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15 Best Dog Rescues In British Columbia (2023 Guide)

Best Dog Rescues In British Columbia

Finally, you’ve decided to adopt a rescue dog…

And so, you started looking for a shelter.

And you landed on this helpful article.

Here, I’ll recommend some of the best dog rescues across British Columbia.

Continue reading to discover:

  • 15 best dog rescues in British Columbia.
  • 7 factors that affect your preference in adopting a dog.
  • And many more…

15 best dog rescues in British Columbia


Of course, the first recommendation is none other than BC SPCA…

That stands for British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Now, this organization has so much credibility,…

First of all, they can enforce animal cruelty laws…,

And they’re the only animal welfare organization that can do that.

Moreover, they’re a huge organization…

Did you know? They’re considered the largest animal sheltering society in the world.

How broad am I talking about?

Well, BC SPCA has 44 locations across British Columbia.

Then, 5 of those are hospitals and clinics.

Moreover, what do the people have to say about this shelter?

The testimonials report lovely experiences with BS PCA…

With that, they share many wonderful stories about the organization.

That’s because their service is top-quality. 

Plus, their staff are friendly and accommodating.

With that, you can expect the organization to make the adoption process more lightweight…

How so?

First, their teams are knowledgeable about the animals. 

Then, they do their work with passion.

With that, they offer great assistance to future dog parents…

But most of all, BC SPCA serves the voiceless animals…

And they do so by rescuing, rehabilitating, and rehoming them…

All in the kindest way possible.

Did you know? About 20,000 dogs entered the shelter in 2020. 

That’s according to data gathered by Humane Canada.

However, only half of the shelters completed that year’s survey.

So, that means that the number of shelter dogs is larger.

Moreover, the number of strays in the streets can also be higher. 

BC SPCA contact details

Website: BC SPCA

Now, phone and email will depend on the location.

So, check to see the nearest BC SPCA location to you.

Another way to reach out to them is to fill out this contact form.

Moreover, they encourage you to report any activities of animal cruelty.

You can do so using this number: 1-855-622-7722.

#2: PB and Chi Dog Rescue Society

This organization is just about to have their 10th birthday…

Now, they might not have been here long…

But PB and Chi Dog Rescue Society are committed to helping canines…

And they’ve been answering to that promise.


They use the foster-to-adopt program.

With that said, they don’t have a physical shelter yet.

Instead, their volunteers take care of the rescue dogs.

So, a rescue stays with a volunteer until they get adopted.

Now, such a setup helps reduce a rescue’s stress.

Research says that dogs can undergo a lot of stress while living in shelters. 

And so, that adds to how they’ll adjust when they get adopted. 

That’s why it’s very challenging to take home a rescue dog.

But with PB and Chi’s program, that instance is reduced.

Moreover, their volunteers will care for the canine as their own.

Then, the organization provides medical care and training for each pooch.

And that’s not all…

This organization also promotes education about animal welfare.

Their main advocacy is to be the voice for discriminated breeds. Plus, they wanna put misinformation to an end.

PB and Chi Dog Rescue Society

Website: PB and Chi Dog Rescue Society

Phone: +16048053086

If you want to be updated with their organization, give them a follow on Facebook.

Read also: 7 Reasons Why It’s So Hard To Adopt A Dog From A Rescue

#3: Broken Promises Rescue

Broken Promises Rescue

For over 20 years, they’ve been of service…

They aid any animal that needs help…

That’s because Broken Promises Rescue is an ‘all-species’ rescue shelter…

With that, they welcome even farm animals.

Moreover, the shelter is handled by experienced rescuers.

And if it weren’t for them, the organization wouldn’t prosper.


Broken Promises rescue runs solely on volunteer help.

In fact, they don’t have any kennels for the animals.

Instead, their volunteers foster the rescues.

Moreover, they rely on their generous donors.

And through that, they’ve been helping as many animals as their shelter can handle.

But sadly, many fur babies get labeled to be less adoptable.

That’s due to their medical or behavioral issues.

Now, those reasons are somewhat understandable.

But sometimes, the cause for such a label is a little upsetting…

You see, animals receive discrimination, too.

According to research, some factors affect the potential dog parent’s decisions.

Some examples are the dog’s breed and physical appearance.

And this shelter attests that those preferences show in some people.

Moreover, those aren’t just the factors involved. There are also others, namely:

  • Social influences.
  • Socioeconomic standing.
  • Demographic (population) factors.
  • Previous dog parenting experiences.
  • Whether the breed is popular or not. 

Now, that’s why Broken Promises Rescue is set on another thing…

They don’t just aim to rehabilitate and rehome the unwanted animals.

So, what else?

They’re also committed to raising awareness…

They want to let people know about what the unfortunate animals go through.

All in all, they hope that no more animal suffers through ignorance or indifference.

And if you wanna check them out, reach out using…

Broken Promises Rescue contact details

Website: Broken Promises Rescue


For updates, you can follow their Facebook page.

Reading tip: 13 Mistakes When Adopting A Rescue Dog (Guide)

#4: Home At Last Dog Rescue

This is another rescue organization without a shelter.

So instead, they rely on temporary foster homes.

There, the rescue dogs stay with kind foster parents.

Then, the organization works on finding forever-loving homes for the rescues.

But, Home At Last Dog Rescue doesn’t receive any funding.

Still, they continue to operate. And that’s with the help of their donors.

With that, they carry on with their goal…

And that’s to be an alternative to puppy mills and shopping for dogs.

All in all, they promote adopting rescues. 

Most of all, they advocate for responsible dog parenting.

Home At Last Dog Rescue contact details

Website: Home At Last Dog Rescue

And to reach out to them, you can fill out this contact form.

Wanna receive constant updates from them? 

Then, you can follow their Facebook page.

#5: Dhana Metta Rescue Society

This rescue shelter hopes to help abused and neglected animals.

Moreover, they wanna look after fur babies with special needs.

But that’s not everything that Dhana Metta Rescue Society Society stands behind…

They also aim to educate the public about many things.

First of all, they wanna inspire dog parents…

You see, even humans need training on how to handle and care for a dog.

With that, they imply that taking care of a dog is a challenging responsibility,..

And that it’s something you should be willing to do for a long time. More so, in the most proper way.

Then, they also advocate for spaying and neutering.


According to experts, such a procedure brings many gains…

And the dogs aren’t the only beneficiaries…

The whole community can be affected by this responsible choice. 

The more spayed and neutered animals, the fewer strays there’ll be.

Moreover, here are the benefits I’m talking about:

Lastly, it has many positive effects on the dog’s health.

Did you know? Castrating can increase your dog’s lifespan.

Researchers examined the medical records of 70,000 dogs. 

Their findings show an increase in the longevity of castrated dogs.

Let’s take a look at their data:

Sex of the dogLifespan
Neutered male dogs13.8% longer
Spayed female dogs26.3% longer

That’s how good of a cause Dhana Metta is supporting…

And if you wish to help them, reach out to them through:

Dhana Metta Rescue Society contact details

Website: Dhana Metta Rescue Society

Phone: +16045857575

Address: 10886 160 St #10862, Surrey, BC V4N 1J5, Canada (Google maps)

Submit a filled-out contact form to hear from them…

#6: Angel’s Animal Rescue Society

Angel's Animal Rescue Society

In 2008, Judanna Dawn built this organization.

Angel’s Animal Rescue is an organization that works tirelessly.

They aim to save the rescues from a horrible fate…

And with that, they wanna give those deserving canines a second chance.

Moreover, they also have another goal…

It’s none other than assisting dog parents in having their puppers castrated.

As I said, spaying and neutering have many benefits.

Among many, it can also reduce unwanted litters of animals.

However, this organization is underfunded…

That’s why they’ll appreciate your support and generosity.

And, of course, the rescues will then get their needs met.

Plus, they’ll get a chance to find a permanent home filled with love.

Angel’s Animal Rescue Society contact details

Website: Angel’s Animal Rescue Society

Phone: (250) 378-5223 or (250) 574-1316


Address: 2460 Torgerson Rd, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8, Canada (Google maps)

#7: Paws It Forward Dog Rescue

It all began with 2 friends that worked in a pet store…

In 2008, those people discovered a hard fact…

And it’s about how much helpless animals get euthanized.

They heard about those high-kill shelters in California.

There, dogs are euthanized to make space for other canines.

And upon learning such a sad reality, they decided to move forward…

With that, Paws it Forward gets formed.

They aim to give the dogs a better chance in life. 

Plus, they believe that canines deserve humane treatment.

Paws It Forward Dog Rescue contact details

Website: Paws It Forward

Mailing address: P.O. Box 23129 Plaza 33, Kelowna, B.C V1X 7K7

Address: Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.

If you wish to reach out, send them a message through this form.

Plus, you can also follow them on Facebook.

#8: Prince George Animal Rescue

They’re all about rescuing and rehabilitating animals…

And they do so in the most humane manner.

Prince George Animal Rescue doesn’t just rescue dogs…

In their shelter, they also have horses and cats.

Now, their purpose is to rehabilitate these animals. Then, PG strives to rehome them.

What happens while the animals are in their care?

They give the upkeep that each animal is entitled to.

Moreover, this organization promotes education as well.

That’s why they provide educational programs to the public.

With that, they raise knowledge and awareness about caring for every animal.

Prince George Animal Rescue contact details

Website: Prince George Animal Rescue

Phone: 250-981-8458


Address: 9095 Bendixon Rd, Prince George, BC V2N 5V6, Canada (Google maps)

Editor’s pick: 17 Critical Tips To Take Care Of A Rescue Dog (Guide)

#9: Creston Pet Adoption and Welfare Society (PAWS)

This rescue shelter applies a no-kill policy…

What’s that?

Unfortunately, some shelters euthanize less adoptable dogs.

And you wanna know why?

They do it to make space for healthier\r canines…

Those dogs have a better chance of being adopted.

But with Creston Pet Adoption and Welfare Society (PAWS) that isn’t practiced…

Hence, their no-kill practice.

With that, they give their all in finding a loving and long-term for every rescue.

Creston Pet Aadoption and Welfare Society contact details 

Website: Creston Pet Adoption and Welfare Society

Phone: 250-428-7297


Address: 2805 Lower Wynndel Rd, Creston, BC V0B 1G8, Canada (Google maps)

You might also want to read: Is It Legal To Euthanize A Healthy Dog?

#10: Cross Our Paws Rescue

They’ve been rescuing and rehoming animals since 2006.

Plus, every rescue from them gets regularly examined by vets.

Moreover, Cross Our Paws don’t have a shelter.

With that, they use temporary foster care.

Through that, the animal continues to receive the attention they need.

Then, they adapt better to their new environment.

As I said, such a setup reduces the dog’s stress through the process.

Cross Our Paws Rescue contact details

Website: Cross Our Paws Rescue


#11: Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS)

This dedicated organization is ran by committed volunteers.

The Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS) is eager to make positive changes.

And they do so by caring for strays and unwanted animals.

Each year, they care for more than 1400 dogs and cats. 

Moreover, they take in other large animals as well.

And they don’t just give those fur babies a temporary home…

At Langley, the animals never miss a day in their life.

All of them get enrichment and exercise.

Moreover, their food is nutritious. Plus, they receive quality medical care.

Langley Animal Protection Society contact details

Website: Langley Animal Protection Society

Phone: 604 857 5055


Address: 26220 56th Ave., Langley, BC V4W 1J7 (Google maps)

#12: Animal Advocates Society

They understand how unfortunate the realities of unwanted animals…

And with that, the Animal Advocates Society is built.

Now, they continue to fight against animal abuse.

Moreover, they help those helpless animals in distress.

Animal Advocates Society contact details

Website: Animal Advocates Society


#13: Global Animal Lovers Society

This organization has a team of animal lovers…

And they’re all passionate about what they do.

Now, the Global Animal Lovers Society also doesn’t have a shelter.

Instead, they consist of networks of foster homes.

There, rescues get the proper care that they need.

Plus, they also advocate for spaying and neutering.

They believe that that can help solve the overpopulation of unwanted animals.

Global Animal Lovers Society

Website: Global Animal Lovers Society


You can also send them a message by filling up this form.

For further reading: Adopting A Rescue Dog: The First 7 Days [Checklist]

#14: Mosaic Rescue

In this shelter, you can adopt a canine companion that’s supposed to be euthanized.

You see, Mosaic Rescue takes in dogs on death row.

They get stray canines from another dog rescue center…

In Little Rock Arkansas Animal Services, they could’ve put 70% of dogs to sleep.

But, Mosaic Rescue comes forward…

Then, they help those canines get home to a loving parent forever.

Mosaic Rescue contact details

Website: Mosaic Rescue


#15: S.A.R.A. (Save Animals through Rescue and Adoption) Society

Rescue Dog In Shelter

Yet another no-kill shelter that passionately rehomes animals.

S.A.R.A. (Save Animals through Rescue and Adoption) Society welcomes any dog.

Then, they go on and find those dogs a wonderful home.

Now, I mentioned that they’re a no-kill shelter…

With that, they have many resident animals as well.

What’s that?

A resident rescue is an animal that gets labeled as less adoptable.

So, the shelter no longer tries to find those fur babies a new parent…

Instead, they become the permanent home of those animals.

S.A.R.A. Society contact details

Website: S.A.R.A. Society

Phone: 604-580-8254Email: