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Can Dogs Eat Raw Pasta Or Spaghetti? 5 Dangers (2023)

Can Dogs Eat Raw Pasta Or Spaghetti

Pasta or spaghetti is such a yummy meal. 


Can you share it with your pooch? 

Or are there dangers of feeding your dog some pasta? 

So, before giving Fido any spaghetti…

Find out the truth below.


Continue reading to learn: 

  • How much spaghetti or pasta is safe for your dog.
  • 5 dangers of eating raw pasta or spaghetti for Fido.
  • 3 vital tips about feeding your pooch this kind of food.
  • And many more…

Can dogs eat raw pasta or spaghetti?

Dogs can eat raw pasta or spaghetti, but only in small amounts. Moreover, ensure that the spaghetti is plain. There should be no sauce or seasonings. Additionally, it can provide carbohydrates for your dog. But, it’s not nutritious enough and it can even pose some health risks. 

Dog ate raw pasta/spaghetti: 5 dangers

#1: Too much energy 

Did you know? Raw pasta has over 1.5 oz (43 g) of carbohydrates

But what exactly does it do for Fido’s body? 

According to research

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for most animals, including dogs. So, a small amount of raw pasta or spaghetti isn’t that harmful to most dogs.

But it still has some issues. 

For example, there are hyperactive dogs.

And in some cases… 

This trait is just natural in their breed. I’m talking about dogs like:

And in other situations… 

Vets say Fido’s diet can make things worse for their energy levels. 

So, what if you already have a hyper pooch? And then you’ll feed them with pasta that gives them more energy? 

Well, the result could be messy. 

For one, Fido would have so much energy. This can make it hard for you to control their behavior. 

And when that occurs…

Your canine pal could turn destructive

But sometimes, it can also be the opposite.

Which means that instead of being too hyper…

Your pooch would lose their energy instead 

Think of it as something like overheating

Let’s say you charged your phone and forgot about it. 

And when you returned…

The battery has been fried due to overcharging. After that, your phone was no longer usable. 

See? This is what happens when your pooch eats pasta or spaghetti. 

That food gives them a lot of energy, thanks to carbohydrates. 

So, as a result, Fido would feel burned out.

Read next: 15 Weird Reasons Why Your Dog Is So Hyper All Of A Sudden

#2: Food allergies 

Your Dog Can Have Food Allergies If He Ate Raw Pasta Or Spaghetti

Did you know? Your dog could also have food allergies. 

And whether it’s raw pasta or spaghetti…

Both could contain ingredients that Fido might be sensitive to. 

For example, a study revealed that food such as:

…are the common things many dogs can be allergic to. 

That said, some pasta is made with whole wheat. And for that reason, not all Fidos can safely eat spaghetti. 

Not to mention…

Spaghetti sauce could also have milk, cheese, or butter. 

And these things can trigger allergies in your pooch. 

Especially since AKC states that most dogs are lactose intolerant.

…Which means they must avoid dairy products.

So for safety, Fido shouldn’t eat spaghetti with sauce.

“How can I tell if my dog has allergies?”

To tell if your pooch has this problem…

VCA shares the symptoms to watch out for:

That aside, most cases of dog allergies are only mild.

So, it should settle down within an hour or two. 

But in case of severe reactions such as:

Then you should bring Fido to the clinic immediately.

Related topic: 5 Reasons Why Your Dog Can’t Eat Cheddar Cheese (Must-Read)

#3: Causes an upset stomach 

Even if your dog has no allergies… 

They could still have an upset tummy. 

That said… 

Some breeds are more prone to have sensitive stomachs.

And a few examples would be: 

So if your pooch is one of those breeds…

That’s more reason to be careful about what you feed them. 

Now, what could raw pasta or spaghetti do to your furry friend? 

In mild cases…

It can only upset your dog’s belly for a few hours. And they’ll become quiet until Fido feels better

That’s whether they have a sensitive tummy or not.

But in more serious cases…

Eating pasta or spaghetti could cause 3 things: 

  • Bloat.
  • Diarrhea. 
  • Constipation.

And let me explain each one of them.


This is also known as GDV

And it stands for gastric dilatation and volvulus.

But what does eating pasta or spaghetti have to do with this? 

One research explains: 

Bloat occurs when food isn’t properly digested. And thus, it can trap gas inside your dog’s belly. 


Science reveals that pasta has a low glycemic index. 

That means it takes longer to digest. 

Also, the water inside pasta can be heavy for Fido’s stomach. Especially if they’re a small dog. 

In that case, it puts them at a higher risk of bloat or GDV.

So to spot this in your pooch…

Here are signs of GDV in dogs, based on vets:

  • Pacing.
  • Panting.
  • Hard belly.
  • Stomach pain.
  • Swollen abdomen.
  • Excessive drooling.

Warning: Big dogs or anxious ones are more prone to bloat. But, it can be fatal for any Fidos. So if you notice any of these signs, contact an expert ASAP.

Check out: 21 Reasons Why Your Dog Suddenly Drools (& Acts Strange)


Specialists say…

A sudden introduction of new food could affect Fido’s gut. 

To simplify, it’s like a shocking change for your pooch’s belly. 

So, the reaction could cause diarrhea. Your pooch might experience this when you feed them pasta suddenly.

And in most cases…

Diarrhea after eating pasta or spaghetti is only temporary. 

That said, the signs could be: 

  • Having runny stools.
  • Increased amount of poop.
  • Defecating more than 5-8 times a day.

These symptoms typically go away in a few hours. 


You should take Fido to the vet if their diarrhea has:

  • Blood.
  • A pungent odor.
  • Abnormal-sized feces.
  • Lasted more than 24 hours.

Warning: These are symptoms of severe diarrhea. And they could be a sign of parasites or viruses. So for safety, take your dog to the clinic.

Need extra tips for handling Fido’s diarrhea? Take notes from this vet: 

Learn more: 9 Reasons Why Your Dog Has Diarrhea At Night + 5 Tips


As the opposite of diarrhea… 

Your pooch might have trouble pooping instead. 

How so? The VCA says: 

Constipation could happen after Fido eats a new food. And once again, pasta is harder to digest. 

So, it can block your furry friend’s gut. 

As a result, Fido will have a hard time pooping

Tip: You can give your dog a belly massage. It can reduce pain and help with mild constipation.

That aside…

There’s also a severe version of this case. 

So, you should worry if Fido shows signs of: 

Warning: These are signs of megacolon in dogs. And it’s the fatal form of constipation. So if you notice any symptoms, seek an expert.

You might be interested in: Help, My Dog Hasn’t Pooped In 4 Days! 15 Reasons + 5 Tips

#4: Obesity


A study from Harvard says that pasta or spaghetti can promote weight gain.

And that’s because they contain refined carbohydrates. 

While it’s good for underweight dogs

It can pose a risk to normal or healthy Fidos. 

That’s because after too much pasta or spaghetti…

They could have a sudden weight gain. What’s worse is it can lead to obesity.

And experts say that obesity puts dogs at risk of:

So, how to tell if your pooch is obese? 

VCA says that if a dog weighs 10 to 20% more than their normal body weight…

Then Fido’s considered obese at that point.

And for convenience, here’s a simple chart:

Your dog’s sizeNormal weightObese
Small12 to 24 lbs (5.4 to 10 kg)24 to 48 lbs (10 to 21 kg)
Medium24 to 59 lbs (10 to 26 kg)48 to 118 lbs (21 to 53 kg)
Large59 lbs to 100 lbs (26 to 45 kg)118 to 200 lbs (53 to 90 kg)

Note: This table refers to the average size of most dogs. 

That said, the normal weight of your pooch could still vary between certain breeds. 

Tip: Not sure what Fido’s weight is? Ask their vet’s clinic for records. 

#5: Hyperglycemia

Just as I briefly mentioned above…

Carbs from raw pasta or spaghetti can cause type-2 diabetes in Fido. 

And that condition is also known as hyperglycemia. 

But what happens if your dog has diabetes? 

Here, I’ve listed the symptoms below:


Vets also say that diabetes has more risks, such as:

See how dangerous this condition is? 

So, if your dog is overweight… 

It’s best to visit the clinic for a proper diagnosis.

And to add more…

Some breeds could be more prone to diabetes.

For awareness, these dogs are:

  • Pulis.
  • Pugs.
  • Poodles.
  • Beagles.
  • Samoyeds.
  • Keeshonds.
  • Dachshunds.
  • Bichon Frises.
  • Terrier breeds.
  • Miniature Schnauzers.

So if your Fido belongs to this list…

Avoid feeding them raw pasta or spaghetti.

Dog ate raw pasta/spaghetti: 3 tips

#1: Make sure it’s plain 

As I mentioned before…

Dogs could have allergies. 

To recap, it’s about the ingredients inside spaghetti. 

So, you should avoid: 

  • Salt.
  • Butter.
  • Wheat.
  • Yogurt. 
  • Cheese.
  • Other seasonings.

But if Fido already ate these things… 

First, don’t panic. 

Just check for signs of allergies.

Need a refresher for that? 

You can scroll up, and you’ll find the symptoms on #2: food allergies. 

From there, you can find out what to do next.

#2: Feed in moderation 

Now… I did say you shouldn’t panic. 

And there’s a reason for that. 

So if you still want to give your dog this kind of food…

Just ensure that you feed them moderately. And that means the amount should be ideal for Fido’s size. 

For example… 

A small pooch could have 2 to 3 bites of raw pasta or spaghetti. But bigger dogs could have twice that number. 

To simplify, consider it like treats for your furry pal. 

And these are only given in perfectly small amounts. 

All in all… 

Fur parents should never give dogs a full plate of pasta or spaghetti.

#3: Take your dog to the vet

Based on the dangers I listed earlier…

Some problems need a vet’s help. 

For example, these conditions could only be checked by professionals:

  • Megacolon.
  • GDV or bloating.
  • Severe diarrhea.
  • Diabetic symptoms.
  • Intense allergic reactions.

So once you visit the clinic, Fido should receive a prescription. 

From there, follow the vet’s guide on treating your pooch.