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7 Surprising Reasons Why Corgis Are The Best & The Worst

Why are corgis the best and the worst

Corgis are some of the most popular dogs out there. Maybe you’re thinking of getting one, or maybe you’re just here to find out what’s to love or hate about them. 

This is the perfect chance to find out. Here you’ll learn:

  • What splooting means and why it is a Corgi’s trademark.
  • Several surprising reasons why some people don’t like Corgis.
  • Some tricks Corgis can learn that can turn them into lifesavers.
  • And much more…

Why are Corgis the best?

Corgis are the best because they’re smart, active, and adorable. They are distinguished for having been used by herders as early as 1200 BCE. Both kinds of Corgi are also distinguished for their intelligence. Cardigan Welsh Corgis occupy the 26th rank, while Pembroke Welsh Corgis are 11th.

Why are Corgis the worst?

Corgis are the worst because they are prone to physical traumas and require a lot of maintenance. Corgis are known shedders, especially during Summer and Winter due to their need to adjust to daily temperature changes. Corgi’s parents also need to watch out for common conditions such as Hip Dysplasia.

What Corgi parents have to say 

Corgis are popular among pet parents. In fact, many of them have a lot of good things to say that it’s harder to find people who hate Corgis! Here are some comments I’ve managed to gather from some of them:

Owner #1 says that Corgis are very easy to look at. They are small and have high energy, so they’re easier to manage than bigger breeds. They are also extremely friendly with other dogs and people, making them a great addition to the family. You need only see a Corgi in action to fall in love with one.

Owner #2 says they own two Corgis and fell in love with their eye contact. To them, eye contact is important in a dog-owner relationship and Corgis just stare at people naturally. 

Their Corgis also seem to love bathing and playing equally. They also have this innocent look about them that makes them an immediate draw for anyone looking to have a pet.

But there are some pet parents who don’t like Corgis, too.

For Owner #3, they think Corgis are too attention-seeking. They had this one Corgi which seemed to always follow them around, even when they’re busy or playing with their pet cats. 

They want the spotlight to be always on them, and their owners find them annoying for it. Their Corgi also seems too scared to hang out with other dogs, and would often fear-bite or yelp when around one.

7 surprising reasons that make Corgis the best and the worst

#1: They need a lot of grooming

Dog Allergy Corgi Meme

Corgis are extreme shedders. On seasonal shifts like the beginning of Summer or Winter, they can easily fill your vacuum cleaner with fur.

Aside from seasonal changes, they can also shed if they suffer from any condition that induces itching. The constant scratching can also result in lesions and matting.

Common examples of this include:

Dust Allergies

Dust allergies are surprisingly common among dogs. When dust reaches their skin, it can irritate its surface, causing great itch.

In some cases, the dust itself might also carry mites (dust mite allergy). Treating this condition involves the use of ointments or antihistamines as your vet would recommend.

Food Allergies

Some dogs can unfortunately be allergic to food. Common culprits often involve beef, soy, dairy products, chicken, or lamb. 

When your Corgi eats the wrong food, it can cause their immune system to attack their own body, causing anything from diarrhea to intense itch.

Watch your Corgi’s reaction to any food you might give them. If they present symptoms, make a note and go straight to the vet for treatment.

Another way of preventing your dog from eating allergens is to stick to their normal diet and only make switches with your vet’s recommendation.  

Flea Allergy Dermatitis

Flea Allergy Dermatitis can also be a significant problem. In a UK study dated 2005, flea infestation was found in 6.82% of the 2653 dogs examined.

When Corgis are exposed to fleas, they can develop allergies as a result of constant flea bites.

This can affect not just their skin, but also their overall behavior. Corgis can become restless and unable to contain the need to scratch. 

Without proper treatment, they may have secondary infections and even destroy your house.

Fleas can be detectable through brushing or careful inspection of their undercoat. Once you bring them to the vet, they may tell you to use medicated shampoo and bathe your Chihuahua more frequently.

Note: You should pay attention to any itchy symptoms. Although dogs can scratch on a regular basis, you should be able to tell just idle scratching from something worse based on how often they do it.

There are plenty of ways to deal with extensive shedding in Corgis. Aside from medical treatment, you can also feed them with an omega-3 based diet.

Dog owners easily pick Pet Botanics Health Omega plus Grain Free treats for this purpose. It’s a treat that keeps the coat silky and strong, reducing shedding.

Aside from that, you should also regularly vacuum your house. This not only keeps fur away, but also prevents your Corgi from being bombarded with allergens.

Reading Tip: Yes, Corgis Do Shed! 15 Tips To Deal With Corgi Shedding

#2: Their bones are quite fragile

Corgis are vulnerable to a variety of bone-related conditions. This is because Corgis are achondroplastic dogs.

Their small legs are usually unable to support their weight in all but the best conditions. This is why many owners prefer putting Corgis on flat ground.

Prolonged use of the stairs should be avoided. This is because each gap naturally disturbs their ability to distribute weight evenly across all the joints.

Some common bone diseases that Corgis might develop in their later years include:


Osteoarthritis happens when the cartilage that protects the affected joint starts to break down. The bones start to grind against each other, causing inflammation and eventual loss of function. 

Once your Corgi is completely unable to move their leg, their muscle will also atrophy over time. One cause of this is excess movement, especially in Corgis, who should move only between 30 minutes to 1 hour a day.

Osteoarthritis is also more common in senior Corgis (8 years old onwards). Treating this disease often requires pain medication or joint supplements to help their joints stay strong.

Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD)

Hip Dysplasia is a common condition which basically forces the hip joint to grind against the hip socket. A study estimated its prevalence rate to be around 15.56% of all dogs in the US and Canada. 

Corgis with this condition will find it harder to walk and may often limp. However, while it’s hereditary, it can also be the result of poor diet and exercise.

For Corgis, this can happen as a result of prolonged movements across uneven platforms. The strain on the hips can cause eventual Hip Dysplasia.

Common treatments involve joint supplements, physical therapy, or a complete hip replacement. Be sure to check with your vet for the best options.

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)

IVDD is yet another problem for a lot of Corgis. Basically, the disc that keeps the spine together is dislodged, affecting the spinal cord. 

In a survey of 677,000 dogs, IVDD was shown to be present in 27.8% of them, making it alarmingly common.

This can affect your Corgi’s nervous system and result in paralysis. It can also be extremely painful for them.

If your Corgi starts to limp or show uncoordinated movement on one side of their body, bring them to the vet. They will likely recommend either corrective surgery or pain medication therapy.

Note: Many of these diseases can easily be prevented or managed with calcium supplements and exercise. Make sure to have a word with your vet before you try something on your Corgi.

#3: They are very smart

Smart Corgi Meme

In general, dogs can learn about 165 words. These words can determine how a dog will react. Depending on the associated action, your dog may express enthusiasm, obedience, or fear.

They are also excellent problem-solvers. As Stanley Coren noted in The Intelligence of Dogs, both Corgi breeds had stellar ratings in terms of adaptive intelligence. 

Pembroke Welsh Corgis occupied the 11th slot, while Cardigan Welsh Corgis occupied the 26th place.

Lastly, they are also great in obedience training. It’s easy to make Corgis learn simple commands over just 2-3 cycles.

Don’t miss out on: Are Corgis Smart? 9 Fun Facts About Their Intelligence

Here are some commands that owners love to teach their Corgi:

Heel Command

Corgis are extremely active dogs and will often tug at your leash or harness without training. This can be problematic because they can be drawn to things they’re not supposed to eat such as leftover chocolate. 

Excessive pulling also strains their joints and neck, worsening pre-existing bone problems or even cause them later in life.

This makes ‘heel’ a lifesaving command as it keeps your Corgi close to you during walks. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Prepare a clicker and a treat.
  2. Point your Corgi to your preferred side while walking.
  3. Give your pet a treat once they come close.
  4. Call them again once they stray too far.
  5. Repeat until they start coming to you willingly.

Come Command

‘Come’ is useful for calling your Corgi, particularly when you’re about to lose sight of them or if they’re playing too roughly during playtime.

Once you use this command on a trained Corgi, they will return to you even from several meters away. This is a handy tool for daily walks or parks to keep your Corgi well-behaved.

To use this call, you should:

  1. Keep a treat in hand.
  2. Show it to your Corgi.
  3. Say ‘come’ when they’re moving toward you.

It’s important to associate the command with the act of coming to you. Don’t use it if you feel your dog isn’t listening. Distract them with the treat first, then say ‘come.’ 

Rinse and repeat until they’ve mastered it. Start in a quiet environment for better results.

Speak/Quiet Commands

The ‘speak’ and ‘quiet’ commands are a set that your Corgi has to learn simultaneously. 

It’s complex, so it may take a few weeks of practice, but this command is important if you want your Corgi to control their barking behaviors.

Once your Corgi masters it, you will be able to keep them quiet during the night or when they’re too noisy.

Here’s how you teach the ‘speak’ command:

  1. Prepare a treat.
  2. Make your dog bark by ringing your doorbell or making a loud sound.
  3. Say ‘speak.’
  4. Give your dog a treat.
  5. Repeat until they’ve learned to bark without the need for extra noises.

Once you’re done, teach them the ‘Quiet’ command in this manner:

  1. Prepare a treat.
  2. Say ‘speak.’
  3. Give your dog a treat when your dog barks on command.
  4. Say ‘Quiet.’
  5. Reward your dog once they stop barking.

It’s important to hold on to your treat during ‘Quiet’ command training until they stop barking. The goal is to make your dog associate the word with the act. 

Here’s a video that shows how you can train your Corgi with these commands:

#4: They can help others with certain tasks 

Corgis can do special tasks aside from regular tricks. For example, they can be trained to herd or detect high blood sugar.

They are also good at comforting people who are stressed or depressed. In a study among 141 PTSD-afflicted American veterans, those given emotional support dogs had a more positive outlook. They also showed less absenteeism.

If you’re looking to make your Corgi help out with practical matters, you can have them do the following:


Corgis are natural herders and can be trained for the job. Due to their small size, they aren’t easily kicked away while keeping farm animals in formation.

Here’s how you can teach them:

  1. Put your dog on a long harness.
  2. Prepare a small herd.
  3. Bring your dog close.
  4. Give them a treat once they’ve calmed down near the herd.
  5. Walk your dog up to them again.
  6. Use the ‘away’ or ‘come’ commands to guide them.
  7. Give a treat for every command followed.

Note: Repeat this until they can stay behind the herd and keep them in formation without wearing a harness. 

Allergen Detection

Corgis are also good at allergen detection. Like most dogs, they have a strong sense of smell and can easily detect ingredients or substances that most people are allergic to.

This is how you can make them detect allergens:

  1. Prepare small portions of allergens.
  2. Touch their nose with them.
  3. Use the ‘fetch’ or ‘find’ command.
  4. Give them a treat once they point to the allergen.
  5. Hide it under things or establish distance.

You can tell if your Corgi has mastered this once they can sniff out anything through the ‘find’ command.

Diabetes Support

Dogs are also able to detect low blood sugar counts before you develop symptoms. This is because they can smell the chemical changes taking effect in your body.

Here’s how you can train your Corgi to prevent a diabetic attack:

  1. Prepare a low blood sugar sample of saliva on a strip of paper.
  2. Place it in a small colander .
  3. Show your dog the colander.
  4. Reward them for detecting the sample.
  5. Increase the distance between your dog and the sample until mastery.

Once mastered, your Corgi will come to you before you have an attack. This will allow you to take meds quickly.

Note: Secure licenses and other documentation according to your country’s laws if you want your Corgi to be a service or emotional support dog.

#5: They are the butt of every dog joke

Corgis are known to sploot and expose their cuddly butts. They’re a regular attraction for cameras, too.

However, it’s not all good news. While splooting indicates that your dog is trying to adjust their body temperature or relax, it could also be the sign of something worse.

Bone-related illnesses like Hip Dysplasia may cause your dog to sploot due to the discomfort they feel when standing.

It could also be the result of infestation near their butts. They will often sploot to scratch themselves using the floor’s surface.

Be sure to check with your vet if your Corgi is showing worrying symptoms.

Reading Tip: 5 Reasons Why Corgis Sploot + What Splooting Is & 5 Dangers

#6: They make a lot of noise

Corgis are rather noisy dogs. They are active dogs and often bark when they need attention.

They can also be defensive or territorial, especially when they hit puberty. Female Corgis in heat may bark to attract mates.

Male Corgis may often bark to start mounting their female counterparts. To reduce barking due to puberty, consider spaying/neutering your pet.

Corgis can also bark due to extreme pain or anxiety issues. Visit the vet or a dog trainer to begin therapy or treatment for physical symptoms. 

Note: Consider also training them with the ‘Speak/Quiet’ commands, as they will help control your Corgi’s barking.

#7: They are great travel partners

Corgis are great for travel. Since they are small, they often fall within the size limits of airlines, allowing for overseas travel.

They are also great for road trips to local vacation spots. However, you will need to bring your own tools. Most owners recommend bringing the following for a great travel experience:

  1. Separate food and water.
  2. First aid kits.
  3. Identification tags.
  4. Passports and veterinary clearance/certificates.
  5. Dog carrier.

Note: Make sure that you research your preferred place thoroughly. Even with their size, some hotels may still prohibit entry.