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19 Simple Tips To Make A Dog Poop Quickly (#7 Works Instantly)

How To Make A Dog Poop Quickly

They say, “Don’t rush on anything. When the time is right, it’ll happen.”

But what if you’re always waiting for so long…

Because your dog loves taking their sweet time before taking a dump?

Uh-oh! It’ll be a different situation.

Especially if you’re traveling or late for work. Or if there’s a bad snowstorm outside.

So, are there any solutions to this?

And how can you make your dog poop right away?

Continue reading to learn:

  • 19 simple tips to make a dog poop quickly.
  • Things you can try when the situation’s urgent.
  • Whether giving them belly massages works or not.
  • How you can prompt them to poop using a matchstick.
  • What you should give to your dog if they’re constipated.
  • And many more…

How to make a dog poop quickly?

You can make a dog poop quickly by massaging their belly, bringing them to a quiet place, and walking them more often. There are also instant tricks for urgent situations. Like wiping or spraying cool water on their bum. But still, training is better in the long run. Along with a regular routine.

However, for constipated dogs, there are things you can give to them. Such as food high in fiber and water content.

To know more about this, let’s now jump in to the tips.

19 tips to make a dog poop quickly (#7 works instantly)

#1: Massage their belly

One easy way to help your dog poop quickly is by gently pressing their tummy.

But of course, this should be done in the right areas.

Research has shown that constipated people felt relief after an abdominal massage.

They started having normal bowel movements. Plus, their stomach pain was reduced too.

And the good thing is, it’s also applicable to our furry friends.

“So, how does it work?”

A study says that it can trigger ‘peristalsis.’

“What is it?”

It’s the contraction of muscles that move solids and liquids in the body.

This basically refers to the stomach and intestines. And as they contract, they may push and empty a dog’s bowels.

What to do?

  1. Gently massage your dog’s belly in a circular motion.
  2. Do it in a clockwise direction first.
  3. Then shift counterclockwise after 5 repetitions.
  4. Repeat steps #3 and #4 for around 5 minutes.

You can do this before you go outside or while you’re at their toilet spot.

But, if your dog seems in pain during the massage, stop immediately.

Monitor your pooch closely. And if you see any changes in their behavior or appetite, consult a vet.

Warning: Don’t try this if your dog has an obstruction. Massaging their tummy will only make things worse. This is because the foreign body inside may only rub within the stomach walls. As well as their intestines.

Here are the common signs of obstruction in dogs:

  • Vomiting.
  • Intense stomach pain.
  • Diarrhea (may have blood).

If you want to know more massages, read this article: 5 Easy Ways To Massage A Dog To Poop (How-To Guide)

#2: Bring them to a quieter area

Did you know that like us, dogs may also appreciate some peace while doing their business?

Well, they don’t need a private room to do it.

However, leading them to a quieter place might do.


Think about it.

There are a lot of distractions for dogs outside. 

They can hear odd noises and see other people or animals. As well as smell many interesting scents.

So, easily distracted and fearful dogs may have trouble pooping.

Now, this could delay their pooping agenda. Or worse, they might completely forget about it. 

And this is why some dogs poop or pee inside the house after going out.

“What should I do?”

If your Fido’s taking too long to eliminate, try to pick a more peaceful toilet spot for them. Then stick to it.

Always walk your dog there early in the morning to deposit their stools. As well as every toilet break.

Do this to make them realize that whenever you go there, it’s time to poop.

So the next time you go out, they know what to do.

But speaking of pooping issues…

Are you curious about why some dogs are so picky about their toilet place?

Reading recommendation: How Does A Dog Decide Where To Poop? 9 Interesting Facts

#3: Walk them more often

Make Your Dog Poop Quickly By Walking Them More Often

To keep those bowels on the move, you have to get your dog moving as well.

But what’s the easiest way to do it?

By walking them.

According to PetMD, walking can help reduce constipation. And this is because it literally gets their digestion going.

This is why you’ll notice that Fidos tend to poop after or during a long nice walk. So, it’ll also make your dog poop immediately.

However, I have a reminder.

Avoid returning inside the house right after your dog takes a dump.

“But why?”

This is because your Fido might think that the fun ends once they do their business.

Remember, they’re so excited to go out. And they would do anything to stay longer.

So, they may hold their poop during walks.

This is why nothing comes out whenever you’re outside. But when you’re already inside, they’ll drop some ‘smelly bombs’ on the carpet.

What to do?

Always go to their toilet spot first as soon as you go outside. Then if they poop, don’t get back inside the house right away.

Also, aside from treats and praises, reward them with a long walk too.

This way, you’ll be reversing what they’ve learned. That taking a dump doesn’t mean ‘finish’ but a ‘start’ of something fun.

Note: Don’t walk your dog right away after mealtime. Wait for at least 1 hour before doing it. This is because moving after eating is often linked to bloat.

#4: Use wet wipes to motivate them

Okay. I’m not telling you to clean your dog’s bum.

What I mean is, use dog-grooming wipes to encourage them to defecate. 

Try this method if the situation’s really urgent. Like if you’re traveling or you need to go to work asap.

“Wait. How does this help?”

It has the same logic as to how puppies are stimulated to poop when they’re young.

According to experts, small pups need some help to eliminate during the first 2 weeks.

Their private areas have to be rubbed by a wet cotton ball or cloth. And this is to encourage them to relieve themselves.

Usually, mother dogs will lick their litter’s bums for this purpose. As well as to clean them up.

What to do?

You can also use wet cotton or cloth to wipe your dog’s bum.

But it might be more convenient if you opt for dog-grooming wipes.

This is because they’re easier to carry around. And you don’t have to worry about water leakage or them drying out.

So this is one of the easiest strategies to make your dog poop quickly.

#5: Spray some cool water on their bum

This is also one of the quickest ways to make dogs poop.

But again, only use these easy tricks once in a while and when necessary.

This is because your dog should learn to poop on their own and in a natural way.

“So, what’s the logic behind this?”

Same with the wet wipes, the cool water may also prompt your dog to squeeze their anus. Which will then cause them to empty their bowels.

What to do?

  1. Prepare cool water (but not as cold as ice!).
  2. Put it in a spraying bottle.
  3. While you’re at the toilet spot, lift your dog’s tail.
  4. Squirt some water on their bum.
  5. Repeat this a few times until needed.

Note: Pay attention to your pooch while you’re doing it. If they look in pain, stop right away. And if this doesn’t help, halt at once and don’t force your pup to eliminate. You may have to do the other tips instead or call your vet.

#6: Apply ice cubes on their rear end

I know this might raise a few eyebrows. But, this may also help if your dog’s a real picky pooper.

However, as I said earlier, only resort to this if it’s urgent.

So, here’s what you have to do.

  1. First, walk your dog outside on a short leash.
  2. Put them in a standing position.
  3. Wear disposable gloves.
  4. Lift your dog’s tail.
  5. Apply an ice cube near their anus.
  6. Hold it still for around 30 seconds.

“How does this help?”

Due to the weird feeling and low temperature, dogs will likely put force on their anus. And this could help them push their stools out in an instant.

Note: Your dog will surely feel uncomfortable with the ice cube. They may attempt to run and escape. So to make your Fido relaxed during this, offer and feed them some treats.

#7: Do the ‘matchstick’ trick

Have you heard about this method?

This might be more shocking than the previous ones. But, this is also a trick that’s already been used years ago.

Based on various forums and articles, this is an old method that’s often used in dog shows.

Also, this is helpful if you’re traveling with your pooch and they have to finish their business asap.

Warning: Only do this as a last resort. Avoid performing this twice or more in a row. This is because as much as possible, you’d like to train your dog to poop in the most natural way.

Plus, this trick can also go wrong if not done correctly. So, only do this when needed and be extra careful.

“How to do this?”

  1. Get a box of matches or some cotton swabs. (The latter might be safer to use, especially if it’s your first time.)
  2. For matches, pick the softest one you can find in the box. For the Q-tips, cut a piece in half.
  3. Moisten the wooden end of the matchstick (not the one with sulfur!). Or the side with a cotton tip.
  4. Lift your dog’s tail.
  5. Slowly insert the moistened part of the stick or swab about halfway in your dog’s anus. (Don’t stick all of it inside. Insert it just enough to make their bum hold it.)
  6. Then, wait. After 1 or 2 minutes, dogs usually poop instantly.


How does this trick work?

Inserting a foreign body inside a dog’s anus will surely be uncomfortable. This is why this should only be done for urgent purposes.

It’s going to be a weird sensation for them. So, they’ll have the urge to get rid of it.

They’ll squat and squeeze their bum. And this could make them go in the process. 

#8: Establish a pooping routine

Okay. We’re done with the ‘instant tricks.’

Let me now share with you some tips that’ll take a while (or several days!) to yield results but are more effective in the long run.

The first one is by having a regular toilet schedule.

“How is this going to help?”

Once your dog learns that they have to do number 2 at those certain times, they may do it faster each day.

But, provided that they’re reinforced with praises and treats too every time they poop.

What to do?

To do this, monitor your pooch first.

Find out when and how often they take a dump each day.

Usually, dogs go to the bathroom early in the morning, after meals, and before bedtime.

But, these things may vary per Fido.

For example, puppies poop more frequently than adults. And there are also some dogs who don’t do their business first thing in the morning.

Then lastly, once you’ve observed their pooping habits…

Use them to create your Fido’s toilet schedule. And also, make sure that they’re fed regularly.

This is to see consistent results.

Note: The time should be based on your dog’s body clock and not on your daily routine. As you can’t ask a canine to poop when it’s not yet the right time to do it.

Editor’s pick: Dog Pooping In House On Purpose? 10 Revenge Poop Stories

#9: Have a command for pooping

Have you found a comfortable toilet spot for your dog?

And are they already on a consistent routine?

If so, you’re on the right track.

In fact, you can now teach your Fido to do their business in command.

“Great! How can I do that?”

First, make sure to do this only when you’re certain that your dog needs to go to the bathroom.

Like first thing in the morning – as soon as they wake up. Or when they’re giving you clear signals that they need to go.

This is because only then you can catch their pooping moment. And train them with a command.

So if you’re sure about it:

  1. Take your dog to the toilet area on a short leash.
  2. Catch your dog when they’re about to poop. (Look for signs like circling or squatting.)
  3. Before they take a dump, say a cue word. It could be “go poop” or “get busy.” Or any other related phrases that are short enough for your dog to remember.
  4. If your Fido pooped successfully, give them rewards right away. Like saying praises (or treats if they’re more food-motivated).

Do this every time your dog goes out for toilet breaks.

And soon enough, they’ll start associating the cue word with pooping. Which could make them defecate faster than usual.

Then gradually, train them to eliminate in other places too, using the command.

Also, keep in mind that it’ll take days or weeks for your dog to master this. So be extra patient. And don’t expect a change in their behavior overnight.

To know more, watch this short video:

Note: Say the cue word only before they poop. And don’t repeat it several times in a row to avoid overwhelming them.

Have some peeing issues as well?

Check out this article: 9 Easy Tips On How To Get Your Dog To Pee In A New Place

#10: Train them with a clicker

I’m sure you’ve seen this compact device.

It’s called ‘clicker.’ And as its name suggests, it creates a clicking sound when pressed.

This could be helpful if your dog’s easily distracted. Or if they’re confused with the cue words.

“How does it help in training?”

Like commands, a clicker is also used to reinforce a certain behavior.

But instead of words, the clicking noises signal the dogs that what they did was right.

The sound it produces is unchanging and neutral. Unlike cue words that might vary and express emotions.

Also, we can say the cue phrases in other situations outside training. So it could be confusing for our dogs.

But remember, a clicker only reinforces a behavior. It doesn’t prompt them to do a command like cue words. 

What to do?

Same with the command training, press your clicker once your dog poops.

Then quickly reward the behavior.

But before you start, here are more reminders:

  • Keep the training short. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes daily.
  • Prepare small treats before sessions and keep them with you.
  • You can buy a clicker online or create clicking sounds using your tongue.

Note: Some dogs might also be afraid of its noises. So if your pooch is also like them, use an alternative instead. Such as push pens or your own clicking sounds. Then, get your dog used to it by linking its noise to positive experiences.

For example, click it once every time you serve their food. Or when you’re about to open the door and go outside.

As I said earlier, dogs learn through association. So once they’ve linked the clicking noises to something good, it may help reduce their fright of it.

However, if your dog’s still highly anxious, I recommend you stop using the clicker. Then stick with cue words instead.

#11: Bribe them with their fave treats

I’m sure your pooch has a certain snack they like.

What is it?

This is because you can also show it to your dog to entice them to poop right away.

However, your pooch won’t get this if they’re not yet trained to deposit their stools outside.


Because they don’t know that they’ll be given treats once they do their business.

But if they’re trained, your Fido might get motivated to poop faster once they see a tasty snack in front of them.


#12: Upgrade your rewards

Yes, dogs are food motivated.

But still, their enthusiasm will depend on what you’re offering them.

For example, your Fido’s drive might not be too strong if the reward is a snack that they usually get every day.

Even if it’s their favorite, its magic can only last up for a few sessions.

And remember, as your training progresses, you’re also making them do harder things. 

Say pooping faster. Or even eliminating in new places.

So for this, level up your rewards as well. Like offering them bits of steak or chicken. As well as unseasoned beef jerkys. 

(This is up to your dog’s food hall of fame!)

#13: Make them drink more water

Make Your Dog Drink More Water

If you’d like your dog to poop regularly, ensure that they also drink enough water every day.

“How’s that going to help?”

Dehydration is one of the most common causes of constipation.

The lack of water in a dog’s body affects their digestive system. And this will create harder stools that are more difficult to release. (Uh-oh!)

So if you have a constipated pooch, drinking more water could make them poop.

And for healthy dogs, this may cause them to defecate easier and faster.

Note: Does your dog don’t drink water that much? If so, you have to encourage them to sip more. For this, try putting an ice cube or some treats in their water bowl.

If you want to know more tips…

Don’t forget to check out: 27 Easy Ways To Trick Your Dog Into Drinking Water (How-To)

#14: Feed them canned food

Canned or wet food is high in moisture.

Based on the Pet Food Institute, it has around 75% to 78% water content.

So if your Fido is constipated, they’re likely in need of some water in their body.

 As it helps regulate their digestive system. Which could make them produce softer stools.

#15: Serve some leafy veggies

Aside from wet food, dogs could also get the moisture they need from certain vegetables. Say, cucumber, celery, and zucchini.

The ones I mentioned above can be served either cooked or raw.

Just slice them into bite-sized pieces. So that it’ll be safer and easier for your dog to eat.

Then add some of these to their meals. Or offer these as a yummy treat.

#16: Offer them juicy fruits

Now if your pooch doesn’t prefer veggies, you may also try giving them some fruits.

It could be watermelon or strawberries. Because these 2 tops the list of dog-safe fruits rich in water content.

Along with:

  • Apple.
  • Papaya.
  • Peaches.
  • Pineapple.
  • Cantaloupe.
  • Blueberries.
  • Cranberries.

What to do?

Again, cut the fruits into bite-sized cubes to prevent choking. Remove any hard parts and seeds too.

And also, only offer these to your pooch as a treat. Which should make up 10% or less of their daily food intake.

“But why?”

This is because fruits are sugary.

Dogs don’t need those extra carbs. Plus, eating too much can also make their tummy hurt.

#17: Add pumpkin to their meals

You can also give some fiber to your dog to get them to poop.

Pumpkin is one of the most famous and effective sources of fiber. And according to PetsWebMD, it also has:

  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Vitamins (A, C, and E).

It also contains ‘prebiotics.’

You may confuse this with probiotics. But, they’re 2 different things.

Probiotics have good bacteria. While prebiotics has a certain type of fiber that feeds the good live bacteria.

Both of these aid in the digestion of food. So, if your Fido has some pooping issues, this could help as well.

Also, pumpkins are safe for dogs to eat.

But make sure that there are no added preservatives or seasonings in it. Which are typically found in commercial pumpkin puree or pie filling.

What to do?

You can either:

Option #1: Buy a canned pumpkin puree

Read the packaging carefully. It should be plain and not a pumpkin pie filling.

Mix at least 1 tsp (4g) of this to your dog’s meals. Or offer the same amount straight from a spoon.

Option #2: Create your own plain puree

To ensure that the puree you’ll serve to your Fido doesn’t contain any harmful seasonings, you can make your own at home.

  1. Slice the pumpkin in half.
  2. Scrape all the pulp and seeds.
  3. Prepare a baking tray and place parchment paper on it.
  4. Put the pumpkin slices with the flesh facing down.
  5. Place the tray inside the oven and set it at 350° F (177° C).
  6. Let it roast for 30 to 45 minutes. (Or until it’s tender enough.)
  7. Once it’s done and it has cooled down, scoop the soft flesh.
  8. Put it in a bowl to mash or in a food processor.
  9. If you opt for the latter option, blend the pumpkin flesh for around 3 to 4 minutes.
  10. Serve 1 tsp (4g) to your dog.

You may add 1 to 3 more teaspoons if your Fido’s taking it well.

But remember, don’t give your dog too much pumpkin. This is because excessive fiber can also cause diarrhea.

Note: DIY pumpkin puree will last up to 1 week when refrigerated.

You might also want to check out: 17 Best Home Remedies For Dog Scooting (Itchy Bum)

#18: Consider wheat bran

If you’re looking for another fiber source, you can also try some bran.

It’s the outer protective layer of cereal grains. Like wheat, oats, and corn. And it’s removed during the milling process.

For dogs, wheat bran is usually served. As it’s rich in insoluble fiber. And it’s also high in vitamins, minerals, and protein.

To be clear, insoluble fiber can’t be dissolved by water. So it can’t also be absorbed by the body.

And this means that the fiber from wheat bran only helps in the transit of food.


According to a study, women who had 0.71 oz (20 g) daily serving of wheat bran had:

  • Bulkier stools (157%).
  • More bowel movements (55%).
  • Less intestinal transit time (50%).

(Quick info: Intestinal transmit time refers to how long food moves through the digestive tract. Vets say that dogs take about 6 to 8 hours only. While it’s 20 to 30 hours for us humans. )

Another paper also states that it improved people’s overall condition and mood. As it contributed to the reduction of:

  • Sluggishness.
  • Bloated feeling.
  • Stomach discomfort.

“How about dogs?”

It also has the same effect.

A group of researchers did an experiment on wheat bran kibbles.

They divided the dogs into 2 groups. One was given meals with 25% wheat bran. While the other group had a different kind of food.

And the results?

Dogs who had wheat bran diets:

  • Produced more stools.
  • Had higher ‘short-chain fatty acids’ a.k.a. SCFA (these are products of fermented fiber in the large intestine).

What to do?

Your dog can get this from kibbles high in wheat bran content. But to ensure that your Fido’s also well-hydrated, soak the dry food in water.

This also comes in powdered form.

For this, add 1/2 tbsp (8.53 g) of it per 10 lb (4.5 kg) of your dog’s body weight in one of their meals.

“How about bran flakes?”

Cereals may contain certain ingredients that could be harmful to dogs. Say, artificial sweeteners a.k.a. xylitol and raisins.

So if possible, scan the labels carefully. Then pick a product that’s natural and organic. 

Warning: Adding this to your dog’s meal all of a sudden can also upset their stomach and cause diarrhea. So it’s advised to start with the said dosage or even less. This is to have a smooth transition to a new food.

#19: Be calm and patient

Last but not least, avoid getting frustrated if your dog doesn’t poop quickly.

Scolding them won’t speed up the process.

Instead, they’ll be more confused or scared of you. And it’ll only be harder for them to eliminate in the future.

So, avoid losing your temper (even if it’s hard sometimes). And also, try to make every toilet break a positive experience.


By encouraging them to poop in a non-stressful way.

Use treats or long walks as rewards. And also, praise them in a sweet excited voice whenever they do it right.

One more thing…

Our furry friends can also sense our emotions.

Researchers even say that they know if it’s a positive one. Or a negative feeling.

“How did they know that?”

In the study, 17 hounds watched some human and dog faces on a screen.

At the same time, several recordings were also played.

Some of those were human vocalizations. Either positive or negative.

While the rest are recorded barks of other canines.

And the results?

The dogs looked more at human faces when the audio fits the facial expressions.

Mind you, the canines in the research weren’t trained. Plus, it was also said that they weren’t familiar with the human models.

People also ask:

How to make a dog poop when constipated?

To make a constipated dog poop, you have to give them enough fiber to make their stools softer. Also, ensure that they’re well-hydrated too. And take them out for walks.

There are good fiber sources that are safe for dogs. Say, pumpkins and wheat bran. As well as dark leafy green veggies.

Next, if your dog’s not drinking enough water daily, encourage them to sip more. (I’ve shared a perfect article for this earlier.)

This is because constipation can also be caused by dehydration. This lack of water in the body makes it more difficult for dogs to poop. As their stools have become drier and harder.

So to counter it, make sure that your pooch is well-hydrated.

Dogs can also get water from:

  • Fruits.
  • Vegetables.
  • Canned food.

Lastly, walk your dog frequently.

Do this an hour after every mealtime. This is because walking helps in digestion. And it could make your dog poop with ease.

Further reading: Help, My Dog Hasn’t Pooped In 4 Days! 15 Reasons + 5 Tips

How to make a dog poop with a match?

To make a dog poop with a match, moisten the wooden part of it first with water then gently insert it inside their anus. Stop halfway and never put all of it in. And make sure that it’s the softest one you can find in the matchbox.

Afterward, wait for 2 or more minutes until your dog poops.

The odd sensation in their anus will make them squeeze it. Then it’ll prompt them to eliminate.

As an alternative, you may also use a cotton swab.

Cut in half and also moisten the part with cotton before slowly inserting it.

Warning: Things might get worse if this isn’t done properly. So watch your dog’s reactions. And stop if they’re in pain. Also, this shouldn’t be performed frequently as it’s uncomfortable.