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7 Alarming Reasons Why Dogs Can’t Eat Frosted Flakes

Can Dogs Eat Frosted Flakes

There’s no denying it…

Frosted flakes taste so good. 

The crispiness plus its sweetness. It’s heaven.

And your dog can agree…

However, it’s not exactly made for dogs. That’s why your pooch can’t eat Frosted Flakes.

How so?

Read on to discover:

  • 7 reasons why dogs can’t eat frosted flakes.
  • The harmful preservative that Frosted Flakes contain.
  • Why are Frosted Flakes not healthy for your pooch at all.
  • Safe alternatives for Frosted Flakes that you can give your pooch.
  • And many more…

Can dogs eat Frosted Flakes?

Dogs can’t eat Frosted Flakes, especially in large amounts. But it isn’t a great source of nutrition as it offers none. With that, dogs won’t get anything good from eating it. Moreover, it has high sugar content that can be bad for dogs. It also has salt and harmful preservatives.

7 reasons why dogs can’t eat Frosted Flakes

#1: High sugar content

The first and biggest problem with Frosted Flakes is the amount of sugar it has.

I’m talking about this much:

Serving size(1 cup)1.3 oz (37g)
Amount of sugar per serving0.4 oz (12g)

So, if you give your dog 1 cup of Frosted Flakes, almost 33% of it is sugar!

And you won’t even have to check the labels to find this out (But you should)…

Try and taste Frosted Flakes, and you’ll be greeted with its sweetness.

Then, when it’s mixed with milk, you’ll notice that the milk will get more sugary.

Now, food with that much sugar isn’t recommended for your pooch…

First of all, sugar can cause dental problems for Fido.

If your pooch isn’t a frequent brusher, they should stray away from these flakes.

Moreover, your dog’s teeth won’t be the only victim of this sugary treat…

Sugar can cause weight gain

PetMD also tells us that sugar highly contributes to weight gain in dogs.

That can happen when you give your pooch large amounts of Frosted Flakes…

And, that can escalate more quickly if you do so regularly.

Then with their weight problem, there come more issues to face…

I’m talking about the following:

  • Lethargy.
  • Joint problems.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Difficulty breathing.

And with obesity, there’ll be a decreased quality of life for your dog.

Did you know? Data from 2018 shows that 56% of dogs in the United States are overweight.

And wait, it doesn’t stop there…

High sugar intake and obesity can lead to diabetes

Dogs Can't Eat Frosted Flakes Because It Has High Sugar Content

Your pooch might develop diabetes if they eat too much sugar. 

Although more common in older dogs, this condition can occur at any dog age.

According to vets, these are the signs of diabetes in dogs:

With that, it’s best to avoid feeding your dog Frosted Flakes…

You have to dodge it before your fur baby begins to have a taste for it.

When they do, you might catch your pooch taking matters on their own paws.

They might reach for it on the counter. And getting into the box is easy as it’s just cardboard…

What’s that against Fido’s perseverance and gnawing teeth?

Most of all, the sweet reward of Frosted Flakes will make them happy in the end…

Continue reading: 7 Reasons Why Dogs Like Treats So Much + 5 Dangers

#2: It can make their tummy gurgle 

After giving your fur baby Frosted Flakes, you’ll notice one thing…

Their stomachs would go rumbling.

When you hear it do so…

Oh, get ready.

“For what?”

To clean up after your baby’s vomit and diarrhea.

Dr. Ari Zabell told PetMD that a sugary treat causes an upset stomach in dogs.

According to her, the microorganisms in your dog’s gut help digest the food.

Then, large amounts of sugar mess with the balance of those organisms in the stomach.

That’s the gurgling you’ll hear!

With that, it results in an upset tummy…

And it leads to you cleaning explosive diarrhea. It can vary in texture and can sometimes be bloody.

You’ll also be dealing with vomiting.

So, stray your dog away from Frosted Flakes…

And you’ll also avoid those rumbles and explosives.

#3: It has carcinogenic preservatives

Ohhh, preservatives…

It’s almost everywhere…

And it isn’t absent in Frosted Flakes.

Moreover, it’s a harmful one that these flakes contain.

Frosted Flakes have the controversial Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT).

What’s that?

According to experts, BHT is an artificial preservative. It’s made in a laboratory and is used as a component in medicine sometimes.

Research says that you can also find it in cosmetic products.

Then, it has antioxidant properties that can keep viruses at bay….

Now, in Frosted Flakes, its role is to keep it fresh. It’s what keeps it from getting rancid.

But despite those good, it’s being outweighed by the bad…

What am I talking about?

The harmful effects of BHT preservative

BHT is banned in the following countries:

  • Japan.
  • Canada.
  • Australia.
  • New Zealand.
  • Some places in Europe.

How so?

That’s because research shows that BHT is carcinogenic.

In the study, the administration of BHT formed tumors in some organs of the subject rats. 

In another investigation, a new harmful effect of BHT is found…

Rats were also the subjects for this investigation. 

Results show that oral administration of BHT caused diseases. To be more specific, the rats’ liver tissues are mostly affected.

With that, it contributed to the liver damage of the subjects.

For dogs, there is no concrete evidence that it can do the same…

However, it won’t be harmful to assume and be careful.

So, avoid foods with BHT as much as possible. Always check the labels and nutritional values of each food you give your canine.

#4: It offers no nutritional value

Aside from its harmful ingredients to your dog, this is another issue…

Giving your pooch Frosted Flakes and risking their health isn’t worth it at all.

That’s because this cereal doesn’t have any nutritional value for your pooch.

So, that means the cereal’s useless for your pup’s body.

How so?

The main ingredient for Frosted Flakes is corn.

And in a dog’s diet, corn isn’t essential at all.

That’s why it doesn’t add up anything good to their diet.

With that, people can say that Frosted Flakes cereal is full of empty calories.

That’s the term to describe food that doesn’t contribute to nutrition.

So, your dog will feel full after this cereal. But, that’s all for them…

And for you, you might deal with a dog with a sudden bad gas. That’s because poor quality food like these flakes can cause flatulence in dogs.

#5: Fat content

Fat Content

There’s a place that Frosted Flakes plays a part in…

These flakes can also cause weight gain. And that’s independent of the high sugar content.

That’s because the corn in this cereal is milled.

Such a process creates a high amount of fat contents…

And that’s another component that’s unhealthy for your canine.

Foods with high-fat content are slightly harmful to your pooch. However slight, you shouldn’t take the risk…

PetMD says too much fat can cause high blood cholesterol in dogs.

It’s called hyperlipidemia.

When your dog has this condition, their blood has excessive fats.

The symptoms of hyperlipidemia are:

  • Seizures.
  • Presence of bumps filled with fats on their skin.
  • Jaundice or their skin appearing to be yellowish.
  • Abdominal pain, which might be obvious from your dog’s whining.

#6: Salt content

Aside from fats, milling corn can also create high contents of sodium.

So, try and check the ingredients of Frosted Flakes…

When you do, you’ll see it written:

‘Contains 2% or less of salt.’

And to be more sure, you should also read the nutritional value in the back.

There, you’ll see the sodium content per serving.

If you can’t look at it right now, here’s a table to show and summarize it:

Serving size (1 cup)1.3 oz (37g)
Amount of sodium per serving0.035 oz (0.19g)

Now, to your pooch…

A dog’s body can only stand this amount of sodium:

0.7 oz (2 g) to 10.5 oz (3g) of salt per 2.2 lbs (1 kg) of their body weight.

With that, you can say that the sodium content isn’t much of a threat.

Your dog’s body might be able to tolerate it.

In fact, sodium is an electrolyte that one’s body really needs.

However, don’t treat this as a go-signal to give your dog Frosted Flakes.

Too much of this cereal can still cause damage in this area.

It might be small or not obvious…

But little do you know, it’s there and your pooch experiences it.

Here are the potential consequences of high sodium consumption in dogs:

  • Sodium poisoning.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Electrolyte imbalance.

#7: It has too many calories

Your pooch doesn’t care much about calories…

All Fido cares about is munching on whatever food you give them.

That’s why you’re left with the job of watching their calorie intake.

Now, to Frosted Flakes…

It contains too many calories.

How much am I talking about?

Check this table:

Serving size (1 cup)1.3 oz (37g)
Amount of calories per serving130 calories

That’s almost all the calorie needs of a toy dog breed!

So, to be clear, here’s how many calories your dog needs per day:

Dog size and weightDaily calorie need
Toy 3 lbs (1.36 kg) to 6 lbs (2.72 kg)139 to 233 calories
Small10 lbs (4.5 kg) to 20 lbs (9 kg)342 to 576 calories
Medium30 lbs (13.6 kg) to 50 lbs (22.68 kg)781 calories to 1145 calories
Large60 lbs (27 kg) to 100 lbs (45.36 kg)1313 to 1926 calories

So, even in large dogs, a serving of Frosted Flakes amounts to almost 10% of their daily calorie needs.

That’s why this cereal can be harmful to your dog’s diet.

According to experts, a high-calorie intake in dogs can cause the following:

  • Arthritis.
  • Weight gain.
  • Heart disease.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Formation of tumors.

Healthy Frosted Flakes alternatives for dogs (100% safe)

If you still want to feed your dog cereal, there are safer alternatives.

Those that are low in salt and sugar are the ones you should be going for.

First on the list is Bran Flakes

This cereal is high in fiber. Therefore, it’s helpful for your dog’s digestive health.

It can also increase your dog’s energy. That good thing doesn’t cause anything in return…

It doesn’t negatively affect your dog’s blood pressure. In fact, it can help make it lower.

Lastly, Bran Flakes doesn’t contribute to the increase of cholesterol in your dog.

Get 2 packs of Bran Flakes. One for you and another for your pooch.

Try Oat Bran

Another safe choice for cereal is Oat Bran.

It’s also rich in fiber.

Most of all, it might assist you in managing your dog’s weight.

Give it a shot. Here’s a recommended gluten-free Oat Bran.

For an even better result, mix it up with fruits that your doggo enjoys.

The classic: Cheerios

This cereal is low in sugar. Therefore, it won’t harm your dog.

Moreover, Fido will enjoy its crunch.

However, like Frosted Flakes, it doesn’t have any essential nutrients. 

But, it’ll make Fido feel full.

With that, your pup will be consuming this for pure enjoyment and satisfaction only.

So, make your pooch happy by giving them the classic Cheerios. Give it to them anytime, even after breakfast.

Note: Don’t put any milk when you’re feeding your pooch cereal.

Your doggo will appreciate it as it is.

Moreover, milk is not something you should be giving your dog.

That’s because dogs are lactose intolerant. Their stomachs can’t properly process milk…

With that, by consuming it, they might get diarrhea. They’ll also be likely to vomit.

Reading tips: 5 Alarming Reasons Why Dogs Can’t Eat Rice Krispies & 7 Reasons Why Dogs Can’t Eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch

People also ask:

Is there xylitol in Frosted Flakes?

There’s no xylitol in Frosted Flakes. However, that doesn’t make it automatically safe for your dog. That’s because its ingredients can still be harmful to your canine.

Frosted Flakes don’t contain any sugar substitute called xylitol.

It uses real sugar, and it contains high amounts of it.

So, it can still be toxic for your dog in another way.

Can dogs eat Frosted Mini Wheats?

Dogs can’t eat Frosted Mini Wheats. That’s because it contains high amounts of sugar and fats. Such amounts are unhealthy for your dog.

Frosted Mini Wheats don’t contain any xylitol. It’s a sugar substitute that gives off sweetness yet doesn’t risk you gaining calories.

However, this substitute only does good in humans.

But for dogs, it’s highly toxic. That’s why it’s something that dog parents avoid giving to their fur babies…

Wait a second…

You may have dodged xylitol, but here goes another issue…

Since this cereal doesn’t use a substitute, it uses real sugar.

And let me tell you, it has too much sweetness in it.

You won’t have to analyze the labels to know. If you take a bite of Frosted Mini Wheats, your tongue lands on a sweet and crunchy treat.

That sugar is present in such an unhealthy amount that it’s harmful to your pooch.

With that, high sugar intake in dogs can cause the following:

  • Diabetes.
  • Lethargy.
  • Weight gain.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Joint problems.
  • Difficulty breathing.

And that’s not all…

Frosted Mini Wheats also have harmful preservatives.

It’s called Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT), and it’s banned in most countries.


That’s because BHT can be carcinogenic.

Moreover, Frosted Mini Wheats isn’t something worth it.

All it has to offer for your dog is its sweet and crunchy taste. After that, there are no more benefits that Fido can gain from it.

I say so as this cereal doesn’t contribute to your dog’s nutrition.

With that, Frosted Mini Wheats is something you don’t want to feed your fur baby.

Aside from its harmful ingredients for canines, it doesn’t help with their health at all.