“Help! My walls smell like dog pee!”
For the most part, it’s normal for dogs to pee on walls.
This is just what they do.
But what if this goes out of hand?
It can be exhausting to scrub and wipe your walls constantly. Meanwhile, your dog never learns their lesson.
Continue reading to find out:
- 7 ways to stop your dogs from peeing on your wall.
- Whether or not punishing your dog helps (and what to).
- Safe ingredients you can use to clean dog pee properly.
- And many, many more…
Table of contents
Why do dogs pee on walls?
Your dog pees on your walls to mark their territory. This is a common behavior observed among dogs when they detect new smells around the area. But some dogs also do this to help them feel less stressed in certain situations.
7 ways to stop dogs from peeing on your wall
#1: Interrupt the peeing session
Body leaning forward…
And one hind leg bent and lifted off the ground…
You already know the peeing positions dogs make.
Once you see them get into the position on their pee spot, do something to distract or catch them off guard.
You do not have to be aggressive here.
Making a loud noise or calling their name can be enough to stop them from continuing.
“What do I do next?”
Bring them outside and let them continue their business there. You can give your dog a treat for peeing outside too!
It does seem weird to reward your dog for doing such a simple task of peeing. But this will go a long way.
Giving them treats will reinforce that the outside is the right pee spot. Most expert dog trainers advise starting obedience training with tasty goodies.
While it’s possible to train your dog without treats, this is a very effective method to catch their attention.
It might take quite a while…
And you will have to be very patient.
But once your walls stop smelling like dog pee, it will be worth it.
#2: Do not punish your pooch
Stop scolding your dog.
This is not at all fun for both you and them.
Scolding your dog will only make matters worse. They end up having anxiety and losing trust in their owners.
On top of that, this method is not effective at all!
“But Petya, why does my dog look guilty then?”
According to a study, the ‘guilty look’ is the dog’s reaction to being scolded by their owners.
For some dogs, this is a response to them noticing their owners looking sad or upset.
Dogs also make this expression when anticipating punishment. The VCA Animal Hospital says that they to these gestures to please their owners:
- Crouching.
- Tucking of tails.
- Diverting of eyes.
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They may appear to quit doing this after a while. But they’ll probably do it again when visitors arrive.
Also, this will make them look for other places to pee on. Sometimes, they can even become sneaky with this.
Some dogs even go out of their way to pee in secret!
#3: Eliminate the smells

Dogs have a great sense of smell, and everyone knows that.
Odor-seeking dogs will return to the same areas over and over. So find the common pee spots, then scrub them down.
Here are some mixtures that can help you with that:
- Baking soda.
- Vinegar and water.
- Nature’s Miracle Set-In-Stain Destroyer.
But enzyme-based cleaning agents work best for removing pee smells.
These products contain enzymes that “eat” odor-causing germs and remove odor. With the stink gone, dogs will feel less compelled to use the “restroom.”
And if you want to remove the odor in heavily soiled areas in your home, PetMD recommends you use a high-quality mini wet vac.
On the other hand, you should avoid ammonia-based cleaning products.
They act as the opposite of enzyme-based products. Instead of removing smells, they amplify them.
Since pee contains ammonia, the smell will add more odor. So your dog will feel more compelled to pee on your walls.
And who wants to deal with that?
You may also wonder: 9 Easy Tips On How To Get Your Dog To Pee In A New Place
#4: Make your dog feel comfortable around the house
Did you know that dogs are very territorial? They can be fiercely protective of their food and toys.
Dogs tend to “mark” things by peeing on them.
They do this when they detect unfamiliar or new things in their environment. This also helps make their presence known to other dogs.
In other words, they’re claiming your walls as their territory. Making your dog feel more at home is the best thing you can do instead.
“Is this something I need to worry about?”
No. And you also do not need to fight with your dog to claim your walls.
Make a comfortable environment.
Based on research, you can make a suitable environment for your dog by doing the following:
- Make them feel safe.
- Let them play with toys.
- Set a cozy temperature.
- Give them their own bed.
Note: You will know if your dog is uncomfortable in the house if he exhibits constant growling, whining, and barking.
You will know if your dog is comfortable in your home.
When they do, they will start wagging their tails and be more playful.
To learn more tips on how you can stop your dog from peeing indoors, watch:
#5: Keep an eye for peeing signs
How will I know if my dog wants to pee?
You’ll need to keep a close eye on your pooch because they cannot directly tell you when they feel like relieving themselves.
Here are some signs you need to look for:
- Circling.
- Restlessness.
- Sniffing around.
- Waiting at the door.
- Looking for hidden places.
But one of the most visible indicators is when your dog’s focus shifts abruptly.
For example, you and your dog are playing fetch.
Suddenly, they stop and move to another area. When you notice this, it may be potty time.
This may also mean that your dog has a short attention span. But the point is to watch your dog carefully.
This way, you can tell the difference between the signs they’re exhibiting.
#6: Remove access to pee spots
“Petya, I tried training my dog…
I tried cleaning my walls…
I also tried observing for pee signs…
But nothing seems to work!”
Find the hot spots and do everything to stop them from going near it.
You should build a barrier or place a heavy object on top to block entry to your walls.
This may seem over-the-top, but desperate times need desperate measures.
“What if my dog finds another spot?”
If everything goes as planned, your dog will stop peeing on your walls.
This may mean that they will find another area to urinate on.
Did you know you can use a blacklight to tell where your dog peed?
Bring out your inner scientist and check your home for stains. With a blacklight, you can easily identify dried pee stains on carpets and furniture rather than putting your nose to the floor.
You may be wondering: 9 Reasons Why Your Dog Pees On You + 5 Tips To Stop It
#7: Introduce new friends

A new dog comes over. And you expected your dog to be jumping around in joy and excitement.
After all, dogs are social animals. Right?
But all your dog does is pee all over the place!
One reason for this is submissive urination.
Submissive urination is when a dog pees when they feel afraid or stressed. Young puppies learning to be more confident are more likely to have this problem, but it can also happen in adult dogs.
It can also occur when your dog is enthusiastic. Which explains why they pee on your walls even though they appear excited and happy.
There’s also the possibility that your dog pees on your walls to indicate their territory.
But when they make friends with other dogs that visit your place, your pooch will not feel as intimidated anymore.
If you want to help your dogs make friends try:
- Visiting dog parks.
- Bringing them to dog classes.
- Taking them on regular walks around the neighborhood.
This will not only help you have better-smelling walls.
Did you know that socialized dogs become more comfortable with humans and adapt well to different settings?
So, making new friends will improve their overall quality of life.
Note: Puppies acquire social skills best between 3 and 14 weeks.
According to a study, one simple way to socialize pups is to introduce them to other dogs in a place they’re used to, like their own backyard.
This is good for most puppies unless they have strong territorial instincts.