Have you recently moved into a new home,
And now your pooch refuses to pee anywhere?
Or are you planning on switching up their bathroom?
Well, whichever your case is, it might sound like a pain in the neck.
But don’t fret. There are easy solutions to your potty dilemma.
Read on to find out:
- How to train your dog to pee on command.
- Why your Fido becomes ‘potty shy’ all of a sudden.
- Whether they could be picky and have specific toilet preferences.
- 9 simple tips on how to help your pooch get used to their new toilet.
- And many more…
Table of contents
How to get a dog to pee in a new place?
You can train a dog to pee in a new spot by cleaning their previous place, taking them to it during potty breaks, using a cue word, and rewarding them if they relieve themselves in it. It’s also important to keep your sessions short, stay by their side, guide them along the way, and be consistent.
9 tips on how you can get your dog to pee in a new place
#1: Get rid of the past

Before you make them get used to their new toilet…
Have you cleaned up the previous one?
Because if not, they may still be attracted to pee in it. And this could make training more difficult for you.
Soap and water may not be enough to remove the scent of their urine entirely. So AKC recommends using an enzymatic cleaner instead to break down the odor.
But, you may also consider doing these solutions:
For fabric surfaces:
- 1 cup water
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 2 cups baking soda
For wood flooring:
- 1/2 cup white vinegar
- 1 gal. warm water
Note: Leave it for about 5 to 10 minutes to completely remove the scent.
#2: Pick an ideal spot
If you’re decided to train them to pee in a new yard, choose a certain part that’s away from human traffic. The same also goes for the location of potty pads.
Also, consider their preferences if they have any.
For example, pick a grassy area on the lawn if your dog likes to pee in it. Or have fake grass inside your house instead.
Note: If they don’t go in there for potty, make it smell familiar. The next time they pee somewhere, collect some using paper towels. Then put or wipe them on the new spot to attract them.
#3: Make it a first thing habit
Even if all the preparations were made, they still wouldn’t go in there without your guidance.
So every morning, walk your pooch to their new toilet. Then let them sniff the area.
But, put a leash on them during the first weeks. Because you can’t teach them to pee in the place you want if they’re free to roam.
Do it until they understand that it’s where they should go if nature calls.
Note: This could take a while. And if it’s the first time, they may not pee immediately in it.
#4: Timing is important
You also need to be aware of your Fido’s potty breaks.
When does it usually happen?
Because those are the perfect times to teach them.
In dogs, it’s typical for them to pee after:
- Waking up.
- Eating or drinking.
- Walking or playing.
Don’t do it right away after meals. Wait for about 5 to 30 minutes, according to experts.
But a puppy may not hold their bladder for as long as that. So take them to the toilet asap.
You should also…
Know the signs
Aside from assuming their usual peeing position, watch out for these common indicators:
- Whining.
- Pawing or barking.
- Sniffing on the ground.
- Standing in front of you.
- Pacing back and forth at the door.
#5: Associate potty with a command
It’s also important to have a cue for potty breaks.
By doing this, you may not need to wait for long hours for them to pee. As you can make your dog do it on command.
Plus, they can do it anywhere.
It can be “go pee!”, “hurry!” or whatever rings best with your dog. And when you say it, keep your tone bright and excited.
Capture the moment
This is not about taking photos of your pooch while peeing. (Your doggo: “Privacy please!”)
To make the cue word more effective, you should say it only when they start urinating. Because you’ll lose the magic of it whenever you say it at the wrong time.
Also, be careful not to repeat it many times, for you might overwhelm your Fido.
Note: For this reason, be aware of the signs listed earlier to catch them right when they’re about to pee-pee.
#6: Stay by their side
While you’re training them, stand near the area and don’t leave them alone.
I’m sure they won’t mind peeing while you’re there. Because they can’t feel shame, according to science.
But, they won’t figure it out on their own without your help.
So to make them learn faster, supervise them. And continue doing it until they know to go there in command.
#7: Reward them generously
Whenever your pooch pees on their new place, reward them by giving yummy treats. And don’t hold back on your praises.
Say them as enthusiastically as you can. And you can also give them a belly rub or pat on the head.
Also, if their toilet spot is outside, avoid going back right after they eliminate.
Let them play there for a few minutes as a reward. You can make them fetch their favorite toy or catch a frisbee.
Upgrade your prizes
If your Fido knows the command and routine very well, try leveling it up.
Give them a more high-value treat when they peed faster than usual. Like a piece of meat, cheese, or frozen kongs with peanut butter.
This will be a new challenge for them. And it’ll also help improve their newly learned skills.
Reading tip: Why do dogs like treats so much?
#8: Keep your trips short

If more than 10 minutes have passed and your pooch seems to have no intention of peeing, return right away.
You can try it again next time. Or after 10 to 15 minutes.
“But why? Isn’t it best to wait until they do it?”
Not forcing your dog to pee is good. However, they should learn that they need to relieve themselves as soon as they go there.
#9: Be consistent
Once you’ve picked their new place, stick to it. As well as your potty breaks schedule.
Do this consistently, as you can go back to step 1 by skipping once.
So, hang on. Your efforts will be all worth it in the end. And you’ll solve this potty dilemma.
Why won’t my dog pee in another place? 9 reasons
#1: They feel unsafe
Your pooch refuses to pee outside.
And they also look at you with a concerned face.
“Is my dog being shy?”
It may look like it. But nope.
Experts say canines don’t feel shame like humans do. As well as guilt and pride.
Remember, they don’t feel embarrassed when other Fidos smell their bum. Or if they lick their private parts in front of you.
“So what’s the meaning behind their ‘embarrassed’ expression?”
It’s most likely fear.
Are they recently adopted? Or are you in a different place?
Whichever it is, they may not trust their surroundings yet. And this is why your dog won’t pee in a new environment.
Relieving themselves makes them vulnerable. So they need to feel safe first to do it.
This is why they may look at us while doing it. It’s like they’re telling us to watch their back while they go potty.
Another thing, is your Fido only used to pee indoors?
If so, the noises outside could be stopping them from peeing.
Many cars are honking and passing by. And there are kids running and other canines wandering that could be scaring them.
Further reading: 7 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Is Acting Scared + Tips
#2: There are no familiar odors
Your pooch keeps sniffing their new toilet spot.
They’ve been doing it for a few minutes now. But they’re still not doing their business.
“Why’s that?”
It might be because it’s spotless.
I mean, there are no traces of pee or poo on it. And for canines, it could mean that they’re not safe or welcome to do their thing in it.
Dogs sniff the ground before peeing, right?
It’s because they’re also trying to know whether they used it as a toilet before or not. And they’re checking if other doggos have done it before as well.
Interesting fact: Do you know that Fidos produce a foul-smelling liquid every time they eliminate? This fluid holds their identity like an ID based on studies. And it helps in communicating with other canines and marking territories.
#3: It has a different texture
“Hmm. I’ve never peed on something like this before.”
It could also be that the new surface is stopping them from passing water.
Your Fido might be used in peeing outside on the grass. So they find it hard to empty their bladder on gravel or concrete flooring.
Even an artificial turf feels different from real grass. Not to mention the unique scent that actual plants give off.
Or, it can be the opposite. This case is more common in pups who came from breeders.
They might be used to peeing in wired cages or cold concrete. And grass could be an unfamiliar surface for them.
#4: Negative association

Your dog might also have been punished for urinating in such places before.
So now, even if you command them to, they’re too afraid to do it.
National Geographic says our furry friends forget things as early as 2 minutes. However, they’re good at associating, and this lasts more.
If something terrible happened in a specific area, let’s say, a vet clinic. Bring them there again next time, and they’ll be scared.
But it’s not because they remember exactly what happened that day. It’s just that their associative memory will remind them of the fright they felt.
Check out also: Why does my dog bark when the phone rings?
#5: They’re too distracted
What’s this nice smell?
Oh, and look! I’ve found some chewy bones too!”
Sometimes, your Fido can be so distracted that they forget what they’re supposed to do.
There could be a lot of interesting scents around. Or they’ve found traces of food on the ground.
#6: They were used to pee freely
Putting a leash on dogs can also make a difference.
Your pooch could be used to roaming around the yard without it. And they were only asked to go inside after they finished doing their business.
So now that they have a leash on, they can’t seem to do it anymore.
Read next: 11 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Cries During Walks + 5 Tips
#7: It’s the training
“Wait, hooman.
Are you trying to make me a bad boy/girl?”
Canines are creatures of habit. They learn things effectively if they’re repeated and consistent.
So if your pooch is well trained only to pee indoors, they’ll be confused if you make them do it outside. And vice versa.
If this is your case, it’s only normal. And you did a great job teaching them to go potty in a certain spot.
But with training and constant exposure, they can also get used to peeing in other places. 🙂
#8: They’re used to potty pads
“I want my pee-pee mat!”
If you have a puppy and they’ve been used to peeing on potty pads, it might also be a problem.
Come to think of it.
They’ve been relieving themselves conveniently for months now. Then suddenly, they’re asked to walk a few steps outside and pee.
It can be such a hassle. Plus, they’re not used to it, so they’ll be hesitant at first.
You may also wonder: Why is my puppy so lazy?
#9: It’s raining outside
“Can we do it when the sky’s clear, mom/dad?”
In other cases, it’s not the place but the situation they’re in.
So how’s your pooch with rain?
If they dislike it and refuse to go at other times, they’ll likely do the same even if they have an urgent call of nature.
They might be thinking, “I’d rather hold my piss for a few hours than getting wet.”
But wait, how long can dogs hold their bladder?
It depends. Some can bear not to pee for 10 hours or more. While others couldn’t hold it for longer than 4 hours.
Research says the smaller their body is, the more frequent they need to pee. And this is because their bladder is also compact, which gets full quickly.
Every hour, an adult canine releases 0.06 fl. oz. (2 ml.) per their body weight based on a study. And it’s equivalent to 40 drops of water.
So an average-sized German Shepherd with 88 lbs. (40 kg.) will have 65 fl. oz. (1,920 ml.) of urine per day. And this is around 7 to 8 cups.
Is it bad for canines to do this?
Dogs won’t get UTI by holding their pee alone. But, it can raise the chances of bacteria and toxin build-up in their bladder and kidneys.
Also, it can affect and weaken their bladder muscles.
So, if they need to go potty, it would be best to do it right away.
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People also ask:
How to get a dog to pee in a new yard?
You can get a dog to pee in a new yard by walking them to it every day, letting them sniff the area, and guiding them where to do it.
When they do relieve themselves, reward them with treats and playtime.
However, since it’s a big area, choose only a certain spot.
The rear corner would be a nice place for a dog to pee outside as it’s far from any walkways.
- Put a leash on them first.
- Take them out and guide them to their new ‘toilet spot.’
- Then stand still and let them sniff around.
- Wait for a few minutes.
- When they’re about to pee, say a command (e.g., “go pee!”).
- Then give them lots of treats and praises once they’re done.
Don’t leave them unattended until they learn to go there on their own. And make them pee first before doing anything else.
Tip: If they’re still hesitant to go in there, make your yard smell a bit. Invite other doggos over. Or get some of their pee using paper towels and spread the scent in the area.
How to get a dog to pee in a certain spot?
You can get a dog to pee in a certain spot by taking them to it, using a cue word, making it smell familiar, and giving them rewards.
So how can you teach a dog to pee in one place?
- First, clean up the area where they used to go potty. This is to avoid confusion as Fidos can smell themselves and pee in it again.
- Attract them to it by making it smell familiar.
- Collect some of their pee using tissues, then rub it on the specific spot.
- Take them to it every potty break.
- Make them stay there for a while.
- Then right when they start peeing, say the cue word.
“But how can you teach a dog to pee in the right place?”
You can reinforce the behavior with rewards.
Offer them yummy snacks and say lots of praise. They’ll appreciate it and will be motivated to do it again.
How to get a dog to pee on fake grass?

You can get a dog to pee on fake grass by walking them to it repeatedly and rewarding them whenever they sniff it.
If they were used to pee in the grass outside, you could put the artificial turf there first.
Make them go potty on it. And move it gradually until they know it’s the right place.
How to teach a dog to pee on fake grass:
- Introduce them to it. When they sniff or check them out, give them a treat.
- You can also wipe some tissues with their pee on it to make it smell like them.
- Walk them to it several times a day.
- When they stop and assume the pee position, say a command.
- Shower them with praise and treats after they go potty.
How to get a dog to pee when travelling?
You can get a dog to pee when traveling by teaching them how to do it in command first. Then, make them go potty on different surfaces. Say concrete floor, wood, grass, or stones.
But why?
Some Fidos may find it hard to pee when they encounter a new texture. So let them explore outside and make them go potty there.
This would be helpful if you’re in a completely different place. Or if you need to make them pee as fast as they can.
How to get a dog to pee on command?
You can get a dog to pee on command by training them first thing in the morning, being consistent, and rewarding them.
So how to teach a dog to pee on command/demand?
- Do it daily after they wake up. (It’s the perfect time for a potty break.)
- Go to the spot and wait for them to do their thing.
- When they’re about to pee – lift their leg or squat, say the command lively.
- Before you praise them, wait until they finish to avoid startling them.
- Give them treats in the end.
Note: Keep doing this every day and always say the cue at the right time for fruitful results.