Quinces are great fruits to slip into pies.
They also make wonderful jams and jellies.
They’re part of the apple and pear family, which are great for dogs.
So can you also feed quinces to your pooch?
Keep reading to find out:
- 7 benefits of giving quince to your dog.
- 3 dangers of giving quince to your dog.
- 3 methods for preparing quince for doggos.
- Precisely why you should remove quince seeds when feeding the fruit to your pooch.
- And many, many more…
Table of contents
Can dogs eat quince?
Dogs can eat quince. It’s a great source of antioxidants, helps with arthritis, contains dietary fiber, has high levels of vitamin C, helps control weight, and helps with high blood sugar. But the seeds contain cyanide. And eating too much can lead to medical conditions and allergy development.
Can dogs eat quince seeds?
Dog’s can’t eat quince seeds. This is because they contain traces of cyanide which is poisonous for dogs.
When they eat it in large amounts.
The seeds can also clog up their intestines. And cause constipation.
Can dogs eat quince paste?
Dogs can eat quince paste. It’s high in dietary fiber and vitamin C. Which is great for strengthening a dog’s immune system.
The fiber also helps with treating constipation. By helping your dog to poop.
Just make sure that the paste doesn’t include the fruit skin or the core.
The skin might have traces of pesticides. And the seeds contain cyanide.
How much quince can dogs eat?
Dogs can eat quince in moderation. Or as a tasty treat. Don’t give it to them all the time. There’s fruit sugar in it.
According to PetMD too much of that can result in:
- Toxicity.
- Cavities.
- Diabetes.
- Weight gain.
- Upset stomach.
How to prepare quince for dogs?
Dog parents can boil or poach quince for dogs to eat. Raw quince is too astringent. And a too-sour fruit can turn dogs off from eating it.
Also, don’t add any sugar when you cook it. The fruit is already rich in natural sugars.
After cooking it, you can:
- Add it to their meals.
- Freeze it in a popsicle mold for a summer snack.
- Keep it in a sterile container as a special treat.
7 benefits of giving quince to your dog
The quince is a yellow fruit that is part of the pome family, along with apples and pears.
It’s often used in herbal medicine as a treatment for:
- Cough.
- Asthma.
- Diarrhea.
- Hay fever.
- Heartburn.
- Sore throat.
But according to WebMD, there isn’t enough scientific evidence to back up these uses. Except for heartburn.
This study found it’s a little effective within 7 weeks of continuous intake in children 5-18 years old.
So there’s a lot of uses for this fruit in humans.
And yes, your pooch can eat it too.
But, as with all things, there are pros and cons.
Want to know what these are?
Then keep reading till the end!
#1: Great source of antioxidants
The NCCIH describes antioxidants as natural or man-made substances. Which can help with cell damage.
This happens by preventing or delaying it.
Vegetables and fruits are great sources of antioxidants.
And the USDA recommends that we commit a large portion of our diet to it.
Our dogs also need antioxidants to keep them healthy.
And eating quince is one way to do it.
This humble fruit didn’t have a lot of studies on the antioxidants it contained.
But recent research says that it contains a higher content of phenolic compounds.
And it has a strong antioxidant capacity.
This finding had the researchers make the conclusion to consider the quince as a source of antioxidants. Especially in nutraceuticals.
“So how do antioxidants work on dogs?”
According to VCA, antioxidants help to make the treatment for chronic inflammation better.
This is an umbrella term that includes various health problems that keep happening.
Most dogs with chronic inflammation have to deal with it for the rest of their lives.
Note: If you’re looking for dog-friendly antioxidant supplements, don’t buy over-the-counter. Always consult your vet for this.
Some supplements might not fit your dog’s breed. Or the medicine brand doesn’t measure up to industry standards.
#2: It can help with arthritis

The AKC states that 1 in 5 dogs suffers from canine arthritis.
It happens when the cartilage cushioning the joints gets damaged. Or worn down.
As a result, the bones of the joint rub together as there’s nothing between.
This is quite painful and some dogs will even need painkillers.
Dogs with the condition will show the following signs:
- Difficulty moving or jumping up.
- Wasting away of unused muscles.
- Taking a narrow stance in the rear legs.
- Difficulty standing up from a lying position.
In general, your pooch will find it harder to move. And they grunt and groan when you pick them up.
This condition happens in a lot of senior dogs.
“How does eating quinces help with arthritis?”
Quinces have a high level of copper about 0.12 mg, according to Nutrition Value.
And this is about 8% of what dogs need daily.
This mineral helps with connective tissue formation or cartilage. Especially in puppies.
Quinces also contain iron, about 0.64 mg. Dogs need 7.5 mg per day.
And they also have traces of 181.24 mg of potassium. Which dogs need about 1 g per day.
These 3 minerals are present in bone joint supplements. And they can help to lessen the chronic pain from arthritis.
Note: It’s important to remember that quince shouldn’t be the sole source of these 3 minerals. But they can supplement your dog’s diet.
You might also want to know: 9 Ways To Massage A Dog With Arthritis (How-to)
#3: Lots of dietary fiber for digestion
Quinces contain natural dietary fiber.
And most adult dogs need their diet to have 2.5% to 4.5% fiber.
Fiber helps with gastrointestinal health.
According to the AKC, beneficial bacteria in a dog’s stomach will ferment the fiber into fatty acids (FAs).
And these FAs will help to fight against the growth of bad bacteria.
Plus, it helps the recovery process of colon injuries.
The quince fruit contains a lot of pectin. Which UHN says is a type of fiber used to treat diarrhea and stomach ulcers.
Pectin is a soluble fiber. And this means that they’re highly fermentable.
Your dog’s colon bacteria can ferment it. And turn it into the energy source of the colon cells.
#4: Reduces risk of colon cancer
The fiber in quince fruits speeds up digestion.
This means the dog’s digestive system isn’t exposed to any cancer-causing substances.
Which they can get through their food.
And this may help reduce the risk of colon cancer in your pooch.
But it’s worth noting that it isn’t common in dogs. It appears in about 10% of cancer cases.
FirstVet states that there are several factors that contribute to its development:
The first is age. Most dogs are about 10 years old at the time of diagnosis.
The breed is also a factor. There are certain types of intestinal tumors common among these dogs:
- Collies.
- Boxers.
- Poodles.
- Shar Peis.
- German Shepherds.
- Doberman Pinschers.
- West Highland Terriers.
And last is chronic intestinal conditions.
For example,
If your dog has recurring inflammatory bowel disease there’s a chance of cell mutation.
And this can produce cancer cells.
“What are the signs of colon cancer in dogs?”
VCA says that dogs will often have:
- Diarrhea.
- Weight loss.
- Blood in poop.
- Blood in vomit.
- Loss of appetite.
Initial examination by the vet may reveal abdominal lumps. And tests will show low blood protein levels.
To confirm the diagnosis, the vet will do:
- X-rays.
- Endoscopy.
- Tumor biopsies.
- Exploratory surgery.
If your dog does have colon cancer, your vet will recommend surgical removal of the tumor.
“How do I prevent colon cancer in my dog?”
The Merck Vet Manual advises dog parents that there’s no diet that can prevent cancer.
But the best thing you can do is give your dog a nutritionally appropriate diet.
This will give them the best fighting chance.
You can add quince to their diet to supplement their kibble.
Other fruits and vegetables with antioxidants will also help:
- Kale.
- Carrots.
- Spinach.
- Blueberries.
- Raspberries.
- Strawberries.
- Sweet potatoes.
- Cooked yellow squash.
Do you want to learn more about cancer in dogs?
Then watch this video:
#5: Can help control weight gain
The fiber in the quince fruit will allow your pooch to feel full.
It prevents overeating. And reduces chances of scavenging.
Which is when your doggo raids the trash can or counter surfs because they feel hungry.
There are studies with results that confirm how fiber helps dogs to feel full. And how much it helps them to lose weight.
High-protein & high-fiber diet helps dogs feel full
In this study, the researchers investigated the effectiveness of an HPHF diet.
They compared it to a high-protein only diet and a high-fiber only diet.
The results showed that the dogs ate less than their usual meals.
And this shows that an HPHF diet will help dogs stick to a weight loss program
HPHF diet helps improve weight loss in obese dogs
In this study, the researchers fed 15 dogs with an HPHF diet. And 27 dogs with a high-protein medium fiber (HPMF) diet.
The experiment shows that an HPHF diet is more effective.
Areas | Results for HPHF diet | Results for HPMF diet |
Percentage weight loss | 31.8% | 20% |
Rate of weight loss/week | 1.0% / week | .07% / week |
Percentage of body fat mass decrease | 58% | 37% |
But back to quinces.
If you want to add them to your dog’s diet, ask your vet first.
They may have lots of natural fiber. But your vet can give you the best advice on how to introduce it to your pooch.
#6: Helps with high blood sugar levels
Dogs with diabetes will have high blood sugar levels.
This happens because their body doesn’t have the insulin to turn glucose into food for the body.
Blood sugar levels will build up. And without the right treatment, this condition causes your dog’s organs to crash.
According to the AKC, vets will often recommend a high-fiber diet to diabetic dogs.
This helps to slow down digestion so the blood sugar levels don’t spike.
Adding quince to your diabetic dog’s meals is a great way to supplement their fiber intake.
But remember to feed only what’s enough for your dog.
Too many quinces can cause problems for your dog.
Wanna know what these are?
Then keep a lookout for danger #5.
#7: It supplies vitamin C to your dog

The USDA Food Data Central states that quinces have 15 mg of vitamin C per 100 g.
And this is more than enough for your dog.
Most of their vitamin supplements don’t include vitamin C.
It’s because dogs can metabolize their own.
“Where does it come from?”
Vitamin C comes from the food they eat. And what their liver produces.
But according to PetMD, a little bit of supplementation can help fight free radicals.
The process of oxidation produces this. And it can damage the normal cells in their body.
Warning: Don’t reach so easily for vitamin C supplements. Especially ones for humans.
This can lead to high levels of vitamin in your dog’s body.
It results in the production of oxalate. This comes out of their body through their pee.
And it will cause calcium oxalate stones to form.
Tufts says that stones can happen in the kidneys to the bladder.
Most doggos don’t need to supplement this vitamin. So always talk to your vet before adding it to their diet.
3 dangers of giving quince to your dog
#1: Its seeds contain cyanide
Cyanide is a fast-acting poison.
The Merck Vet Manual says that the signs appear within 15-20 minutes to a few hours after eating.
And after that, poisoned animals rarely survive. Death can happen in less than 2 hours.
“What are the signs of cyanide poisoning?”
According to the MSD Manual, these are the signs:
- Drooling.
- Vomiting.
- Muscle spasms.
- Rapid breathing.
- Becoming excited.
- Elimination of urine and feces.
- Red then bluish mucous membranes.
If a dog has severe convulsions, there’s nothing to do.
“How do dogs get this from quince seeds?”
The main thing to remember is that the dog has to chew and ingest the seeds.
Its core contains cyanide. So the seeds need to break for the poison to get into their body.
Warning: Immediate treatment is key for cyanide poisoning. Bring your dog to the vet if they display the signs. Especially after eating unidentified plants or fruits.
Prevent it from happening by always removing these from fruits:
- Pits.
- Seeds.
- Stems.
#2: Possibility of allergy development
Food allergies are tricky in dogs.
These don’t show immediately.
They can be fine eating new food.
And bam!
3 weeks later, it’s allergies galore.
So dog parents have to take care with the foods their fur child eats.
It’s a gradual development.
And it can take a long time to find what food caused it.
Here are some signs:
- Licking.
- Rubbing.
- Scratching
- Greasy skin.
- Yeasty smell.
- Hardened skin.
- Red, itchy skin.
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“How do vets treat food allergies?”
It’s done through an elimination process.
Your vet will recommend a diet that doesn’t contain the ingredients found in your doggo’s present food.
This can be a novel ingredient in dog food.
It’s kibble that doesn’t contain the usual ingredients found in commercial brands.
Or it can be human food such as rice or boiled chicken. Of course, as bland as possible so that your pooch can recover.
#3: Eating too much results in serious conditions

As with all fruits, quinces contain sugar.
Which is dangerous if your dog eats too much.
It can contribute to high blood sugar levels. And may result in diabetes.
Quince also contains natural fiber.
Too much of it and your dog’s food will not taste good.
NAP also says that it will decrease their body’s ability to absorb important nutrients.
Because the excess fiber causes frequent pooping.
Further reading: Help, My Dog Has Loose Stools And Smelly Gas! 7 Tips