
It’s interesting that your Pom could enjoy very much being bathed. But if he likes taking a bath, isn’t it logical that he’ll like swimming as well?
No, not really. A Pom could see bathing as a blessing and swimming as a torture…
Believe it or not, this depends very much on what you do when leading your Pom into any of these activities.
|f you haven’t seen many Pomeranians swim, that’s because they aren’t used to it. Maybe their owners aren’t into swimming themselves or never considered it for their Poms.
Think of it this way – say you’ve got a talent for painting. But your parents think singing is a nice activity and have spent their free time with you on teaching you stuff about singing. Even if you have a talent for painting, you won’t know until you try it out, right?
It’s the same for your Pom. Poms can do great in agility training and any exercises that put the Poms’ energy into action. One of these is swimming.
So, even if your Pom has never indulged in that activity, it’s okay to be encouraged to try it out. With the right techniques, that is.
Do Pomeranians like to swim?
Some Pomeranians like swimming, others don’t. Whether a Pom will enjoy swimming or not, depends on several factors. These are connected to his first swimming experience: whether the owner goes in the water with him, and if the Pom feels he can exit the pool/basin easily.
The video below is proof that Poms not only can swim but can really be into it. Especially during the hot summer months which are too hot for a Pom.
If that’s what you’d like to see your Pom do, you can use the advise given in this article. With its help, you’ll create an enjoyable learning process for your furry friend.
Safe places to let your Pomeranian swim
You might think that if your Pom is a pro at swimming, it’s okay to let him swim whenever and wherever he wants to.
Besides making sure your Pom is ready to take a dip, it’s also your responsibility to determine which places are safe for him to go in.
This is crucial because if your Pom is in danger while swimming, even though you manage to get him out on time, he could get traumatized for life. So, time for smart choices.
Do not fear – we’ll go together over places which are okay and ones that should be avoided.
Caution: Regardless if a pool is considered totally safe for dogs, you should never let your Pom swim unsupervised.
3 safe places for your Pom to swim in:
#1: A fenced off pool
This is great because you can determine when your Pom goes in and when he doesn’t.
When you’re together, he can go in and you can have your peace of mind.
Whether you are doing chores around the house or working from home, you don’t wanna be bothered by constantly thinking about the safety of your Pom.
Instead of checking through the window very other minute, better secure the pool with a fence and be fully in the present moment. That way you’ll focus on whatever you’re doing and remain calm at the same time.
#2: A pool with a ramp
Pomeranians are brave in general. But don’t underestimate the panic they could experience if they find themselves in an unknown situation.
Say they’re not used to swimming in a particular place. Then they might get stressed. This usually happens if the Pom doesn’t see where he can exit/escape from.
If you’ve ever done ice-skating or swimming yourself, you should know that the moment when you panic, it’s game over. Fear paralyzes your body and you’re unable to think or react accordingly.
Something similar can happen to your Pom. If he’s scared, he’ll most likely make rash movements driven out of fear. If he doesn’t see an obvious exit, he is bound to tire himself out while reacting strongly out of emotion.
That’s one of the most dangerous situations your Pom could be in, especially if you’re not around to lend him a helping hand.
That’s why it’s best to set yourself and your Pom up for success. You can do this by simply placing a ramp in your backyard pool.
It will come in handy anytime your Pom feels like he’s had enough of in-the-water experience.
#3: A pool with an alarm
The alarm will go off whenever someone or something touches the surface of the water.
Whenever you want your Pom to roam freely in the house and backyard, it’s advisable to have the alarm on.
This works for both pets and children.
3 dangerous places for your Pom to swim in:
#1: Rivers
This is so because currents of the water can change in places like these. So, even though you might know the river, it’s no guarantee that it will be safe to swim in after days-time. Currents change frequently.
#2: Oceans

Ocean breakers can be dangerous for a swimming Pom. Better avoid places like the ocean to put your Pom into. Not to mention that your Pom can swallow salt water.
Currents or tides can carry people away, let alone fragile Poms. These tides are unpredictable and powerful.
#3: The sea
With the sea you better watch out for the condition of the water. Some days it can be very dangerous for humans to swim in it, let alone fragile little Poms. The tide should be considered at all times.
Caution: It’s very easy for a Pom to get water in his lungs by swimming at a place such as a river, an ocean or in the sea. It can even happen in a backyard pool. Dangers include the so called ‘dry drowning’ which involves inflammation or infection and could last up to several days after the swimming event.
How to teach a Pomeranian to swim?
Teaching a Pom to swim can be one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences you’ll ever be involved in.
You have the chance to not only teach your Pom to swim but to love swimming! Yes – it’s doable.
When teaching your Pom to swim, it’s important to put him in an area where his feet can touch the ground. It will be easier for him to perceive what’s happening as okay if you’re by his side at all times. Make sure you’re not pushing your Pom. Focus on making small steps and consistent progress at first.
Step 1: A life jacket comes first
Remember – if you don’t prepare one, your Pom could drown.
The good news is that when your Pom has such, he’ll be safe even if he panics.
Besides that, the life jacket will offer extra support to your Pom.
Step 2: Bring an experienced swimming canine buddy for your Pom
Your Pom would be enthusiastic to join the fun once he sees another doggo having the time of his life in the water.
Your Pom could be hesitant at first but a dog friend who knows how to swim and loves it, will for sure motivate your Pom to take the next step.
The dog who already has experience will act as a role model for your Pom.
Caution: Watch out – sometimes the other dog could try to jump on the back of your Pom. You want to avoid cases like that at all costs, as they could alter how your Pom reacts to getting in the water.
Step 3: Involve toys and treats
Positive reinforcement for the win! If you want your Pom to come in, what a better way to convince him than a prize?
Get one or several of his favorite toys. Give a treat for the progress he makes.
You should go into the water first. Then let your Pom follow you and reward him with a treat.
When you throw a toy, make sure it doesn’t land far away in deep water. You don’t want to discourage your Pom from going after it.
Step 4: Support your Pom by holding him above the water
He’ll still have his life jacket on. That’s an absolute must the first time he enters the pool. But you holding him is for the sole purpose of showing you’re there for him.
Don’t take too long before you get him out. Hold him for a few seconds, then lift him above the water and let him set foot on solid ground. That’s how he’ll know he can get out of thew pool and isn’t in danger.
Best part?
He’ll be eager to come back for more fun before you know it.
Step 5: Let your Pom swim without the life jacket
Do this only where the Pom is able to reach a ramp or a staircase and knows he can exit from there.
Support your Pom and always stay by his side. Especially when you let him swim.
Reading tip: Check out this article for more training tips and tricks.
Pomeranian puppies

If you plan on making a swimmer out of your Pom, it’s best to teach him swimming while he’s still a pup.
Pups are very receptive to learning so you can consider yourself lucky. Just remember to ask your Pom to do certain activities gradually.
It’s very important tos tart off on the right foot.
Here are the steps you need to follow to make the teaching process both safe and fun:
Step 1: Use a kid pool
This could be an inflatable one you are able to fit in your backyard.
Step 2: Play around the pool for a bit before you introduce your Pom to the water.
The aim of this is that your Pom will consider entering the pool. Pay attention to dog body language such as tail wagging, keeping his eyes on the ‘prize’.
It’s okay if your Pom is hesitant at first. That’s to be expected.
Step 3: Get one of his favorite toys in or enter the pool yourself
That way you’ll hopefully manage to lure the pup in. Dogs are very much influenced by the actions of their owners.
If your pup sees you having fun in the water, he’ll be curious to try it out too.
Step 4: Let your puppy touch the pool’s floor with its feet
The goal is for your Pom puppy to get familiar with the pool. By walking around in it a bit, the pup will familiarize himself with the pool.
Step 5: Make it fun
Just like people, dogs learn most efficiently through experience. And if the experience is fun, your Pom won’t hesitate to catch up on what he’s been missing.
Involve plenty of play, example and a fair amount of treats to reward your Pom for indulging in a new experience.
Caution: Don’t ever throw your puppy in a pool, the sea or a river with the hope that it will swim its way out. A puppy should never feel like it has only two options – swim or drown. If you do that, you’re not only exposing your puppy to a life-long trauma but you’re also endangering its life.
Benefits of teaching your Pomeranian to swim
- Keep your Pom cool during the hot summer months, especially if you live in a warmer region.
Reading tip: The truth about shaved Pomeranians
- Keeps your Pom happy if you’re tired but still want to exercise him by throwing toys in the water for him to fetch.
- Your Pom will have fun anytime he’s near the pool with you instead of experiencing anxiety and being terrified of the water.
- In case your Pom falls into a pool, he’ll know how to react and won’t freak out.
- Your Pom’s health will be stronger with exercise. Swimming is good cardio and also benefits the muscles.
Things to look out for when you’re teaching your Pomeranian to swim:
- Your Pom’s eyes and nose could get a bit irritated if chlorine gets into them. It’s okay to let your Pom swim for a few hours though, especially on a hot summer day.
- After your Pom has swam in the pool for a few hours, it’s good for him to drink plenty of fresh water. Ensure he has access to his water bowl at all times before, during and after swimming.
- Your Pom might enjoy swimming but do be careful not to let him in the pool if the water is cold. General rule – if it’s too cold for you, it’s not safe for your Pom. Get him out asap if that’s the case.
- Remember – never force your Pom to stay in the water when he wants to get out, as this might have the opposite effect on him.
- Always keep an eye on your Pom in the water and be ready to help if needed. When your Pom has recently been introduced to water, he might tire himself out quickly which could lead to drowning if he doesn’t have a life jacket.
- Be prepared that your Pom could struggle at first. Hold the middle part of his body under the water, so that he can use his front and hind legs to paddle.
- It’s very important to pick the right flotation device for your Pom. A lot of times canine flotation devices have a handle for convenience. With it you can easily put your Pom out of the water or help him in times of need.
- Be reasonable when setting expectations of your Pom. If he doesn’t fall in love with swimming, that’s perfectly fine. Your main goal of introducing him to the water should be his safety so he can manage to stay above the water.
Related questions:
- Do Pomeranians like baths? Pomeranians like baths in general, especially if they’re used to being bathed from a young age. Click here for more information about Pomeranians and bathing.
- Do Pomeranians Like Water? This depends very much on the individual Pom. If properly introduced to water at a young age, your Pom could not only like it but simply love water.