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Do Corgis Like To Cuddle? 16 Things You Should Know

Do Corgis Like To Cuddle

Wondering if Corgis like to cuddle… snuggle… hug… or like to be held?


In this article you’ll find out the truth.

Keep reading to learn:

  • The right way to snuggle with your Corgi.
  • 7 reasons why some Corgis don’t like to be touched.
  • How the Corgi’s herding instinct affects whether they like to cuddle or not.
  • The #1 mistake that makes Corgis not want to cuddle (note: it’s not your fault).
  • And more…

Do Corgis like to cuddle? 

Corgis do like to cuddle. It’s proven that Corgis see their human parents as part of the pack. Corgis snuggle with their owners to show love and affection. And on cold days they might do it to warm themselves.

Besides, Corgis are a well-known clingy and cuddly dog breed. They’re trusting and very affectionate sort of dogs, always happy to please.

Do Corgis like to be held?

Corgis like being held. They want you to hold them as soon as you bring them home. Physical contact means kinship and familiarity. As they grow older, though, the need becomes less frequent.

Why do Corgis like to cuddle?

Confused Corgi Meme

Corgis like to cuddle because they’re social animals. In the UK, Corgis were once bred to herd cattle. 

Herding dogs need to have certain attributes. They had to be smart, sociable, and loyal to both the owner and the herd.

As a result, Corgis were bred to be energetic and affectionate. 

These dogs would take their herds miles and miles away from home some days.

Meanwhile, the affection meant that these dogs would risk life and limb to protect the herd. The herd is family, and the family must be protected.

No surprise then that the same love for the herd is given to their owners to this very day.

How do Corgis like to snuggle?

Corgi Snuggling And Cuddling

Most dog breeds dislike being carried as it makes them uncomfortable. Corgis are one of the few exceptions and are okay with being held.

You want to evenly distribute your dog’s weight when you carry them. Make sure your arms are around the area behind his front and hind legs.

Sometimes, Corgis will act like other dogs and will walk up to you and present themselves.

If your dog rolls on their back and gently nudges you, that usually means they want to be picked up.

Otherwise, they will still approach and touch your leg to tell you they want to be petted.

7 possible causes why your Corgi doesn’t want to be touched

#1: All dogs are different

Corgis Are Different Meme

There are many reasons why your stubbly dog friend doesn’t like being touched. 

One of the most basic ones is the rare Corgi that dislikes being held.

It’s a personal preference of the dog in question.

This shouldn’t be a huge concern. If the dog is healthy and well-fed, it will show its appreciation to you in other ways.

It might just prefer to be petted and rubbed instead.

#2: It’s not just humans that feel confined

One reason your Corgi doesn’t like being touched is that they could be stressed.

There are a lot of reasons why a dog is stressed out. One of the most common ones is canine claustrophobia.

Dogs are running animals that like to move around a lot. Corgis are herding dogs and like to run and race.

Keeping them cooped up in a house will stress them out. Force them to stay put for too long, and they may turn anxious and hostile.

Allow your dog to exercise regularly to avoid this.

#3: A noisy environment puts your Corgi on the edge

Noise stresses affect Corgis as much as other dogs, especially in urban settings.

Loud noises affect dogs as their hearing is stronger than a human’s.

Such unpleasant sounds can turn a dog into a stressed out and hostile ball of energy that wants nothing to do with you.

Avoid raising your dog in a noisy environment. If impossible, bring your dog to a less stressful environment as much as possible.

Check around your house for any possible sources of noise stress for your dog such as:

  • Power tools.
  • Kitchen appliances.
  • Ultrasonic animal repellers.
  • Appliances that cause low or high-frequency sounds.

Find and fix whenever possible.

Reducing sound stress is a good way to make your dog happier and more approachable.

#4: A history of abuse can make your Corgi sensitive

If you plan to adopt a Corgi from an animal shelter, bear in mind their history.

This is crucial as some rescue dogs are from abusive households. Poor things have known little kindness in their time.

Abused dogs are always worried. Made worse by similar environments and familiar smells.

These dogs need a patient owner that is willing and able to train and help them recover.

Note: Consult a professional and read this article on how to care for a rescue dog with a history of abuse.

#5: Sickness affects your Corgi’s attitude

Your Corgi will refuse to interact with you if they are sick.

Sickness should be easy to identify with Corgis. Being energetic and mobile animals, any sign of lethargy should tip you off.

Other signs include:

  • Bad breath.
  • Dry or red eyes.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Rashes, blisters, and pimples on the skin.

If this lethargy persists, consult a veterinarian. Don’t take second chances or defer treatment by a professional.

From there, follow the vet’s instructions. Give your Corgi medication at the prescribed doses as needed.

When they’re better, give them the exercise that they missed during their downtime. They’ll be back to their old selves in no time.

Read next: 13 Common Corgi Health Problems + 65 Tips To Prevent Issues

#6: Observe your Corgi for pain and/or injuries

Corgis are energetic and love to play. Sometimes this playful attitude can get them hurt.

A common reason why your dog doesn’t wanna be touched is that it’s injured.

First, find out where it hurts. If your dog bites or barks after being touched, you’ve found the injury.

Second, make the call. Is this injury minor or major? This is vital to ensure your dog’s safety.

Minor injuries will heal themselves at home in a matter of days. Major injuries will need a visit to the vet.

Check out also: Can Corgis Climb Stairs? 5 Hidden Dangers & 9 Simple Tips

#7: An old Corgi might not have the stamina for it

Corgis can live up to over 12 years. 

Older Corgis don’t like being touched as much as their younger counterparts. It’s a developmental thing that happens to them gradually.

This doesn’t mean that your dog has become hostile or no longer loves you. They’ve just gotten old and less clingy.

They will still find time to be affectionate with you. But be gentle around them, as their older bodies may ache while being handled.

9 reasons why you should cuddle with your Corgi

#1: It promotes a healthier lifestyle

Corgi Can't Touch This Meme

Cuddling with your dog is healthy for you. Physical contact with each other helps you and your Corgi produce the feel-good hormones.

Endorphins help you cope with pain in your body and help you feel better after heavy exercise.

The more you interact with your Corgi, the more Endorphins you get. This allows you to do more physical activities and live an active lifestyle.

This will be very helpful in taking care of your Corgi as well. Corgis are physically active animals that need a lot of exercise.

#2: Corgis can increase serotonin

Corgi Happy Meme

There’s a cliche that dogs help people establish connections. Aside from meeting fellow dog owners, engaging with your dog can increase serotonin.

Serotonin is the ‘social’ hormone. 

Without serotonin, we’re angrier and less agreeable. With serotonin, our mood is up, we become chattier, and generally feel better.

Thus, spending quality time with your Corgi will improve your mood!

#3: Corgis can also increase dopamine

Apart from serotonin, dopamine is released when you cuddle with your beloved Corgi. 

After a long and fulfilling day, sitting down with your Corgi to snuggle will help create a sense of completeness to cap the day off.

That small part of closure helps you sleep better. Helping you prepare for tomorrow and do it over again.

#4: They help you feel less stressed

Dogs and people share a lot of the same problems. One of them is certainly the need for stress relief.

Good thing then that physical contact with your Corgi helps alleviate stress and anxiety in both you and your animal.

Take care, though! Studies have shown that owners can affect their dog’s stress levels

Thus, a bit of training and professional assistance will help solve this issue and make you both feel better.

#5: Bonding is beneficial for you and your Corgi

Connecting with your dog is healthy for both of you. Bonding exercises like cuddling are mutually beneficial and reinforcing.

The big reason for this is how it helps the body release the hormone called Oxytocin. This is what most people know as the Bonding Hormone.

It’s the same hormone that helps kids bond with their parents. Lovers connect to one another. And helps you and your dog connect too.

Connections help make you feel more secure, feel stable, and feel safe. Good thing then that your dog will feel the same way.

#6: They need love, too!

Corgis are a bit like people. They also need physical contact and attention.

Remember that Corgis are social animals. They worked in packs to herd cattle less than a few centuries ago.

That pack mentality creates needs for your Corgi. Very specific needs that you can help fulfill.

You might not realize it but loving them is a mutually beneficial relationship!

After all, cuddling with your Corgi helps them feel better about themselves as well.

It’s all about fulfilling the same needs you have and doing the same for them as well.

#7: They help you relax after a long and difficult day

Corgis are cute, and are often the subject of memes! 

Having one means that you can indulge in their cuteness on a daily basis.

In doing so, you allow yourself to slow down. 

Thus, it helps reduce your chances of heart problems and prevent stroke – two fairly common health complications in this day and age.

So take your time and just enjoy the company you share with your animal, it’s good for you.

#8: They help you fight depression

Corgi No Depression Meme

In this day and age, lots of very big and very real problems are causing us all headaches.

Life can be overwhelming sometimes, and that’s nothing to be sad or ashamed of. Even if your dog won’t understand, they’ll sense your mood and cuddle up. 

Physical contact with your dog is proven to help prevent and cope with depression.

The mix of feel-good hormones you release while bonding with your four-legged friend can really help.

Corgis have a knack for knowing how you really feel and are very approachable. Letting you cuddle them without a second thought.

#9: Corgis are reliable companions

Thousands of years ago dogs and men first partnered up. To survive, they worked together to hunt and bring down big animals.

Since then, dogs and humans have shared a special relationship. Some out of survival, most out of a need for companionship.

Nowadays, people turn to pets as someone who can understand them.

And with a Corgi’s cuteness, friendly temperament, and high energy, they easily become a crowd favorite.

They make great companions in life and are amazing snuggling partners.

If you’re lucky to have a loving little Corgi to call your own, hold them close. Trust me, they feel the same way too.