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7 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Shedding So Much In The Summer

Why Is My Dog Shedding So Much In The Summer

Aah, summer…

The hottest time of the year.

People are changing their winter coats with swimsuits.

While your dog is changing their fur.

But why is your dog shedding so much in the summer?

Follow along to find out:

  • What seasonal shedding means.
  • 7 reasons why your dog is shedding in the summer. 
  • 4 tips on how to control your dog’s summer shedding.
  • And much more…

Why is my dog shedding so much in the summer?

Your dog is shedding so much in the summer because of seasonal shedding. It also depends on your dog’s coat type. How much light they receive in their environment can also play a role. Lastly, it could also be because of poor diet, hormonal imbalance, anxiety, or pests.

7 reasons why your dog is shedding so much in the summer

#1: Seasonal shedding

During summer, you wear light clothes to keep your body temperature cool.

That’s the same thing your dog does during summer.

They shed off their thick winter fur to cool their bodies down.

But in fall, they shed off their lighter summer fur to grow thicker ones for the winter.

This is what you call seasonal shedding.

Dog breeds that tend to shed seasonally include:

  • Pugs.
  • Beagles.
  • Samoyeds.
  • Sheepdogs.
  • Chow Chows.
  • Border Collies. 
  • Siberian Huskies.
  • Golden Retrievers.
  • Labrador Retrievers.
  • German Shepherds.

The shedding, also known as “blowing the coat,” typically lasts for 2-4 weeks.

Some breeds will take longer, while others blow their coats more quickly.

It depends on how thick your dog’s coat is and how fast they react to the changing weather.  

#2: Type of coat layer

Your Dog Is Shedding So Much In The Summer Due To Their Type Of Coat Layer

Different dog breeds have different coat layers.

They either have a single or a double coat.

Single-coated dogs only have a top coat and have a longer hair growth cycle.

Meaning, it takes longer for their fur to shed off.

So if you have a single-coated dog, they’ll have attributes like:

  • Tighter skin.
  • Less shedding.
  • Shorter hair length.
  • Coarser hair texture.
  • Prone to losing hair around the collar area.
  • Bare skin spots on the belly and under forelimbs.

As you could only see a few hairs falling out of their coats, they’re sometimes described as “non-shedding.” 

According to AKC, these are some of the dog breeds that are “non-shedding”:

  • Poodle.
  • Maltese.
  • Bichon Frisse.
  • Afghan Hound.
  • Coton de Tulear.
  • Chinese Crested.
  • Giant Schnauzer.
  • Kerry Blue Terrier.
  • Lagotto Romagnolo.
  • Irish Water Spaniel.

While double-coated dogs have a top coat and an undercoat.

The topcoat protects the undercoat from moisture or dirt.

While the undercoat acts as an insulator.

It protects the dog from rapid temperature changes.

If you have a double-coated dog, they’ll have these attributes:

  • Looser skin.
  • Softer hair texture.
  • Longer hair length.
  • Prone to more allergies.
  • Prone to more skin irritation.

Double coated dog breeds tend to shed seasonally. 

While single-coated dogs shed all year-round.

#3: Environment

Your dog’s environment can also affect their shedding.

If your dog spends most of their time outdoors, their body will respond to their circadian rhythm.

It’s where their body responds to light and dark.

That’s why your dog sheds during spring, as it has longer daylight hours.

Your dog sheds the most during summer because of the warmer temperature and sunlight.

They don’t need the extra fur, so they shed it off to keep their body cooler.

The same goes during fall.

When the days are shorter and the temperature lower, they shed their summer fur.

So they then can grow thicker coats in preparation for winter.

While if your dog spends most of their time indoors, they lose their natural circadian rhythm. 

Their environment is more controlled due to artificial lighting.

That’s why indoor dogs tend to shed their fur all year-round.

They will still shed more during fall and summer.

But the temperature won’t affect their shedding schedule as much.

#4: Poor diet

A dog’s poor diet is the number 1 reason they shed excessively.

Usually, it’s because of cheap dog food. 

It doesn’t provide your dog with their minimum protein and nutritional requirements. 

Also, a  poorly supplemented homemade diet can cause your dog nutritional deficiency.

Other nutrition-related factors that affect your dog are:

  • Low-fat content.
  • Low nutrient digestibility.
  • Poor quality protein or fat.
  • High levels of nutrients inhibit zinc absorption.

To know if your dog’s shedding is caused by a poor diet, here are symptoms to look for:

  • Pressure sores.
  • Change in or loss of hair color.
  • Accumulation of dry skin scales.
  • Sparse, dry, dull hair with “split ends”.
  • Slow growth or no growth of hair from spots that have been clipped or shaved.

Another cause for your dog’s excessive shedding can also be a deficiency in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Without them, your dog’s skin becomes dry and flaky, resulting in brittle and sparse fur.

Tip: If you suspect your dog’s excessive shedding is caused by a poor diet, consult their vet for a healthy meal plan.  

#5: Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal Imbalance

Shedding is a natural process for your dog’s fur.

But sometimes, excess shedding is caused by an underlying health condition. 

A condition called thyroid hormonal imbalance, or also known as hypothyroidism

It’s where your dog’s immune system decides that their thyroid is abnormal or foreign.

Which causes their immune system to attack it, causing their metabolism to slow down. 

Symptoms of this condition include:

  • Lethargy.
  • Slow heart rate.
  • Cold intolerance.
  • High blood cholesterol.
  • Very thin to nearly bald hair coat.
  • Dry, dull hair with excessive shedding.
  • Increased dark pigmentation in the skin.
  • Weight gain without an increase in appetite.

Currently, hypothyroidism isn’t curable, but it can be treated. 

Your dog’s veterinarian can prescribe an oral medication of thyroid replacement hormone.

Warning: If your dog is shedding excessively, consult their vet immediately.

#6: Pests

Another factor why your dog might be shedding a lot can also be because of the unwanted ticks and fleas. 

Although they can be found outdoors all year round, they’re more prevalent in the summer.

Ticks feed off on your dog’s blood and use sharp tiny teeth to insert themselves into their skin and tissue.

As ticks can penetrate your dog’s bloodstream, they can spread blood-borne illnesses.

While fleas are very itchy pests that cause your dog to scratch excessively.

They’re difficult to detect as they are only about 1-2 mm long. 

To know if your dog has fleas, look for these signs:

  • Scabs or hot spots on the skin.
  • Excessive licking or scratching.
  • Flea eggs (white specks) in the fur.
  • Flea droppings (dark specks) in the fur.

Fleas are the most common cause of skin disease in dogs.

That’s because when they bite, they inject their saliva into your dog’s skin, causing an allergic reaction.

When your dog’s vet confirms your dog has ticks and fleas, they can recommend treatment like:

  • Oral Tablets.
  • Tick collars.
  • Spot-on Flea Treatments.

#7: Anxiety

Another possible cause of your dog’s shedding can be anxiety.

Changing their routine, welcoming new people, or visiting the vet’s office.

These are all possible triggers for your dog’s anxiety.

Like humans, anxiety can also cause several health problems, including excessive shedding.

That’s because stress releases a hormone called epinephrine, also known as adrenaline.

If the stress is temporary, you can minimize it by:

  • Exercise.
  • Reducing noise.
  • Minimizing routine changes.
  • Mental stimulation or distraction.

You can also get some tips from this video:

But if doing these does not minimize your dog’s anxiety, they might be suffering from chronic stress.

It is caused by behavioral issues or situations that cause them to be scared.

If this is the case, consult your dog’s veterinarian for proper treatment.  

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Tips to control the shedding

#1: Brush regularly

When shedding season comes, it’s time to bring out the brush!

As stopping your dog from shedding is not possible, brushing your dog’s fur regularly can make the shedding process easier.

If you have a double-coated dog, pick a coarse metal brush that helps remove your dog’s rough undercoat.

If you have a single-coated dog, pick a glove brush to remove your dog’s tiny hairs.

Tip: Ask a trusted dog groomer what hair tool works best for your dog’s fur.

#2: Bathing more often

Some dogs will love you for it, while others won’t.

Aside from keeping your dog’s body cooler, frequent baths can also help remove their loose undercoat.

The scrubbing motion while shampooing will help get rid of their extra hair.

Making your dog feel lighter and refreshed.

Tip: After bathing your dog, brush and deshed their fur to remove more loose undercoats.  

Read next: Yes, Corgis Do Shed! 15 Tips To Deal With Corgi Shedding

#3: Balanced diet

When you feed your dog a balanced diet, it helps keep their coat healthy.

It strengthens your dog’s hair follicles to help keep them stay on their coat longer.

Thus minimizing extra shedding caused by undernourished fur.

Also, make sure to give your dog enough drinking water.

Not only is it essential for their overall health, but it also keeps their skin hydrated.

As dehydrated skin worsens, shedding and hair loss. 

#4: Deshedding

De-shedding may look like the same process as brushing, but they’re different.

Deshedding your dog is going in and removing their loose undercoat.

It requires a deshedding brush that can reach your dog’s thick undercoat.

Deshedding your dog helps their natural shedding process.

While it can’t remove all their loose undercoats, it can help draw out your dog’s natural oils.

This prevents their fur from matting.

Deshedding can also take off the extra weight from their loose undercoat.

Making them happier and healthier.